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Dosen Pengampu:

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S., M. Hum.

Arranged By:

Tarisa Safira L







A. Kinds of Facial Skin Problems

1. Acne

Acne is one of the most common facial skin problems. It seems that almost everyone has
experienced acne on their skin, especially during puberty or during menstruation.

The cause of acne itself is due to hormonal changes that produce skin oil. As a result of
this change, the pores of the facial skin become clogged which then triggers the growth of
bacteria. These bacteria then form pimples on the face.
However, acne can also be caused by other factors, such as:
• Use of inappropriate facial cleansing products
• The wrong diet
• Heredity (genetic)

2. Oily Skin

Oily skin is another problem that is often experienced by facial skin. This happens
because of a hormonal imbalance, which triggers excess sebum production. Sebum is a substance
that functions to regulate skin moisture.

Excessive sebum production that triggers oily skin is caused by a number of factors, including:

• Genetics
• •Age
• Enlargement of facial pores
• •Changes in the weather
• Do not use skin moisturizer
• Cleaning (exfoliating) the face excessively
• Use of inappropriate skincare
• Stress
• Eating foods with a high glycemic index (sugars, carbohydrates, and saturated fats)

3. Dull skin

For those of you who often do outdoor activities, dull facial skin may have become a
daily 'food'. Yes, this happens because the skin must be exposed to sunlight, dust, and other
pollution that comes from motor vehicle fumes.

Dull skin certainly interferes with your appearance, right? Fortunately, this condition can
be easily overcome by washing your face with soap and clean water. Or, you can use a special
facial cleansing tissue. Don't forget to wear a mask when you are outside to minimize dust and
dirt on your face.

4. Black Spots
Black spots are also one of the various facial skin problems that are often complained of.
The appearance of black spots is due to excessive melanin production. Melanin is a substance
that is responsible for forming skin color pigments.

Generally, the accumulation of melanin is triggered by inflammation (inflammation) in

the skin. Inflammation itself occurs due to a number of factors, such as:

• Sun exposure
• Use of birth control pills
• Endocrine disorders
• Addison's disease
• Pregnancy

5. Wrinkles on the Face

Wrinkles on the face are common with aging. Usually, this facial skin problem begins
with the appearance of fine lines.

However, there are a number of non-age factors that contribute to the appearance of
wrinkles on the facial skin, including:

• Sun exposure
• Rarely exercise
• Rarely drinking water

6. Blackheads

One of the various problems on the facial skin that is also common is blackheads.
Blackheads are formed from dead skin cells and oil that collect and clog pores.

There are several causes of blackheads on the face, namely:

• Bacteria
• Hormonal changes
• Irritation of facial skin pores
• Taking medications (corticosteroids, lithium, birth control pills, etc.)
• Using cosmetic products containing isopropyl myristate and propylene glycol
• Consumption of fatty foods
• Moist skin

7. Milia

Milia is a problem on the facial skin when there is a kind of cyst filled with keratin under
the skin. Generally, milia occur in areas of facial skin such as under the eyes and chin.

There are several risk factors for the emergence of milia, which are as follows:

• Dead skin trapped in pores

• Clogged sweat ducts
• Skin infections
• Skin hygiene is not maintained properly
• Lack of sleep
• Smoking habit


1. Acne
• Rutin bersihkan wajah
• Jangan memencet jerawat
• Kurangi pemakaian skincare dengan kadar lemaknya tinggi
• Cuci wajah dengan benar
• Gunakan obat jerawat

2. Oily Skin
• Do double cleansing
• Avoid washing your face with hot water
• Exfoliate as part of your routine
• Add serum to your skincare routine then
• Use a face mask
• Maximize moisturizing
• Stimulate collagen growth with retinoids
• Wear sunscreen every day

3. Dull skin
• Wash Your Face Regularly

Washing your face regularly (morning and night) can reduce the amount of oil on the
skin. However, it is also important to have the right facial washing products to deal with oily
skin, for example by having products that are oil free. Content that can be used include:

 Salicylic acid.
 Glycolic acid.
 Beta-hydroxy acid.
 Benzoyl peroxide.

• Use Toner

After the skin is clean and free of makeup, dirt, and oil, it is recommended that you use
an exfoliate toner that contains ingredients such as:

 Salicylic acid.
 Glycolic acid.
 Lactic acid.

• Pat your face dry

When drying the face after washing and using toner, it is recommended to pat the skin
gently with a soft towel. However this must be done with care.

Wiping the skin with a towel or roughly is not recommended. Because this method can
actually stimulate the skin to make more sebum.

• Use a Face Mask Once a Week

Certain face masks are useful for treating oily skin. The ingredients of a face mask that
are suitable for oily skin are:

1. Clay. Masks containing minerals such as smectite or bentonite can absorb oil and reduce
skin gloss and sebum levels without irritating the skin. Use the mask only occasionally to
prevent the skin from drying out, and apply moisturizer afterward.
2. Honey. A study reports that natural raw honey has antibacterial and antiseptic qualities.
Honey face masks can reduce acne and oily skin, while keeping skin soft.
3. Oatmeal. A mask containing colloidal oatmeal can help cleanse the skin. Oats contain
saponins, which are gentle cleansing compounds, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory
compounds that can soothe irritated skin.

