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Its Gr8 To Be Here

Sharing knowledge through collaboration is the core business of learning communities.

- Brown, Collins & Duguid 1989

Thank you for the opportunity to be involved In Your P.L.C.

Workshop Model

Learning most effective when looping

This Session
Focus: Powerful Learning Outcome: Shared & Transparent u/standings of PL Reason: Foundational: What we build ICTs into determines their effectiveness. Reflect Extend - Challenge

Filling In The Gaps

An Update Brainstorm What Would You Like to Know Or Find Out? (During Our Sessions)

Check Out Video

Web 2.0 Quiz

What Is Your DNA?

We Get What We Focus On

Technologies are not an end in themselves; technologies are tools learners use to create knowledge and to create personal and social change.
From What Is 21st C Education?

Identifying the Power/ful

What Makes Any Learning Experience Powerful? P.L + ICTs = Effective P.L. T.L. + ICTs = Expensive T. L.

Digging Deeper
Effective Learning Communities Have At Their Heart A Shared Understanding And Belief About Their Core Business.

Sharing E-Learning Practices

Shared examples of wikispaces Kaira and Euan Shared examples of classblog briefly (Caras) Shared example of xtranormal

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