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The Skin

The Intengumentary System is made up of the skin and its various accessory organs, such as the oil and sweat
glands, sensory receptors, hair and nails. The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is a strong, waterproof barrier
designed to protect us from the outside elements. Skin layers, nerves, cellular, functions, hair follicles, and glands all
work together to regulate and protect the body. Our skin is a cell-making factory with miles of blood vessels, millions of
sweat glands, an array of nerves within a network of fibers. It approximately weighs 7lbs and accounts for 15% of our
body weight. It contains ½ to 2/3 of the blood in the body and ½ of the primary immune cells.
Interesting facts on each inch of skin:
 Millions of cells
 15ft of blood vessels
 12ft of nerves
 650 sweat glands
 100 oil glands
 65 hairs
 1,300 nerve endings
The skin has many defense mechanisms to protect the body from injury and invasion of outside elements and
microorganisms. Melanin is the skin protects us from the sun and an amazing feature is the ability to heal itself.

The skin comprised of two parts, the epidermis and the dermis.

The epidermis is made up of 5 layers which is our protective layer that has many nerve endings. These layers composed
of the following:
 Stratum Germinativum- contains melanin
 Stratum Spinosum- holds cells together
 Stratum Granulosum- contains keratin and lipids
 Stratum Lucidum- clear layer found on palms of hands and feet
 Stratum Corneum- hard keratin in hair and nails

The dermis is the live layer of connective tissues below the epidermis which is about 25 times thicker than the epidermis.
It consists of two layers:
 Papillary layer- where the hair follicle behinds
 Recticular layer- protein fibers which give the skin its strength and elasticity
The dermis contains blood and lymph vessels, which supply nourishment within the skin; sebaceous glands (oil)
sudoriferous glands (sweat); nerves and arrector pili muscles that are responsible for goose bumps, which are attached to
follicles in the dermis.

Skin Types
Skin is your largest and most visible organ since it covers the entire body. Having attractive, healthy skin starts from the
inside and reflects on the outside. The first step towards taking proper care of your skin is to determine what type of skin
you are in right now. The American Academy of Dermatology acknowledges several different types of skin. Your skin type
can also change depending upon certain internal factors, such as health problems, hormonal imbalances or taking certain

The following are guidelines to help you identify your particular kind of skin and choose products with all natural skin care
ingredients that are suitable for it:

Normal: This type of skin is neither exceedingly dry nor oily and usually has no blemishes or discolorations. Natural
treatments include chamomile, cypress, camphor, rose, lavender, rosemary, sweet almond oil, grape seed and soy.

Dry: If your skin is flaky, ashy, and tight but lacking in elasticity, you have dry skin. Herbal remedies include orange,
jasmine, carrot seed, avocado, calendula, rose hips and rice bran.

Oily: Skin that appears slick or shiny with enlarged pores is considered oily. A tissue rubbed against this skin will have
oily residue on it from all areas of your face. Helpful herbs include lemongrass, peppermint, thyme, cedar wood,
geranium, patchouli, hazelnut, olive and refined coconut oil.

Combination: If you have combination skin, your forehead, chin and nose are oily and there are dry patches near your
hair and jaw lines. When you rub a tissue on your skin and only the "t-zone" areas around your forehead, nose and chin
yield oily residue, then you surely have combination skin. Holistic solutions for combination skin include ylang ylang,
rosewood, sweet orange, jojoba and apricot.

Acne-prone: Skin with enlarged pores that is disposed to clogging, blackheads, whiteheads, cysts and redness is acne-
prone. Herbal remedies such as tea tree oil, manuka, basil, mint, grapefruit, coriander, lime, hazelnut and grape seed are
often used for acne-prone skin.

Sensitive: This type of skin is often blotchy and prone to redness, rashes and irritation. Natural treatments with rose,
jasmine, carrot, almond, sesame, calendula and jojoba have been effective and are usually non-irritating.

Alkaline Water is another simple, all natural skin care solution for people with all types of skin to keep hydrated. Experts
have found that healthy skin is promoted by consuming water equal to half of your body weight in ounces. For example,
if you weigh 150 pounds, you would drink 75 ounces of water a day for maximum health benefits. Furthermore, the
simplest and most effective skin care regime includes a using a gentle cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen all year round.

