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But How does ERP work 

ERP ACTUALLY manage informations, in many fields like finance/accounting, manufacturing, sales
and service, CRM, etc. it automate this activity with an integrated software application. To
understand how this application function I invite you to watch this video :

Now, let’s move to ERP modules : there are many modules , but we’ve chosen for you the most
interesting : the first module : ERP Production Planning Module

It’s the process of evolution and Production planning optimized by manufacturing capacity, parts,
components and material resources using historical production data and sales forecasting.

….. the second …… ERP Purchasing Module

Purchase module automates the processes of identifying potential suppliers, negotiating price,
and purchasing order to the supplier,

the third module ……. ERP Sales Module

Sales module controls the functions of order placement, order scheduling, shipping and

The forth module …ERP Market in Module

ERP marketing module supports lead generation, direct mailing campaign and more.

Now , I’ll give the word to my colleague Imrane …. To explain the advantages/disadvantages
of ERP ..

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