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Vby Esoteric?
Thc Vord EsoEdc Cm6 Froo ltc Grcct 'orertAor, F ott eeo&ro, Codpa.tivc Of ero, Ilf,caaiag 'Virrrr", Scc e4 INI (Prtpositiod, Froo Old Eaglirh lq In; b. INI (Advcrb), From Old Eg,di.In isq "Itu', Ian ,'ragidc'. Vhetr A Pcrtod Is Not Rqtri6.d By B.licf! And F.ith Th.t Pctlon Is h A Sti. Of Esot ric. A Rclialility On Thc Inlcr You. The Crcetive Yon Thc God You, ltc Divinc You, NoRoom For Bclicfs Or FeitL Only F4ts Ald Coafirnrtioo. It't Thc Uaivctc. hflueoe Ia Thc Donain Of Divitrity, But l$idc The Ioocditc Elvilonlrcnt.


It tu witL g*at ioy tl'"t -" "..L"-. y"" to t1'" ;.".' tL*"L"ld o{ tLe Ancient Egipftn o'&' *k."1 J ld", (A.E.O). \r. -. inde"J pl""""d by y.* p*""..., {". tLe {act tlat y"' .* 'e'di.g ..d/o' "L"*" tLat you Law an u4e {rofr witLin to L".ag "-"t.iat
in h{e. Thi. l" ""is improve your p-."eot "oo&u"o" .rJ r*-".""' first step on tLe joumey into sell discorery as an Egip*", "'d -" -u offer you aasistace in t}e most penonal quet L."i.g ""'..J "' tLi: imer joumey, e'"!-k"g L4L""t pu'pos.. By "i..*.b


..try ".t"

the my:ticaVeoteric putL "p-ifi".h

J*ig""d {o'

"Lo""' {"". It l" io tL. Ancient Egiptian OtJer tLat you leam to di {'"- tLi y".' li{" i' e@ry serse "{ tk ""'d, in ordet to g-d'.t" ..rtL*cLool- How ootiwted yot are ty tlis want will Jetemine

I -"'lJ 6"t hL. t" .l.ri{y tLat tLe Anc;ent Egiptiu" Ot. ;' not an orCanization," pf,;l*"pLn a religion, a gector Jenomination.
It's an dcient oJer, it's not new. TLe atire Lunanity Lelongs to it i

-LicL tL. N.t - L.J J*ig'"d "ll """J. t" d*"lop "'d "Ltui.
sine tLe beginning o{ une. p"l""uo. "'k"L *" du'.ly -*1"..J ".,'r,4" u u L"* *jlli"lly cone to tLie pLnet *11"d v". Cr'^-nyt k "*Ldg" "'J -i"d"-. rL. -"'ld ;" tLe Neteru' q"*t {"' ".i.*J ttaining ecLool,u gift J t-' hf. i- *k"L t" g-d""t" TLe nan tLa "L.ll -c"i"" tL" -d*, .Li"L is p'oniaeJ ".J.*" *-ldly *-pt.tio{ Li-. All L"-.." -. in a process epi*ual wolution, leaming in t" "anA ".1'"1'tltLi, sh tnal anJ eror. Ve are on eattL tLe expenence meta-orpLosis "{ th" """1 tk"'gL t}'. -ii"i"g f;'" "*"y "{ th" d.esso{ .e"i".,/*o-lJis- t" -hcL v" "li.g ld", " ['-i.e
Tfi""'d.'i".ph acceptance inro rl'e fLme o{ coneciour tyo caredories. 1. TLe Exoteric ""1".1 .{ li{", ..d 2. TL. E""t"; in

*t""1 "{ li{.. V. "ll" ".. "{ tL*. 2 '"L""L -g-dl"", "i






". """i.1 status in thi

{"' tLe maeses,

TLe Exoteric "cL""l

depend on institutions

o{ ld. i" d*ig'"J

for t1'ei. goemance

anJ to dendally

tLeir teing, in tlis scLoolp."pl" 1".- "t"Jl""*,

Iu* ..d di'"ipli"".

riteg and creeds tLat ou th" rarious ritut, Ve are to p.J"assignedto rs ". b"LJ "' {';tL, mostly witLou patticular rJigion Las