By figuring out your individual skin type, you can incorporate all natural skin care products into a simple routine to
enhance the health of your skin so that you can look and feel your best everyday.


Most of the time acne is caused by the sebaceous glands at the base of the hair follicles of the skin secreting too much
sebum - an oily substance released from the pores to keep the skin lubricated and healthy. When too much sebum is
produced or it gets clogged it can form hard plugs that block the pores and produce pimples. A localized bacterial
infection can develop when these oil plugs rupture beneath the skin's surface. What causes an overproduction of sebum?
Hormonal imbalances are a common cause of an overproduction of sebum. This is common in adolescence, especially in
In females, menstrual periods or pregnancy can also create hormonal disturbances that can lead to breakouts. Other
common triggers include emotional stress, irritation of the skin, and certain medications, particularly steroids,
contraceptives, or any drugs that affect hormone levels.
There is some evidence that skin eruptions can be brought on or aggravated by certain foods or food allergies as well.
There are many useful herbs for acne here is a few:

Specific Herbs for Acne

ALOE GEL has astringent & antibacterial properties and is applied topically.
CALENDULA promotes healing of skin tissue. You can make a strong infusion of this herb and use as a facial was or
steam. It is also available in creams.
LAVENDER compresses are used to relieve inflammation.
ROSEWATER is applied topically for pain & inflammation.
TEA TREE OIL is a powerful antiseptic but must be diluted before applying to skin.
WALNUT LEAF is a useful astringent skin wash.
WITCH HAZEL has antibacterial & astringent properties.
ECHINACEA tincture taken internally promotes healing, reduces inflammation.
GOLDENSEAL is an antimicrobial which stops oozing.

Another common cause of outbreaks is a sluggish liver. When the liver is not functioning optimally it cannot clear excess
hormones. When trying to clear acne it is important to balance the hormones and cleanse the liver.
BURDOCK ROOT and DANDELION contain insulin which improves the skin by removing bacteria.

MILK THISTLE is the most commonly used herb for cleansing and strengthening the liver. It also helps remove excess
hormones through the stool by stimulating bile production.
Traditionally this condition has responded well to a combination of herbs.

When treating acne it is important to take a two-fold approach:

Internally and Topically

Generally speaking, just treating the skin topically does not address the internal causes of acne and skin eruptions.

Internally, a good combination for cleansing the liver and blood would be a tincture of MILK THISTLE and DANDELION.
The traditional dosage is 30 drops in a little water 3 times daily.

Topically, you can combine any number of herbs such as CALENDULA, LAVENDER, TEA TREE OIL, WITCH HAZEL and
ROSEWATER, depending on the specific condition of your skin.

 Apply the paste of ripe tomatoes into the acne spots and keep it there for about an hour before washing out.
 Soak lettuce in water. Wash the face with this water.
 Fresh mint juice applied to the face before going to bed could cure acne in an instant.
 A glass of fresh wheat grass juice for several days could be a good and effortless way to get rid of acne
 Take orange peel and apply the extract into acne spots.
 Mix cinnamon powder and honey to form a paste. Gently and generously apply this paste into the skin before
going to bed; then leave it overnight. Wash it first thing in the morning.

Eczema is a chronic skin condition in which the skin becomes inflamed, dry, scaly and red. The loss of moisture on the
upper layer makes the skin susceptible to bacteria, viruses and infections. Eczema is a condition where there are periods
of acute flareups and periods of remission where no symptoms are present. Heredity, allergies, toxins, compromised
immune function and environmental factors are all causes. There are many natural treatments that can help manage
acute episodes and help prevent future ones.

