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Semaj Earl

` "Phoenix"

I am the phoenix

Fire-lit fingers extended from orange wings

Burning alive, I am beheld by wondrous eyes

Misunderstood, but beautiful

I am magic

A beaming light flooding from the skies

Purposely unaware, I must adapt to everywhere

My ashes are a monument of where I’ve existed

And laid down something to be remembered by

Decorative feathers brush against everyone,

I touch everyone

Smile almost brighter than the morning sun itself

A spectacle of mass observation

The witnesses of my plight analyze my every move

Attempt to bind my colorful body with chains from whence scars came

But no one can contain my passion

Let it burn brighter within me than violet orange pyrotechnics like fireworks

It can only be concentrated

And when a phoenix loves she will change colors to a tender pink

And create erosions on earth or in heavens

Taking feathers from angel wings

Eyes glare red towards my being

They don’t understand me,

Look from afar scared to approach, because i stay above everyone's dangerous influence

They like green, i like blue

We reside by two different types of clouds

I choose to vividly see, they are distracted by smoky shrouds

And to stay grounded and convince me its bad thing for your head to be in the clouds

But I ignore them, I choose to soar

Because I’m marveled upon, hated or loved

Somehow i always fly away

One day it will be my decision to stay,

No matter how much I’m ostracized or shunned

Letting my fire slowly dim down as a sacrifice to settle into the world

But with the death of a Phoenix, comes the birth of her fame.

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