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My best friend has been arrested for illegally downloading music.

While in jail he asked me to go to his house and clear everything off his computer. As I
started deleting flies I came across one that was called "top secret" out of curiosity I
opened the file and I was completely shocked about what I found........

I found a government file that he hacked into. It talks about the new CFL light
bulbs that actually have a listening devise inserted into them so that the CIA can listen to
peoples conversations and a Vchip in our televisions that can monitor what we do this is
to help them catch criminals and terrorists.

As I was reading the file I noticed that the camera on the top of the computer
screen started to blink. I realized someone could see me reading the file. I got scared and
quickly finished deleting files from his computer.
I heard a whole bunch of cars pull up to his house and men breaking down the door. I hid
in his closet beneath his clothes. About 8 men came into his room the leader said “where
is she?” “She can’t tell anyone what she read and take that computer back to headquarters
we need to see what else is on it”.

They searched the whole house, I was lucky they did not find me. Once they left I
got out of the closet I went to the Pasadena Paseo to think about what I’m going to do
now. I was scared they would arrest me because I deleted his files. But did they know
who I was? Do I want to take a chance and go home? Should I call my mom? What
should I do? I sat at the Paseo for hours till it closed and the security guard told me to

I decided to call my mom and tell her so she could help me. I asked her to go
outside to talk to me she listened to what I said and then told me to go to my friends
house till she could get rid of the lights and TVs in our house. Then I can come home.
She called me the next morning and told me that she took care of everything and I can
come home now. I went home and she made me change my appearance so I couldn’t be
recognized. I felt like everything would be ok.

A few days later my friend called me again he asked me if I deleted everything

yes and I told him what happened he said he was still in jail but when he got out he would
make it up to me.

When I got off the phone there was 4 guys at my door apparently they put a tap on
my friend’s phone and traced it back to my house. I thought since I look different they
won’t know who I am. So I answered the door and they made me come with them. I acted
like I didn’t know anything about what they were asking me. They questioned me for
hours. Finally they put me in a cell I passed out I was so tired.
In the middle of the night there was a shuffle in the hallway of the jail. I couldn’t
see what was going on but I could hear it. Then someone came and opened my cell and
told me to run get out of here quick. I was out of there as quick as I could. I stole a car
out of the parking lot and drove away as far as I could get.

I ended up driving to Houston Texas. I ditched the car and rode a bus to Pasadena
Texas; I have family there so I went to see them on the ranch. I never told them why I
just showed up they didn’t ask either. I am going to live with them as long as I can. I feel
safe here. I don’t think I can ever go back to Altadena again.

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