Herbal Treatments to Be Applied Externally

Many external herbal treatments are available that can alleviate the discomfort of outbreaks. Avena oats and aloe
gel soothe the skin and relieve inflammation. Calendula and witch hazel creams lessen inflammation and redness.
Licorice, chickweed and chamomile creams stop itching and prevent the skin from becoming hard. Copaiba oil
provides quick relief from inflammation and fights bacteria. Marshmallow root cream and Black walnut extract

Internal Herbal Treatments

Burdock regulates the immune system; Original Herbal Remedies Immune Tonic tincture; Oregon grape root
removes toxins from the body and relieves inflammation; Sarsaparilla is a strong anti-inflammatory; Green tea is
high in antioxidants and prevents inflammation; Cat's claw is useful for fighting inflammation, fungus and
bacteria; Reishi mushroom is good for controlling inflammation and is well-known for its immune-stimulating
properties; Olive leaf is well-known for its antibacterial and antifungal action; Milk thistle is a prime herbal
supplement for detoxification.

In many cases, herbal treatments can greatly improve psoriasis. This skin condition causes cells to grow too quickly,
producing reddish lesions and silvery scales that pile up and flake off. Itching and bleeding are common. Psoriasis can
come and go, and just when you think you have it under control, there it is again! The longer you’ve had it, the longer it
may take to clear up, so have patience.

For an external treatment, Saraparilla root spray on the skin or use a salve or cream that contains skin-healing herbs
such as calendula (Calendula officinalis) and St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) with essential oils of tea tree and
lavender. Apply the salve twice daily directly on the psoriasis. Another good idea is to wash with herbal cleansers
designed for dry skin instead of soap, which can irritate and dry the skin more. Exposure to direct sunlight (or a long-
wave ultraviolet light lamp) is effective as well.

Correcting abnormal liver function is important in the treatment of psoriasis. One of the liver’s many jobs is to filter and
detoxify the blood, and when that’s not happening efficiently, the result can manifest itself on the skin. Some liver herbs
favored by Original Herbal Remedies to treat psoriasis include burdock (Arctium lappa) and milk thistle (Silybum
marianum) and Liver Gall Bladder Tea. There also might be a connection with your immune system and to food allergies.
You can treat both your liver and immune system with bupleurum root (Bupleurum chinensis) and pau d’arco bark
(Tabebuia spp.) or Original Herbal Remedies Immune Tonic or Immune Support Teas.

Stress usually worsens psoriasis, so taking relaxing herbs such as valerian (Valeriana officinalis) will help. Licorice root
(Glycyrrhiza glabra) and evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis), taken internally, help reduce skin inflammation. Also
Original Herbal Remedies Stress Relief Tea.

Rosacea is a little understood inflammatory skin condition that causes redness and flushing of the face. It generally
affects women between the ages of 30 and 60, but men have their share of this painful condition too.

As rosacea symptoms progress, small red bumps can appear on the skin. Some of the bumps may develop pus so that
they resemble acne. If left untreated, the skin can become thickened. More advanced rosacea can also thicken the skin of
the nose.

Rosacea also can affect the eyes, creating redness, itching, burning, dryness, sensitivity to light and a feeling like there is
sand in your eyes. About half of all people with rosacea suffer with ocular rosacea as well. Ocular rosacea requires
medical attention in order to protect your vision.

Symptoms and Treatments for Rosacea

Even though medical science has not yet discovered effective rosacea cures that will completely eliminate the symptoms,
there are many treatments available to reduce the symptoms. Symptoms of rosacea include:

 A tendency to flush easily

 Red patches on your face
 Red bumps or pus filled eruptions on your face
 Spider veins and small blood vessels
 Thickened skin
 Red, itchy, watery eyes

Conventional medical rosacea treatments include:

 Laser therapy
 Light Therapies
 Antibiotics
 Topical medications

These treatments are not rosacea cures at they do not address the root of the problem, but they can help manage your
symptoms. Some people manage to have a remission of their rosacea symptoms for years using these approaches.
Natural Cure for Rosacea

The functioning of our skin is connected with the rest of our body. Many people who suffer from rosacea have discovered
natural and holistic methods that have helped them to reduce or eliminate their symptoms without the side effects that
are common with most medical treatments. These include:

 Naturopathic Medical Treatment

 Homeopathic Treatment
 Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
 Nutritional supplements, digestive enzymes and acidophilus
 Eliminating processed foods and eating whole, natural foods
 Switching to non-toxic, hypoallergenic skin care products

Diet for Rosacea

Many people discover that when their digestion isn't optimal, they tend to have more skin eruptions and flare ups.
Naturopathic physicians use a dietary approach to treat a number of different chronic skin conditions.

