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My book’s a teacher,
My computer’s a nerd,
My bible’s a preacher,
My mouth is a bird,
My cat’s a frog,
My mom’s a rat,
My hamster’s a dog,
Now how strange is that?
My blanket’s a coat,
My sock’s a shoe,
My paper’s a note,
Now what are you?

1. My poem “My”, is about objects that are compared to other
objects that are similar to each other. The important idea is that
the poem is being compared between two items.

2. I chose to write this poem because when I thought of writing a

metaphor poem, I remembered that all I have to do is compare
two things that are alike. So I thought it would be easy to write.
And it was.

3. The technical terms I used in my poem are rhyme, repetition,

metaphor, and rhythm.

4. An example for rhyme is teacher and preacher. Then an example

for repetition is the word “My” in the poem because it is used in
basically every sentence. An example for metaphor is “My bible’s
a preacher”. Then for rhythm, an example would be the whole
poem because the rhyme scheme is ababcdcdefef.

Grand Canyon

So I started from my car,

Looking out at the Grand Canyon,
It looked really far,
And miles and miles big,
I stepped out of my car,
And tripped over a twig,
I fell on some rocks,
And it really hurt my face,
When I stood back up,
I felt like I didn’t have that much space,
Because when I looked down,
I was millimeters away from falling,
And I stood there and frowned,
I took a step back,
But I stepped on a tack,
And so I fell forward,
Off the rocky Grand Canyon.

1. This poem is about me falling into the Grand Canyon. The
important idea is that no one should ever park there car a couple
feet away from the edge of a canyon.

2. I chose to write this poem because the night before I wrote this
poem, I had a dream that I fell off the Grand Canyon. So I just
decided to make a narrative poem about it.

3. The technical term I have in this poem is rhyme.

4. An example of rhyme in this poem is big and twig.

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