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Yin Condition Cold e.g. Hypothyroid

Qi Xu (Def.) [Lung Heart Spleen Kidney] Yang Xu (Def.) (Qi Xu + Cold Signs) Blood Xu (Def.) 1 yellow (Sallow Face) 5 pales (face, tongue, lips, conjuctivas, nails) Heart - Mental Liver - Physical Yin Xu (Def.) (Blood Xu + Heat Signs (Xu Heat) + Changing of Pale to Red)

SAME Big 5 Pale Face Apathy Fatigue Dizziness Spont. Sweating Tongue pale,flabby w/ teeth marks Thin body Dry Dizziness Insomnia Tongue small, pale Pulse thready, weak

Yang Condition Heat e.g. - Menopause

Different Fatigue Spleen Qi Xu = (Loose Stool, Abdominal Distension, Poor Appetite) Pulse - weak Cold Signs: Extremities/Body Temp No Memory of Dreams Lower Metabolism Pulse slow, deep weak 1 Yellow/ 5 Pales Tongue - pale small w/ thin white coating Pulse thready,weak

Xu heat = 5 center heat, dry, mallor flush, night sweats, More Dreams Tongue small, red w/o coat or partially peeled coat Pulse rapid & thready

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