One way to see if the food you are eating is triggering your rosacea is to go on an elimination diet for a month. Eliminate
sugar, alcohol, caffeine, wheat, refined flours and dairy products for a few weeks to see whether your condition improves.
Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and pure water, which will help your body to rejuvenate and heal. If
you have a more serious case of rosacea may want to consider being tested for food allergies. It is sometimes the foods
we love the most that can cause us the most problems!

Drinking fresh vegetable juices or blender drinks such as "green smoothies" are a great way to get a lot of fresh fruits
and vegetables. These are very alkalizing for the body which helps to calm down inflammation and redness.

Home Remedies for Rosacea

If your skin is too sensitive for some of the rosacea medications out there, consider using some natural and home
remedies for rosacea. One of the most popular and most effective rosacea home remedies is apple cider vinegar. Dilute
with water. dab on your face and let it dry. Some people also take the apple cider vinegar internally, in amounts from one
to three tablespoons several times a day.

There are also herbal remedies for rosacea, and nutritional supplement programs that can help your body and your skin
to naturally balance so that it is less likely to flare up into an outbreak.

There are so many natural ways you can create your own rosacea cures! These are some beginning suggestions that will
help you to not only control your rosacea outbreaks, but also to enjoy a more radiant and healthy complexion.

If you look at it for what it is, Cellulite is not nice. Lumpy derriere's and legs can be offputting for most women when
looking at themselves in a swimsuit but cellulite isn't their fault by any means. It is created by abnormal patterns of
elastic fibers and collagen under the skin (the dermis layer) that are present in females. It can also be formed by a
regular breakdown of cells in the human body that occur with age. An average of 9 in every 10 women suffer from
cellulite and most deem it bemusing that nobody happens to know how to get rid of cellulite, but it can be done and
is really relatively simple when you know how! Lots of females would kill for a firm and sleek body like the models they
see in magazines, the beautiful actresses and the music video vixens they see on the television. In the long and hard
mission for the longed-after body, many so-called strategies they try fail to work, i.e. fad diets and fat burning tablets. A

few women have found however that temporarily starving their bodies causes them to lose a few kilos, but the cellulite
always stays where it is! This can't be a good way to treat the body.

How To Get Rid of Cellulite - What the Masses Believe

[1] - Join a Gym
While trying to get rid of cellulite, a good, long-term method is to carry out toning exercises. Just 30 minutes to quarter
of an hour of your day carrying out simple firming exercises such as jogging, swimming, jumping jacks and squats will
tone up the body as well as increasing blood flow and circulation. This will be successful long term, but requires a lot of
effort and will-power.
[2] - Go On A Diet Plan
It can take an extremely long time to see a noticeable reduction in cellulite while dieting. This popular method might
cause you to lose pounds if you stick to a diet plan such as the Atkins diet, Acai berry diet or Cayenne pepper diet, but
you will only notice the cellulite melt away if you eliminate sugary, toxin-filled foods. Cellulite feeds on processed &
unnatural substances so adhering to a non-toxin diet will shrink your cellulite but again requires an immense amount of
self-discipline and will-power.
[3] - Detoxify and Cleanse your Body
As mentioned above, cellulite is made up of unwanted fluid, fat and toxins. In order to get rid of cellulite, you have to
initially get rid of the toxins to allow the fat dissolve more easily. Detoxing will entail the following:
 Eliminating processed foods (foods high in fat & articially sweetened foods) from your diet

 Eating fruit and vegetables daily - preferably eat fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch and lean protein (meat) with
vegetables in the evening
 Eliminating alcohol & caffeine - Spirits, beers, wine and caffeine drinks (such as coffee and Red Bull) cause toxins to
build up in the body quite rapidly, which will have the opposite desire of a detox and will in-effect help cellulite to form
 Drinking 8 glasses of water per day (i.e. 2 litres) - This will cleanse the body of toxins

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are thin lines that develop due to rapid growth, be it excessive weight gain or loss, muscle build-up, or
sudden growth periods. They may also arise due to hormonal fluctuations and engaging in activities that puts pressure
and tension on the skin.