• Apply Facial Moisturizer

Moisturizing is a very important step if you have oily skin. It should be understood, even
though oily facial skin must still be moisturized. This applies to all skin types. It's just that
owners of oily facial skin types must be more careful in choosing the type of moisturizer used.

Well, be sure to choose a moisturizing product with the following criteria:

 Light.
 Oil free.
 Water based

4. Black Spots
• Papaya

Getting rid of dark spots can be done using exfoliation from papaya fruit. It contains
AHA which is able to remove dead skin cells and increase collagen production, so that dark
spots fade.

• Turmeric
The skin can inhibit the production of skin melanin which causes dark spots due to
hyperpigmentation. The trick is to use a turmeric mask mixed with honey.

• Almond Oil

Vitamin E and niacin can help remove dark spots and improve skin tone. Almond oil is
non-comedogenic which will not clog pores and cause skin inflammation.

• Yogurt

The next way to get rid of dark spots can be done using yogurt. It contains lactic acid or
AHA, which can improve skin tone and fade dark spots due to aging.

• Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which can provide skin protection against the sun. In
addition to tomatoes, you can also use guava, grapefruit, watermelon, and red peppers.

5. Wrinkles on the Face

• Use sunscreen

Although it can't get rid of wrinkles on the face instantly, using sunscreen every day,
especially when doing outdoor activities is important because it can reduce the appearance of
wrinkles on the face.

Sunscreen is also good for long-term skin health. In fact, the use of a sunscreen with an
SPF of at least 30 is also known to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

• Limit sugar intake

Sweet foods and drinks are often a favorite for some people. Not only delicious, foods
and drinks with high sugar content are also believed to increase energy and improve mood.

However, excessive consumption of sugar or carbohydrates can also damage and reduce
collagen production in the skin, making the skin more dull and wrinkled. Therefore, you need to
limit your sugar intake to keep your skin looking young.

• Stop smoking

If you are an active smoker, it is recommended to stop smoking from now on if you want
wrinkles on your face to not increase. This is important to note because cigarettes contain toxic
chemicals that can damage skin cells and trigger the appearance of signs of premature aging.

• Eat healthy food

The next natural way to get rid of wrinkles on the face is to eat healthy foods, such as
foods that contain omega-3, protein, or beta carotene.

This is because the omega-3 content can protect the skin and lock in skin moisture, so
that the skin is smoother and wrinkle-free. Meanwhile, beta carotene is an antioxidant so it can
protect the skin from exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays.

Beta carotene is easily obtained in various types of food, such as sweet potatoes, carrots,
or kale.

• Drink enough water

To prevent and improve wrinkles on the face, you also need to drink enough water, which
is about 2 liters or the equivalent of 8 glasses every day. This habit is good for maintaining skin's
natural moisture and preventing dry and aging skin due to lack of fluids or dehydration.

To prevent dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles, you also need to limit your intake of
drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol. Both types of drinks are known to make the skin dry
faster when consumed in excess.

• Use natural masks

The use of natural masks can reduce wrinkles on the face, even helping the skin look
more supple and healthy. Some natural ingredients that can help get rid of wrinkles on the face
are aloe vera, bananas, rice, honey, and egg whites.

6. Blackheads
• Don't Press
• Avoid Products Containing Benzoyl Peroxide
• Use Salicylic Acid
• Toothpaste
• Egg whites
• Clay Mask
• Use Noncomedogenic Products
• Charcoal Mask

7. Milia
• Clean your face properly
• Exfoliate regularly
• Apply retinol cream
• Use products containing rose water or manuka honey


1. Dandruff

A common scalp disease is dandruff. Dandruff can be annoying because it causes itching.
Dandruff is one of the most common scalp diseases. Dandruff is a collection of dead skin cells
that slough off, then form flakes.

This scalp problem is generally caused by uncontrolled fungal growth on the scalp.
People who are lazy to wash their hair or shampoo are usually prone to this condition. Although
harmless and contagious, dandruff can cause the scalp to feel itchy and unattractive.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is similar to dandruff, which produces white crusts or scales

accompanied by an itchy scalp. The difference is, in seborrheic dermatitis, the scalp will be
inflamed and red, and feel oily.

In addition to the scalp, this problem can affect other parts of the skin, such as the
eyebrows, nose area, and ears. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, seborrheic
dermatitis is prone to be experienced by people with oily and acne-prone skin types.

When seborrheic dermatitis affects babies, usually by 6 months of age, the condition is
called cradle cap. The baby's scalp will be scaly or crusty with a yellowish color, and feel oily.

Although the symptoms seem scary, parents need not worry because cradle cap is not a
serious scalp disease. Generally, this scalp problem in babies will disappear by itself when the
baby turns 1 year old.

3. Head lice

The next scalp and hair problem is head lice. Head lice are often experienced by children
and are easily transmitted through the use of combs, brushes, or hats that are used together.

