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Teaching grammar

NOTICE: After finishing these tasks, save this document as this:

yourname_grammartasks.doc (example: pedroperez_grammartasks.doc), the
send it for revision.

As we saw in previous sessions, teaching grammar has to cover tree basic
components: Form (syntax), Meaning (semantics) and Use (Pragmatics ), the
appropriate combination of these three elements lead to grammaticality, that
is, following the rules of grammar.

In the following tasks you will find examples which clarify the importance of
those basic components and the methodology to apply them in class.

Task 1.

Watch the video found in

Answer the questions:

1. What does the presenter suggest to become a great grammar teacher?

Mention at least three things he says.

2. Summarize the 3 aspects of grammar and the examples.

3. What is the function of context?

The lesson:

a) What was the topic in the lesson?

b) What movie did the first student talk about?

c) Mention the steps the teacher followed.

d) How were the form, meaning and use covered in the lesson?

Task 2.

1. Before you do this task, think about this:

• What is a myth?

• What are some myths about teaching grammar?

You are going to read an article titled: Methods for Teaching Grammar,
Demythisizing the Role of Grammar in Today's ESL/EFL Classrooms, found in

2. Answer the following questions after reading the article:

a) What is the first thing a teacher has to ask before teaching grammar?

b) What approach is the author suggesting to use?

c) What should it be the goal of teaching grammar?

d) How did the author deal with mistakes, in the lesson she taught?

• Mention at least three things that you consider relevant from this article.

Task 3.

• After watching the video and reading the article, write you conclusions
and how you can apply the ideas in your classroom.

For further study on teaching grammar methodology:

• A nice article on methodology:
• A discussion on teaching grammar:

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