There are different factors that can contribute to stretch marks:

1. Rapid Changes in Body Weight

If you put on muscles and/or fat, your skin will definitely stretch. If you overdo it, your skin will reach the limit of its
elasticity and thus start to tear when it gets overstretched. If you really need to gain weight, then you should do it wisely.
Instead of eating just any food that you want, avoid those that are rich in saturated fat. Binge on protein and
carbohydrates-rich food instead. You should also engage in regular exercise in order to control your weight and keep it
steady. Remember, if your body grows at a super fast rate, your skin wouldn’t be able to keep up with it and the result is
the formation of stretch marks.

2. Nutritional Deficiencies

You should have a well-balanced diet. But if you’re not sure that you’re getting the daily recommended allowance of
vitamins and minerals, you should take nutritional supplements. Here are the following vitamins and minerals that have
an effect on the overall health of your skin:

Vitamin A
This vitamin promotes the regeneration of skin. It also plays a part in maintaining healthy hair, nails, and bones.
Moreover, it aids in the repair of injured tissues. Studies have shown that when vitamin A is directly applied on the skin,
the epidermis is kept saturated with the vitamin and thus becomes conditioned. At the same time, studies have shown

that vitamin A increases the production of collagen and improves the elasticity of the skin. Vitamin A thus helps keep
stretch marks at bay.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C plays a huge role in the healing of wounds. As you know, stretch marks scars that arise when the tears in the
skin heal. When you take the right dosage of vitamin C, the wounds of your skin will easily heal. In addition, vitamin C is
required in the production of collagen and acts as a substance that keeps the structure of your skin stronger.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps delay anti-aging and sagging of the skin. It is also used to expedite the healing of
wounded tissues.
This mineral is probably the most important supplement in preventing stretch marks since it promotes the synthesis of
collagen. Collagen is a type of protein that bonds the tissues of our skin together. When you have enough collagen in
your body, you will have fewer stretch marks.

3. Heredity

Some people have a genetic predisposition for having stretch marks. This can easily be identified because of their family

4. Skin Type

Stretch marks will most likely manifest when your skin is dry and flaky since its elasticity is really low. You may use
stretch mark creams and lotions to improve your skin’s condition.

Some Home Remedies for Stretch Marks

1. Natural shea butter is a good source of vitamins A and E, which are both good for skin health. Rub shea butter on the
areas with stretch marks several times a day to expedite the healing process.

2. Aloe Vera is known for its healing and soothing properties for burns. Some people claim that it does the same thing for
stretch marks since these marks are also a form of skin injury. The following recipe utilize aloe vera and other natural
ingredients in order to make a massage oil for the prevention and/or treatment of stretch marks:

- ¼ cup aloe vera gel

- ½ cup olive oil
- 2 capsules of vitamin A (use only the liquid inside)
- 4 capsules of vitamin E (use only the liquid inside)
- Using a blender, mix all the ingredients. Store the mixture in an airtight container overnight in the fridge. Apply the
massage oil onto affected areas as needed.

3. Cocoa butter is a popular stretch mark treatment. However, it is most probably not that effective in penetrating deeply
into the dermis (the middle layer of our skin.) But like other moisturizing ingredients, it is good for keeping the skin well-
hydrated and soft at all times. The following recipe uses cocoa butter in order to make a stretch mark cream:

- ½ cup cocoa butter

- 1 teaspoon apricot kernel oil
- 2 teaspoons grated beeswax
- 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
- 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil

Combine all ingredients and heat them until the beeswax and cocoa butter melt. Allow it to cool then store in an airtight
container. Massage the cream onto affected areas as needed.

4. Daily massages are also a good stretch mark treatment. A massage will increase circulation and promote skin renewal.
Include massages in your daily routine. Rub natural oils on your problem areas right after you take a shower and before
going to bed. This is where Cameron Richards comes in the licensed Massage Therapist.

Aging Skin
Aging is a natural process that we have little control of. But unlike your age, it is much easier to defy the signs of skin
aging and ensure that your skin looks bright, healthy and radiant even when you are on the other side of the age-meter.

