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David Carapezza

English 9B

Mrs. Gardner

May 23, 2011

Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play composed by Shakespeare in the 15th century.

However, one must wonder how this tragedy could have been avoided. One very

important character who could have changed the whole course of the play is the friar. If

the friar had been wiser in his decision to marry Romeo and Juliet, if he hadn’t been so

deceitful to so many different people and he didn’t give such bad advice, the outcome of

the play could have been dramatically different

A critical mistake the friar made in the play was to go against his better judgment

and marry Romeo and Juliet. If the friar had noticed that the couple was still young and

acting quite overly dramatic and immature, much of the drama that took place in the play

could have been avoided. Also another precaution the friar should have taken was to

warn the parents instead of deceive them behind their backs.

Another bad choice on the friar’s part was his choice to deceive different people

so that trouble on his be-half could be avoided. One of the people (as stated above) that

he deceived was Juliet’s parents by marrying her to Romeo. Another person he deceived

later on in the play was Paris when he tried to convince him to not marry Juliet because

he had already married her to Romeo.

The last and probably most serious mistake that the friar made was his terrible

advice giving. Counseling and giving advice is a very serious thing considering how
obedient the person is and how lightly or heavily they take the advice given. For

example, in the play when the friar suggested that Juliet takes the sleeping potion he had

made instead of telling her mom the truth of what she had done. If he had avoided giving

Juliet the potion then the death of Romeo, Paris, and Juliet all could have been avoided.

Also, another bad advice moment was when he went along with the marriage of the

young couple. If he had avoided going along with their plan of marriage behind their

parents back, then a lot of the drama in this play could have been avoided.

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