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Colégio Avalon

Profª: Thátilla Ruanna
7º ano

Avaliação Bimestral de Língua Inglesa

1. Complet with correct word:

Tower – Stadium – bridge - mosque – dam – tower - church

a) The basilica Nosa Senhora de Aparecida is _______________ in the state of

São Paulo

b) Hagia Sophia is a ______________ in Istanbul

c) Itaipu is a _______________ in the state of Paraná

d) Golden Gate is a________________ in the state of Califórnia

e) Maracanã is a _________________ in Brazil

f) The Eiffel______________ is in Paris, France

2. Write at last three example of the material’s Constructions( made of)



3. Write The following numbers in full:

a) 1.700________________________________________________________________

b) 475 _________________________________________________________________



e) 812_________________________________________________________________

f) 2008_________________________________________________________________
4.Write two sentences with can or can’t. (your information)



5. use can ou can’t:

a) Can you speak Italian?


b) Can you driver a bus?


c) Can you play soccer?


d) Can you dance ballet?


6. Use the correct object pronoum ( me, him, her, etc…):

a) Sandra is Ana’s best friend. She calls _______________ every day.

b) Ronaldinho is a famous soccer player. Some people don’t like____________.

c) I need a new t-shirt. Where can I buy_______________?

d) That’s my pen. Can you give it to___________, please?

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