Old age is a very scary thought to most people. Among the various problems that are associated with advancing age, one
of the most common is the loss of good looks that sets in.

Old age is almost synonymous with wrinkles on the face, which provides a very disagreeable look to a once-beautiful
person. Of course, there are many cosmetic ways of treating wrinkles today – like the famous botox operations – but
these are somewhat risky operations, which could lead to some side effects.

The search for maintaining eternal physical and mental youth of a person has been a vital part of the studies of Ayurveda.
Of course, age cannot be conquered by any means. But the studies of over five millennia have brought forth some good
herbal remedies by which wrinkles can be avoided from the face.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Preventing and Treating Wrinkles

Some herbal home remedies for the treatment of wrinkles (all developed by Ayurveda) are:-

1. Prepare a paste of turmeric and sweeten it with sugarcane juice. Apply this regularly on the wrinkled skin.
2. Apply pure castor oil on the wrinkle every night before going to bed.
3. Use a gentle face massage on the wrinkles with coconut oil every night before going to bed.
4. Prepare a paste of ginger and honey. Have this each morning before brushing your teeth. Continuous intake of this
mixture will prevent wrinkles for as long as it is possible.
5. Lemon and amalaki (Indian gooseberry) both contain a great deal of vitamin C. You must use these to rub on the
wrinkles several times a day. You will not only be rid of wrinkles, but your skin will also become suppler and get a
youthful sheen on it.
6. Cucumbers are also a good therapy. You can shred some cucumbers and strain the pieces through a sieve. The residue
you get must be applied on the face. Leave it on for about half an hour, and then wash it off. Within only about a dozen
such applications, you will find the wrinkles starting to crease out.
7. Apply a juice of fresh pineapples and apples daily on the skin. This removes the wrinkles from the skin and makes it
look younger.
8. Put some rosemary leaves in two cups of water. Boil them down to half the amount. Then take down from the flame
and add half a cup of brandy to it. Strain this mixture and apply it twice a day onto the wrinkled skin.

Dietary Guidelines for Preventing Wrinkles

Having a healthy diet is very important to maintain the youthfulness of the skin. The following are some dietary

1. Maintain the proper moisture balance of your skin at all times. This can be done by simply having six to eight glasses
of water in a day.
2. Focus on a healthy diet with the proper vitamin composition. Vitamins are very important to maintain the health of
your skin. Vitamins of the B complex are the most important – which are found in green leafy vegetables, whole grain
cereals, chicken, eggs, beef, etc – followed by vitamins A, C and E.
3. Your diet must be balanced. Do not lean on an excess of any one type of food. As you grow older, you must cut down
on the amount of food you eat, but must eat only natural foods, with minimal oil and spices. You must have a good
amount of fruits in your daily consumption.

General Tips for Preventing Wrinkles
The following are some tips and pointers to avoid early wrinkles on the face: -

1. Avoid sleeping on the side or the belly. If the face is in constant contact with the pillow, chances are that it will develop
wrinkles soon. Hence, you must make a habit of sleeping on your belly.
2. Do not expose yourself too much to the sun. That can also cause wrinkles early on.
3. Protect your eyes at all times from direct sunlight. This will make your eyes strain, developing crows’ feet around them.
Crows’ feet are the precursors of wrinkles.
4. Remaining stress free is very important, because stress can cause wrinkles easily. Keep your mind free through yogic
therapies. Begin your day with yoga, and practice it for at least half an hour each day.
5. It has also been found that smokers get wrinkles must faster than nonsmokers. Hence, smoking must be avoided. The
same can be said about alcoholism. When one consumes alcohol, the face puffs up. As it returns back to normal, the skin
becomes loosened, developing wrinkles in the long run.
6. Be careful when you enroll in weight loss programs. Sudden weight loss leads to wrinkles on the skin.
7. When washing your face, never rub too hard. Do not use strong soaps. Use lime soap if available. This must be done
from early youth. Lime soaps will also take care of pimples, blackheads and other facial problems. Also, you must not
wash your face with warm water. Use water that is at normal temperature.

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