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Maria Gonzalez

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
Low Tempered: I get mad very easily.

Shy: When I meet new people.

Serious: I have my moments when everyone has a smile on their face and Im the only one with the mad mugging face. Respectful & Disrespectful: You give Respect to get respect.

Strong Minded: When I want something, or if I want to do something I put my mind to it, & no-one can change my mind about it. Random: I always come out with random things to talk about in conversations that dont have to do with what I need to say. Calm: I am really calm when Im not angry, quiet & harmless.

6.) 7.) 8.)

Fighter: I love fighting (Boxing) with my brother, & taking my anger out on him. I also fight a lot with other people.


Smart: I love school, I always help my mom or siblings on their homework. I also always get no lower than Bs on my school reports. I dont like keeping grudges, whenever someone does something bad to me I will give them my forgiveness.

10.) Forgiver:

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