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Convicted Forever In Google: How Google Is Cashing In On Mug Shots Websites

New Orleans La May 21, 2011

Sure it’s funny now, until it happens to you!

Imagine having your mug shot on the first page of Google for a case that was dismissed and you have
just entered into the latest form of Google Exploitation. I am not making reference to the really serious
offenses like convicted sex offenders or individuals charged with violent crimes, but more of the person
who was arrested for missing court on a traffic ticket. Yikes!

As with every other form of internet property, Google has discovered that there’s profits in mug shots
resulting from any type of arrest. We all can agree that the really bad guys deserve to have their mug
shot blasted across the internet, but what’s the point in indexing the photo of a misdemeanor crime?

The reason so many mug shots are now appearing on the first page of Google is because mug shots
generate clicks, and clicks will always generate CA$H. Cash for the site owners who participates in
Google’s AdSense program, and cash for Google from advertisers who participate in Google’s Adword’s
campaigns. At the end of the day it all totals big bucks for Google.

Just in the State of Florida you will find at least five sites all posting mug shots of people arrested for an
array of charges. One of the more popular sites, Florida ( has an
active database of arrests that would rival most law enforcement reporting systems. Florida
updates almost automatically with the most recent arrest in the State of Florida.

Getting your mug shot on a site like Florida Arrest only requires that you get arrested in the State of
Florida, but having your mug shot removed can prove to be next to impossible.

Most sites like Florida Arrest have no interest in deleting a photo once it’s posted because that
particular page is a source of income. The person featured in the mug shot may have very little
popularity on regional scale and may only generate about four clicks for Google per week, which at first
glance many not appear to be very profitable.

The real math comes into play when you factor thousands of mug shots multiplied by four clicks each.
Even without an advance degree in mathematics you will quickly see why Google is now in the mug shot

The owners of mug shot sites are compensated based on the number of impressions their ads receives
(meaning the number of times the page was viewed) and the total numbers of times a Google ad was
clicked on that same page. If you have ever view a web page and then click an ad by Google which took
you to another website, then you have just participated in the Google cash wheel.

Tyronne Jacques the author of the top selling reputation management book How To Fight Google And
Win says that mug shot victims are just the latest in a long list of web properties and people who found
themselves in the scope of Google.
“Having your mug shot planted at the top of a Google search means that you are permanently convicted
of that charge regardless of the outcome of your trial. Many of the people who have contacted me for
help with mug shot photos were either acquitted of the charges against them or the case was sealed,
but the mug shot remained on the first page of Google. Bailing out of Jail was the easy part, but bailing
out of Google may prove to be mission impossible for most.”

Tyronne Jacques went on to say that just as you would need a bail bondsmen to help you gain your
freedom, you may also need a firm like Image Max PR to help you bail out of Google.

Phillip Lee a reputation management expert and spokesperson for Image Max PR says that 60% of their
clients are now people victimized by mug shot websites like Jailbase, Look who got busted, Busted Mug
shots, and Mug Lee says the problem surrounding placing innocent people on mug shot
websites has now reached epidemic proportions and the only cure may have to come from legislators.

“The problem with mug shot website is not just a Google problem alone, but more of the need for police
departments to post mug shots of people who are not even a threat to society in any way. In previous
times the need to post a mug shot was done for reasons of public safety, but now members of law
enforcement are releasing these photos for entertainment purposes only. The only fix will have to come
from State Legislators in the form a regulatory law that will prevent police departments from posting
photos of citizens who have been proven innocent of their original charges.”

Image Max PR (www.Remove is the only firm that is specializing in removing mug shot
photos off the first page of Google. The firm is comprise of attorneys and SEO (search engine
optimization) experts who work to together in removing humiliating mug shots off the first page of
Google. The firm is set to go public in the 2012 and has plans to expand to the UK.

Tyronne Jacques is a reputation management educator and provides free consultation for victims of
Google. His book How To Fight Google and Win is the top selling reputation management book listed on and Amazon.UK.

If you have been victimized by a mug shot website and would like information on how to have the photo
remove then please visit

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