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Talent Management Concept


1. Time and tide wait none

2. Take care of minutes , Hours will take care themselves
3. Do important jobs now before they became urgent
4. If you ruin time , time will ruin you
5. One gain of Sand at a time ,one task at time
6. Organize yourself well to have more time to do the things you love to do
7. You don’t waste time : you just spent it on things you don’t need to do
8. Everything takes longer than you think it will
9. Manage your time as you manage your money
10.Procrastination is the thief of time
11.Time is neither repeatable nor refundable
12.Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today
13.It takes time to save time
14.Today is the future ,you created yesterday
15.Yesterday is a cancelled cheque ,tomorrow is a promissory note ,today is
ready cash use it
16.One of these days is none of these days , today is the day to start big job

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