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The Adventures of Stagger Li

Chapter Twenty-Five
The Human Hook

Viola gazed at the last untamed stretch of the Missouri River, a 24 mile meandering between
South Dakota and Nebraska that had not been dredged into a drainage ditch by the Corps of
Engineers. Many Dakotans had been drowned there in its rapid and unpredictable currents.
Prehistoric monster fish swam in its depths.

“How am I to get to Hell?” she wondered, then laughed at the thought that most would never
pose such a question. But her innocence in the form of a child was held captive there, her thaler
from Sofia hanging around the child’s neck.

She knew that Stagger Li was already upon his way and wondered how he was faring. “That boy
has anger issues,” she thought. “I hope he doesn’t try to wage war on all of Hell.”

Viola sighed. I have to see Hell Diver! He can give me good advice or at least provide the
atmosphere for my clearer seeing.

She walked upriver for a mile or so to one of the smaller rivers that emptied into the Missouri
and headed inland on its eastern bank. She heard splashing sounds and small yelps in the
distance. Hell Diver! She hurried closer.

A shaggy bearded man wearing only swim trunks was rolling and thrashing around in the water
near the bank. The largest catfish Viola had ever seen appeared to be trying to swallow the man
whole. Hell Diver’s left arm was shoved down the fish’s throat and emerged from one of its gills.
Hell Diver’s right hand was firmly clamped to his left wrist. The catfish was not giving up easily,
trying with all its power to dislodge this human hook attached to its jaws.

Hell Diver was pulled under the muddy river water heels over head, then emerged still holding
to his catch, sputtering and yelling with delight. “Viola!” he shouted before the giant fish pulled
him under again. Viola grinned. Hell Diver was worthy of his name. Fishermen of his clan
patrolled the banks of rivers such as this one, thrusting their hands and arms into the large
holes in the river bank beneath the brown water, never knowing what they might find lurking
there but hoping it would be a catfish. His fisher buddies gave him his name because among
them all he was the most fearless and resourceful.

“Be with you in a minute!”

Viola sat on a nearby log and watched. This could take a little longer than a minute.

Hell Diver dragged the fish up the bank. Both fell gasping at Viola’s feet.

“Yahhh! That old mother rumper is a tough one!”

The same could be said for you! thought Viola, grinning.

“Get out the fry pans, darlin’. We’re having fish!”

“Too much fish for the two of us, Hell.”

“Not to worry, Vi. There’s a gathering tonight.”

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