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Acne:- Causes and Treatments

Acne in today’s world has become the most common skin condition.

It is eighth most prevalent condition world wide and affects about 85% of people around the globe.
Acne mostly occurs around the age of puberty but in some cases acne may appear after teenage, what
we call as Adult acnes or Hormonal acne.

When you have acne it feels like you are the only person without a clear complexion and also causes a
bad impression on your confidence.

A lot acne treatments today do not address the real cause of these tiny red bumps. So before you treat
them you must know the cause of acne.

Causes of Acne

Well, there are zillions of reason why you could have acne. Our skin has Sebaceous gland that produces
oil and sebum. Sebum helps in lubrication of skin as well as protects our skin. But due to certain
conditions such as A bad diet, Poor skin care routine, Stress, Overuse of cosmetics or using bad quality
cosmetics, Drugs, Dust and Pollution etc lead to excess sebum production through the follicular pores
and clogs the pore and thus the follicular is plugged and further leads to growth of a bacteria known as
Propionibacterium acnes or P.acnes. Although bacteria does not causes acne but plays a major role in
development of acne.

The inbuilt defence mechanism of our body: The WBCs attack P.acnes leading to inflammation of skin
and acne. Inflammation near the skin surface produces pustule, deeper inflammation results in a
papules( pimple), if the inflammation is more deep still, it forms a cyst.

Acne Treatment

To have a crystal clear and glowing skin you probably just need to make some changes to your lifestyle
and just a few simple natural remedies can help you get rid of stubborn acne.

Below are some ways to get rid of acne:-

1. Skin Care Routine and A Healthy Diet

Following a skin care regime and consuming healthy stuff is all you need to start with acne
treatment. A good and a healthy diet will not only clear your acne but will also make you healthy
and energized from inside. Therefore a Healthy and Good diet is must to make you achieve your
goal of clear skin. Besides a good diet a skin care regime may help you to externally clear your
Here is a skin care routine you can follow:-

• Cleansing:- Clean your skin with a good cleanser at least twice a day.
• Toner:- Use a good toner to hydrate your skin and to prepare your face for
ingredients to be absorbed later on.
• Serum:- Applying a good serum is key to healthy skin ( VITAMIN C Serum can be
used unless you are allergic to it) Serums not only hydrate and moisturize your
skin but also brings glow to your face.
• Moisturize:- A moisturizer keeps skin hydrated and moisturized throughout the
• Sunscreen:- Apply sunscreen whenever you go out in sun. It protects your skin
from harmful UV rays, radiations, prevents tanning and Skin burn.

2. Using Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial and anti inflammatory oil and has potential to kill P. acnes,
the cause of acne. It is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia .
Tea tree oil tends to reduce the swelling and redness of pimples.
Some studies suggest that Tea tree oil works as 5% benzoyl peroxide, which very commonly
used to cure acne.

How to use Tea Tree oil:-

• Mix 1 part of Tea Tree oil and 9 parts of water.

• With the help of cotton apply the mixture only on affected areas.
• Let it dry and afterwards apply moisturizer if desired.

Do this twice a day and you will see results within a week.

3. Green tea and Aloe Vera Ice cubes

Yes, you read it right. Green tea and aloe Vera can correct your acne. We all know about
countless benefits of ice cubes. Ice cubes are used over wounds as they reduce swelling and
inflammation and in the same way they work on acne.
Green tea on drinking may not cure acne but on applying it on face it shows magical effects.

Green tea is very high in antioxidants as well as aloe Vera is known to be anti inflammatory.
Applying green tea and aloe Vera ice cubes has been shown to treat acne.
This is because the flavonoids and tannins in Green tea along with antioxidants and moisturizing
property of aloe Vera are known to help fight bacteria and reduce inflammation to a great
extent, which are major cause of acne.

How to make Green tea and Aloe Vera ice cubes:-

• Boil green tea in water for about 3-4 minutes.

• Allow it to cool.
• Extract aloe Vera gel from Aloe Vera plant.
• Mix the two together and place the mixture in an ice tray for about 1-2 hrs.
• Once the ice cubes are ready apply them on your face, neck and other
affected parts.

Do this at least 2 times a day. You will see results within a week.

(In case you are allergic to Aloe Vera, you can simply make Green tea ice cubes and apply)

4. Honey and Cinnamon Mask

Both Honey and Cinnamon are excellent sources of antioxidants. They contain Vitamin B-3,
linoleic (omega-6) fatty acid and Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate(SAP) which is Vitamin C derivative.
They have been known to fight P.acnes and reduce inflammation.

How to make this mask:-

• Mix 2 tablespoons Honey and 1 teaspoon Cinnamon together to form a paste.

• Clean your face with a cleanser and apply this mask on your face and other affected
parts and leave for about 10-15 minutes.
• Rinse off the mask completely and pat dry your face.

(You can also add turmeric to this mask as it has healing properties and can help to heal
acne. Be careful do not add too much turmeric as it may irritate your skin and make
your face look yellowish due it’s colour)

5. Reduce Stress and Exercise Daily

Stress is one of the major cause of almost all the problems today’s world. Stress mostly cause
Adult acne which are also known as Hormonal Acne and mostly recognized by appearance on
chin and jaw line area. Our body releases stress hormone when we are stressed. This stress
hormones also know as Cortisol is a steroid hormone and excess production of this hormone can
cause hormonal imbalance as well as PCOD/PCOS (in females) and affects menstrual cycle and
metabolic rate. Due to all these condition acne also appear on skin and thus it also becomes one
of the cause of acne.
Moreover Stress slows down healing process by 40% , so even if you are trying to treat acne
unless you don’t reduce stress the remedy won’t work.

Some ways to reduce stress:-

• Get more sleep.

• Do exercise and engage in any physical activity.
• Practice Yoga
• Meditate
• Think positive and take a deep breath.

Beside reducing stress you must exercise daily as it promotes blood circulation throughout your
body. The increased blood flow nourishes and heals acne. Exercise also decrease stress and
So it is necessary to exercise for 20-30 minutes 5 days in a week.

Some Pro tips to cure acne:-

• Drink at least 2-3 litres of water daily.
• Take 8hrs sleep.
• Do not overstress.
• Eat healthy.
• Use good quality cosmetics.
• Remove makeup and clean your face before going to bed.

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