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Thyroid gland


Multinodular Goiter
Gross: Multiple nodularity, asymmetrical enlarge gland Cut surface show multiple colloid nodule, cystic degeneration, fibrosis and calcification
Patho Irregular enlarged colloid follicles Variable in size Distended colloid in follicle Low cuboid epithelium

Graves disease Gross: Diffusely enlarged gland Beefy red and homogenous cut surface Patho: Diffuse hyperplasia follicle Tall columnar epithelium papillary infoldings into lumens Scalloping of colloid

Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Gross: Fish-flesh appearance, gray-white color, soft, pale lobular nodules Bulging cut surface fibrosis between nodules Patho: Generalize small thyroid follicles Extensive lymphocytic infiltrate with germinal centers Hurthle cell metaplasia

DeQuervain's Disease
multinucleated giant cells destruction of thyroid follicles chronic inflammatory cells infiltration Fibrous stroma in some area

Riedels Thyroiditis

No identified thyroid epithelial cells Small follicles line by atrophic cells Largely amount of fibrous stroma Lymphocytic infiltration

Papillary thyroid CA Gross: Irregular border tumor , white color lesion no grossly papillae on cut surface not encapsulated, but well demarcated Patho: Papillary projection with fibrovascular cores Ground glass appearance cytoplasm Nuclear groove Intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusion (Orphan Annie nuclei) Psammoma bodies

Follicular Adenoma
Gross: Well-circumscribed Encapsulated, thin white capsule Solid, homogeneous cut surface Patho: Small colloid follicles, variable in size Round and small nuclei with uniform pattern Fibrous capsule No mitotic figures

FTC Gross: same follicular adenoma Patho: same follicular adenoma presence capsular / vascular invasion small and round neucli with eosinophillic cytoplasm uniform pattern Arrange in nests or sheets without colloid Small colloid follicles

Nests, trabeculae

Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma

Gross: Solid, firm, white, ill define mass Inhomogenous cut surface Necrosis, hemorrhage Patho: Cords and nests of polygonal cells Small nuclei and scant cytoplasm Uniform pattern Eosinophillic hyaline material (amyloid) in stroma

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