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Darkness Consumes, Light Prevails

Loneliness ensues, my sanity refused, I lay here, still, yet unperturbed, as such things are but old news,

The night brought with it the Devil, and he asked of me, "You must side with either good or evil", he smiled, "if you desire to be set free",

I laid there for a while, simply contemplating, Asking of myself, "what do you crave in this current state you're in?"

If darkness were to be, it seemed, my final willed desire, I'd at the end of this lifeline be engulfed in an eternal fire,

If this be my yearn then the remainder of my life would easy, appearing resplendent, But consumed with this allegiance would be my soul and right to repent,

If one walked towards the blinding light, should this be my choice, Life may be filled with turbulence, but gone would be the shackles of the Devil's voice,

At the end of this mortal existence I'll stand at God's golden gates that glisten, We'll talk of my many angsts that reside within and He shall, without question, listen.

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