*&;'g ."pl.natio's {"' Jl J tL*. tL;"g". Tkis eLmentary stageo{ tLe Exoteric ".t""1 "{ lif" n,k h i" d"";g""J {"' th" *u"""", "'d tk" state J -"'ldly "o-""po.d" to eligiow {.'.u"i"A'y""" .'illi'lly tJ"'gind o! leamins L"- to co.{o- t" tk" u"d {ocueing predominatly mainstream society {or tleir g"*-.r..
politlcs, militaty, as mterialigm, dpects "{ 1i{. *"t on orter corporations, eociJ conceme, instituUonalized d"""ti"", b""i"""" L-$g, masonry, entertdinmenl Lueinees, organ;zed ffime, g-g 'nosqu*, ad a#;lanons athletics, religious orgdizations GL.-L*,

'y'"g"g.* -d "tL- "o-"ull"d Lo""." "{ "'t*"J p'uy"'), bJ".g" i Exoter;c scLool tL. fust *L""1; tLe remn* ""J "L*" *"d."'i*, li{.. p-pL u'. Lound Ly tk"i' *hgio.' E""t.'i./'Jigi-" .rJ sa iJ*"- Tti" i" *Ly *hgi""" peopler* *ry t""chy, preconcei"eJ dJ-"i*, -d di{f,""ft t" tJt to. It is "."y &ffic"lt to argumentauve, -liei"" .'d sit dom and apeatto s"-"o'. -L" i" i. " i"'d.-.ntJist
L.* -y "p-u "r "p..--i.J.d any disagreements witl' tL"i' I{ you cotrrrsation wL.t"".*r. 1ft.'.1 rJieious itrterpretations tley

i^.di"t.b *Jy t" figLt you on it, ad t. qu"L to pJg" y"' it cLJlense wha L.;g """1'"J, Hi.d, ;. .-' .'d *."g [*'"*
tL"y L"e Le* tausLt to tLinl. Exoteric etud.ents li{. d"p.'d o{ t.".'". "y u.. *.y att"cL"J t" tLeir reLg;on, rl.y * f-J

""t"'t {". tk.r lite."u"' &"- " ld. "{ '.4"""". Th";, -"io- "I a"l
."+"-J, {"' th.y L"* littL "da*anJi'g o{ tLe intrd rel{ (ind "1*u lly di"i'ity *itLi'). TLey a'e t"ogLt t" L"li.* th.t g"l n tA* ;' tA. 'Ly't *^*'1'rr.. out in tLe L""".'" *p.r.ted
tLeoselves. So tLey ae taugLt to pray outaide "{ tL"-".I*r '*2"t",y"Col. ""h""* t"

Io-'n o{ tL"L *ligi"'.

TL.y d"?"'d

upon tLeit {ome to

TL.y tli"l e"+e-Jly (E""t".i*1ly), {or tLey ue not taugl o{ tke Exotern b k.L tA. G"/ *al';n." PeoDL -L" -" -"-t.'" ..tL *L""1 -'"t L. "*re tLat Exotdctum its"[ ;" '"t th. o.tL. Lr 'utL". th" p."purut"ry "t"g. "' tL. gate o{ entry into tle Esoteri scLool. o.e *'.ot oLt"i. tL. t^tL in tLe ortloJo" *liei"'" "{