Lice sucking blood on the scalp can be very itchy. No doubt this condition can be so
annoying that you can't stand to scratch it.

4. Ringworm (tinea capitis)

Tinea capitis, also known as ringworm, is a scalp disease caused by a fungal infection.
This scalp problem is characterized by symptoms of round reddish patches and scales. In
addition to causing itching, ringworm can cause hair loss in the infected area of the scalp.
Ringworm is a disease that can be transmitted through the use of clothing, hats, and
combs, and can happen to anyone. Although common in children, adults can also experience it.
To treat fungal infections of the scalp, you need

5. Folliculitis

Folliculitis can occur in any part of the body that has hair, including the scalp. This scalp
disease is caused by inflammation due to bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections. Not only that,
skin irritation due to hair shaving can also be a trigger.

Symptoms are almost similar to small pimples that have a peak of pus or eyes on the part
of the skin that is overgrown with hair, accompanied by itching, pain, and heat.

6. Scalp psoriasis

Scalp disease in the form of psoriasis This scalp problem is characterized by red patches
in the form of scales. Scalp psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that occurs when new skin cells
grow faster than normal.

This skin problem caused by an immune system disorder is characterized by the

appearance of red patches in the form of dry, peeling, and itchy silvery scales. Scaly, crusty skin
can be very itchy and painful.

7. Lichen planus

Lichen planus is an inflammatory skin problem characterized by itching and reddish or

purplish skin patches. If it occurs on the scalp, hair can fall out.

Basically, the cause of this scalp disease can not be known with certainty. However,
immune system disorders, stress, genetic factors, to people suffering from hepatitis C or B and
taking certain drugs, including high blood pressure drugs or malaria are said to be the cause.

8. Alopecia areata

In addition to psoriasis and lichen planus, alopecia areata is also a disease of the scalp
caused by a disorder of the body's immune system.

When the immune system attacks the hair follicles, hair growth becomes stunted. As a
result, hair may actually stop growing aka bald.


1. Dandruff

Although harmless and contagious, dandruff can cause the scalp to feel itchy and
unattractive. Fortunately, how to get rid of dandruff can be shampooed using a special shampoo.
Some of the ingredients or substances commonly found in anti-dandruff shampoos are as

• Coal tar
• Zinc pyrithione
• Salicylic acid
• Selenium sulfide
• Ketoconazole

When using it, massage the shampoo into the scalp, then let it sit for 5 minutes so that the
ingredients can absorb into the scalp.

2. Seborrheic dermatitis

Although the symptoms seem scary, parents need not worry because cradle cap is not a
serious scalp disease. Generally, this scalp problem in babies will disappear by itself when the
baby turns 1 year old.

In addition, cradle cap can be overcome by gently rubbing the baby's scalp with baby oil
or mineral oil to loosen the scales or crusts. Then, wash your hair with shampoo and brush your
baby's scalp to remove any flakes or scales.

3. Head lice

Scalp diseases in the form of head lice Head lice are often experienced by children and
are easily transmitted. Although it's not a serious condition, you will need to treat head lice with
medication or special shampoos. Over-the-counter medications or shampoos usually contain
abametapir, permethrin, pyrethrin, spinosad, or ivermectin.

How to use it, massage the shampoo into the scalp, then let it sit for 10 minutes so that
the ingredients can absorb into the scalp. Then, rinse with water until clean.

You may also need a fine-toothed comb to remove nits that often lodge in hair strands. In
addition to keeping your hair clean, you also need to regularly clean clothes, hats, blankets, and
towels with hot water.

4. Ringworm (tinea capitis)

To treat fungal infections of the scalp, you need to consult a dermatologist. Usually the
doctor will prescribe a topical medication that is applied to the scalp, a doctor's prescription
shampoo, to an oral medication that is taken for approximately 12 weeks. However, the duration
of this consumption also depends on the severity of the infection.

During the treatment period, make sure you do not share personal items with others.
Thus, the spread of infection can be prevented.
5. Folliculitis

Treatment of folliculitis can use warm compresses to relieve itching and encourage the
pus to drain quickly. Antibiotic ointment can be applied if there is an open wound. For severe
conditions, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and antifungal drugs.

6. Scalp psoriasis

You can relieve symptoms of inflammation and itching with steroid creams or ointments
to shampoos containing salicylic acid. If the symptoms are severe enough, oral medication,
injection drugs, and ultraviolet light therapy are needed to slow the growth of dead skin cells.

7. Lichen planus

Although it can go away on its own, you will need certain medications to speed healing.
Generally, doctors will prescribe steroid medications in the form of ointments or creams,
injections, and orally.

Your doctor may also prescribe retinoids to reduce inflammation and antihistamines to
reduce itching. A warm compress can also be used as a home remedy for lichen planus to relieve

8. Alopecia areata

Treatment for alopecia areata usually depends on the severity of the symptoms
experienced. In severe cases, oral medications, ointments, and injections can be given by a
doctor to speed up the healing process.

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