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2.1) Child labour takes all around the world, but the amount of child labour is a lot higher in some places then others, like in industrial countries. There are 250 million child involved in child labour on an estimate. 2.2) The rights that are being affected with child abuse are:

Every child has the right to be protected from exploitative labour practices. That no one may be subjected to slavery, servitude or forced labour. The child is being abused by working long hours in a day and getting paid very little or even nothing. Children are not permitted to perform work that is inappropriate for their age and that risks their well being. 2.3) Some of the causes of child abuse are poverty, parental illiteracy, social apathy, lack of education, and others. The effects of child labour are that they are deprived from a proper child hood, mental and physical torture, have an unskilled life and can become too mature too fast and this is a bad sign. 2.4) Many organisation like UNICEF are working on the problem of child labour and trying to stop child labour. Industrialised countries are the main cause of child labour.

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