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Problem 7 (a) We can use polynomial regression approach to find the equations: Assume that:

For type T thermocouples: mV = f(T)

Coefficients Std.error -0.00607 0.001065 0.038677 1.02E-05 4.56E-05 5.36E-08 -3.7E-08 2.06E-10 1.8E-11 6.69E-13

Intercept X Variable a X Variable b X Variable c X Variable d

Regression statistics Multiple R 1 R Square 1 Adjusted R 1 Square Std error 0.004891 Observation 66

So the equation is :

For T = f(mv),

Intercept X Variable a X Variable b X Variable c X Variable d

Coefficients 4.657675 26.57919 -1.31375 0.095189 -0.00245

Std error 1.2151 0.293223 0.041779 0.006889 0.000256

Regression statistics Multiple R 0.999645 R Square 0.999289 Adjusted R Square 0.999243 Std error 5.282913 observation 66

So the equation is:

For type K thermocouples: mV = f(T)

Coefficients 0.159743676 0.035341792 2.05278E-05 -2.11421E-08 6.34161E-12

Intercept X Variable a X Variable b X Variable c X Variable d

Regression statistics Multiple R 0.999954223 R Square 0.999908448 Adjusted R Square 0.99990613 Std error 0.183445522 Observation 163

So the equation is: For T = f(mv),

Coefficients 8.605461201 29.08133651 0.387466779 0.009656658 -7.20008E05

Intercept X Variable a X Variable b X Variable c X Variable d

Regression statistics Multiple R 0.99985604 R Square 0.999712101 Adjusted R Square 0.999704812 Std error 8.109131523 Observation 163

So the equation is:

For rtd, T = f(R)

Coefficients -242.5269 2.3421053 0.000797 2.506E-07 9.627E-10

Intercept X Variable a X Variable b X Variable c X Variable d

Regression statistics Multiple R 1 R Square 1 Adjusted R Square 1 Std error 0.0001206 Observation 41

So the equation is:

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