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Fery Fauzi

Ghanita D.

Rizka Sakinah


1 packet of macaroni (250g)

200ml of water

1 teaspoon salt

2,5 tablespoon margarine

100g onion, chopped

1 clove of garlic (take 4 piece), minced

2-3 tablespoon wheat flour

250ml fresh milk

1 teaspoon pepper

4 eggs, beaten

200g Cheddar cheese, grated

1 clover of red onion

1 chicken fillet, chopped

3 piece of spring onion

1 tablespoon olive oil

Procedure :

1. Pour the 200ml water and 250ml milk into a saucepan. add 2
tablespoons salt, pepper, and slightly (approximately 1 teaspoon full)
chicken flavor seasoning. Wait for it to boil.
2. After the liquid boiled enough, add the 250g macaroni packet and
wait again till the macaroni seems to be getting mushy.
3. Leave the macaroni to cool it a little bit.
4. While waiting, pour olive oil to another frying pan. Saute 100g
chopped onion, minced garlic, minced red onion, chopped spring onions
until the smell starts to show. Stir all.
5. Then, add the mushy macaroni, chopped chicken fillet, cheese, stir it
6. Add salt, another pepper (not too much), a little chicken flavor
seasoning, sugar, the eggs, and what flower. And stir again for the last
7. Prepare some kind of a pyrex, pour the macaroni that had been mixed
by ingredients into it.
8. Beat anothe egg on the top of it to give it top layer.
9. Put in on the oven for approximately 1 hour in 180oC degree.

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