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April 11, 2011

Period 4 P.E. MW
Tennis, Badminton, and Ping-Pong
For the past several weeks, we joined a racquet unit in P.E. I pretty much enjoyed each of
the three sports, which was tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Although, I did not get to play
ping-pong due to a lack of time. But each sport had their positives and negatives.

When playing tennis, there were a few positives and negatives. I really liked how it was
easy to play. I also liked how the tennis racquet was large and wide, so it was pretty easy to hit
the ball. The ball was heavy enough so it wouldn’t be blown away by the wind when using it.
With lighter balls, the wind usually affects where you originally hit the ball the go. Although,
running for the ball and the weight of the tennis racquet wasn’t really pleasant. Even with all the
negatives, tennis is still my favorite sport.

As well as tennis, badminton was pretty enjoyable as well. It’s easier to hit the birdie with
the light badminton racquet. A light racquet gave me the advantage to hit the birdie hard.
Although, some racquets were bent so I couldn’t play right. Also, the wind made it hard to aim
and it the birdie due to it’s smaller weight.

Ping-pong is the one sport that I didn’t really get the chance to play, as stated above.
Although, from my observations, ping-pong seemed very easy and fun to play. One disadvantage
is how easy it is to crush a ping-pong ball, also saying that the ball is empty and has barely any
weight. Althou, having the ping-pong ball pretty much weightless; it was easy to hit it. But that
also means that the wind would be able to carry it.

It was very pleasant to play tennis and badminton, but I felt upset that I did not get a
chance to play ping-pong. The way I played these sports mainly depended on the objects that are
hit, the racquets to hit, and the weather. For example, the objects that are hit are the tennis ball,
the birdie, and the ping-pong ball, and the racquets used is the tennis racquet, the badminton
racquet, and the ping-pong paddle. Also, the weather affected the way I played. The wind made
it difficult to hit the ball where I wanted it to be. Also, the heat was unbearable, even though I
didn’t state that above. Even though, I enjoyed both of these sports, even with the positives and

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