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Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering

Professor: Xiaohong Wang Class schedule: Mon Wed Fri 10:20~11:50 Text Book :< Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering> Publish Company: Publish Company of
the University of Tianjin chief editor: Qing Xia, Changgui Chen chief umpire: Yu Yao

Describe of the Textbook

The book is talking about t he profession of chemical engineering, chemical engineers' impact on today's societal issues, team problem solving, communication skills, and the introduction of chemical process flow sheets, analytical and computational methods for solving

problems related to chemical process measurements, properties of single compounds, properties of mixtures, stoichiometry.

The detail of this course

Chapter one: fluid-flow 1 physical property of the fluid 2 the equation of hydrostatics 3 the

basic equation of the flowing liquid 4 the phenomenon of the flowing liquid 5 the resistance of the flowing liquid in pipe Chapter two: .the fluid transport machinery 1 centrifugal pump 2gas delivery and compression engine Chapter three: the separate of non-homogeneous system and fluidization 1 summary 2the characteristic of granules and granular bed 3 settlement separate 4 filter 5 centrifuge 6 fluidization
Chapter four: heat passage 1 summary 2 heat conduction 3convection heat transfer

4 the calculate of heat-transfer process 5 container of the convective heat-transfer coefficient 6 heat transfer by radiation 7 heat exchanger Chapter five: evaporate 1 evaporator 2 single-effect evaporation 3 multi-effect evaporation 4 the process planning of the evaporator

Grade: 70%from the final and 30% from the performance in class, absent over six times
will not be allowed to do the final exam.

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