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Example of Severity and Priority

1. High Severity -Low priority Supposing, you try the wildest or the weirdest of operations in a software (say, to be released the next day) which a normal user would not do and supposing this renders a run -time error in the application, the severity would be high.The priority would be low as the operations or the steps which rendered this error by most chances will not be done by a user. 2. Low Severity -High priority An example would be- you find a spelling mistake in the name of the website which you are testing. Say, the name is supposed to be Google and its spelled there as 'Gaogle'.Though, it doesnt affect the basic functionality of the software,it needs to be corrected before the release. Hence, the priority is high. 3. High severity--- High Priority A bug which is a show stopper.i.e, a bug due to which we are unable to proceed our testing. An example would be a run time error during the normal operation of the software, which would cause the application to quit abruptly. 4. Low severity --- low priority Cosmetic bugs Regards, Raji

Example of Severity and Priority

Priority :- How quickly we need to fix the bug? Or How soon the bug should get fixed? Severity : - How much the bug is effecting the functionality of the application? Eg:(1) High Priority and Low Severity If a company logo is not properly displayed on their website. (2) High Priority and High Severity Suppose you are doing online shopping and filled payment informations, but after submitting the form, you get a message like "Order has been

cancelled." (3) Low Priority and High Severity If we have a typical scenario in which the application get crashed, but that scenario exists rarely. (4) Low Priority and Low Severity There is a mistake like "You have registered success" instead of successfully, success is written.

Simple example for high severity and low priority bug. Let us consider in Yahoo login page, you are able to see username, password and sign in button. Let us say Sign in button is not in proper manner or the text of sign in is not able to understand to the user such a way that he doesn't know what is the use of that button. Even though it is a simple text change or button is not proper place, the bug severity will be high and priority will be low. Because if the user selects the button, functionality will work. Why it is high severity is , in the first look it self user will get bad impression. But the functionality is working properly as the requirements.

High Priority but Low Severity

While Developing a site for Pepsi, by mistake a logo sign of coke is embedded. This does not affect functionality in any way but has high priority to be fixed. Any typo mistakes or glaring spelling mistakes on home page which are discovered during UAT testing.

Low Priority but High Severity

Incase application works perfectly for 50000 sessions but beings to crash after higher number of sessions. This problem needs to be fixed but not immediately.

Any report generation not getting completed 100% - Means missing Title, Title Columns but having proper data enlisted. We could have this fixed in the next build but missing report columns is a High Severity defect.

Defect Severity: Severity is the seriousness of the defect or bug in terms of functionality. Severity is usually set by the QA team to intimate the Development team The severity of defects is classified as follows: Critical The problem prevents further processing and testing. High The problem affects selected processing to a significant degree, making it inoperable, Cause data loss, or could cause a user to make an incorrect decision or entry. Medium The problem affects selected processing, but has a work-around that allows continued processing and testing. No data loss is suffered. These may be cosmetic problems that hamper usability or divulge client-specific information. Low The problem is cosmetic, and/or does not affect further processing and testing.

Defect Priority: Priority tells us how soon it is desired to fix the problem. Priority is the importance of defect in terms of customer's requirements. Priority is set by the Business / Development Lead for the Development team to prioritize in fixing the defects High Must fix the problem NOW (All other defect fixing tasks take least preference). Problem is blocking further progress in this area. Medium Should fix the problem soon, before product release Low Fix the problem if time permits; somewhat trivial. May be postponed

Note: There are different ways of representing the Priority and Severity based on the project requirement.

3. Low Priority, Low Severity Suppose your application (web) is made up of 20 pages. On one of the pages out of the 20 which is visited very infrequently, there is a sentence with a grammatical error. Now, even though its a mistake on this expensive website, users can understand its meaning without any difficulty. This bug may go unnoticed to the eyes of many and won't affect any functionality or the credibility of the company. 4. High Priority, High Severity Now assume a windows-based application, a word-processor lets say. As you open any file to be viewed it in, it crashes. Now, you can only create new files but as you open them, the word-processor crashes. This completely eliminates the usability of that word-processor as you cant come back and edit your work on it, and also affects one of the major functionalities of the application. Thus, its a severe bug and should be fixed immediately.

the tester/dev should give the priority based on severity of the bug Severity means: is the impact of the bug on the app. i.e seriousness of the bug interms of the functionality. Priority means: is how soon it should get fixed i.e importance of the bug interms of customer

Priority wiil given by test lead with help of development lead

Priority :- How quickly we need to fix the bug? Or How soon the bug should get fixed? Severity : - How much the bug is effecting the functionality of the application? Eg:(1) High Priority and Low Severity If a company logo is not properly displayed on their website. (2) High Priority and High Severity Suppose you are doing online shopping and filled payment informations, but after submitting the form, you get a message like "Order has been cancelled." (3) Low Priority and High Severity If we have a typical scenario in which the application get crashed, but that scenario exists rarely. (4) Low Priority and Low Severity There is a mistake like "You have registered success" instead of successfully, success is written

Dear sir ,

As per directive of Mr. v.k.Premchand, we are inclosing a ppt on our (LIBRIS) library Management Software. If you can indicate a convenient date and time, I can explain the features of package personally.

Best Regards

y.vidya sagar Senior support Software Engineer

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