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My Oral Presentation

Name: Wan Nazira bt. Che Nor

the Influenza A Virus

H1N1 !!!

Swine flu H1N1

Swine flu was the name originally given to a new strain of flu that first appeared in Mexico in the Spring of 2009 and spreads to U.S.A. The H1N1 influenza pandemic that is spanning the globe is not unusual in human history. Influenza constantly changes its coat to evade immune defences.

What is H1N1?
H stands for hemagglutinin N stands for neuraminidase

Functions ..? qallow the virus to infect cells and, once the virus has replicated, to break out and spread to other cells.

How dangerous it is? The mechanism of the virus infection.

How dangerous it is?

This is one novel virus- a new virus. Because of that, the world community has partial immunity to it, or in most cases, no immunity at all. infects younger people more easily..WHY? ld v iru s in a n e w v e rsio n O A new virus, still, but with added sophisticated mutation or change = ( 50 and above ) Advantage for the old people

.they actually have antibody to it. Get infected because of health Complications- diabetics, obesity

How does the infection occur?

to bead-like molecules on the outside of the cell, called rece

re viruses, which then burst out of the cell and infect neigh

ccu rs i l n g s n u

S Y M P T O M S !!!

PREVENTION is better than cure !

Good to know !
Viruses die in intense heat They can live from 2 to 8 hours outside of their host and longer, in conducive condition Mutate from time to time to evade humans inner protection Almost impossible to be transmitted by drinking water, eat cooked pork or through swimming pools.


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