*"'1d. Th. L"lhg

"{ " "ooo.', ""1d,d"s-.ti" "'""J, u ull i* ;sid, 2

ld.l""" lit...L"*. cianps tLe soul and dwaJs its epintuality, clogging its progress ad stunting its growtL. Otrce . soul L.s .cq";.ed tL" . suffi"i.'t d.g*" o{ ""d h* "tt"i'.d ".""""u.7 *i11 "d &"iph. *.dy {". tL" tL"y L""o-" tL.;' '"ligi"., spiritual matunty &". so'l L* p**d tLtougL tLe Exoteac E""tdc s"Lo"l "{ ld.. o"* (relidious) staee, tL"y {.J " naturJ Jistaste {"' base a'J '".1*" intenuons and tLe dooo "{ tk t-. p"tl "p". 'p. o" the otLe' L-d, stage during tLeir tL"s. *Lo l"v. not completeJ tLiu p'.li-i.ury .'d minteregted in Eeoteric k".llLJg. ptesent lde, -. g"""'Jly (-*.t {"' "'1y tle "L"*" *L"t {"*) or simply are not d*J"p'ne.t it, "till "1".p *lklng amongst Lumadty """1*d "'"'gL t" *d*t-d in th* long rotot lile nightnare. d.sig'.J {"' tLe The Eg"t 'i" ".t""1 "{ lJ" i" "p*i{i".lb and st "p*, "" do "t""* {.-, {or as tLe mystical patl g.ts o.o"*.. ""d tLe"J p*"on Go"l) L"Ch" tLe nunlen mlling it di-u"L tLe sput'J petction. At tLi" l*l to aJvance on tL" putL t"*-J" "*"{ I'i" ". L* -"1. I' "dJition to respecting tLe uoyug* 1.""-o "tLe' 'no'" ."Id" l.- "{ tL. E*oteric si& "{ li{. ."d *ligi"", ego presciptiom allov the stuJent to struddle against tLe *l{-c-"ted (-*L) th"t -u.ty has pl"..J ". -"" kL" u *u"t tL"t Lid" y"". {u"" {'"- '.'lity, Lut it'e still you, and at tLie time i' onis li{., "". G.l" rLe se.s. "{ tL. p"t otiJity -ith;n tte-s"l*. G""l) and has to caet el4 to find tLeir tne sel{ (contraty to "ff t1'" -u"t {imitation "{ tk .g", ;. order to dissolve it into Tl'ey lea- t" L. "--. trotL (LigLa sel{). Egotencigm in Exotedc;sn i, lilened unto a c cle s p'""".ii.g &"- tL. "t""-{*.'"e to tLe center certer. The 'Ji"" o"t "'J represents tLe myrucal o' initiative patL tL.t L.J" i'o* b.;.g" L."e oLsemnce to inner convictions. For centuries Lu-.. tL.-".I*" to linitationg "{ {"'*, tL. Io.." (out"'/""t.-J "o.Ii-"d appearances, tLe s'J".., 'neaniad) of tLingr; they ludge Ly "'t--d "'d ".e'loot tL..".t-t", tL. -"-;g b"L;d tL" {o.-. TLi" i" -L.t Lu" L*" d".. *itL tL. religious *ripturee o{ tL" -".1d -}';"L "1"" L""" a {om, a content .rJ .r in.* -eaning. TL. {om, tLe Jeecription, $" p.'JI"", ".d "t";"" u." {o' "'di'ary, averagepeople (Exoteric gtuJe.ts o{ Lfe). TL. ""'t"'t", *" f"' tt. 'no'.Iity ..J "y.'l"li"-,

"d -tL' to tL"t -""Jitv, &.ipL" -ho -i"L to li* ."""'Ji.g shdents'h" k'"' h"' mqninq ia for the Esotenc eoirjtuaVmlgticJ Lo irrerprci it, nol literJ]y b'L "y*Loli"Jly, begirs lo see*l'at the wot reoresent.D".t t"!" tL. L"lv Lo"k, T*"L, BiLL .'d Q*'"' lit"'Jy, {* tL. Ltt* LIL (ignoran@equt JeatL) TLur,. tLe 'elig;ous significdce can penetnte into you spid anJ tL" "v''l'ti" {"'-" """ iB di"""""u'. E""t";" "t"de.ts t'"- tL"t {on" (ExotericiEm) nece$arv, Lt it'"" J" what mogt men "* "-JL t" J", tLev '* tL.i' Ea" and decipL* tL" i th. {o-" t" go t"fi-J t "*Ljg" "{ tLiu 't"g', tl'" meanings. At tL" co."l'"i".s -"to-p*a"o.j *t;l {".-J) -".1d losesits atiiaction, so tLat tLe spiritual vovager
puasi"'.; tLere are no lon nov controle k" "' L.' -"-ldly *hool tempt"tioro that ca bi.d L;-,/he'. St"d."t" "{ tL" I""t";" ""U, r-lv becomirg aware lile <min inne. ['"*i"q -d "*"*""'".f on purpoee/,ole eadl as Egipliaos Lt'"y -., ."J LLeir "f Ll"'.-.t"r

{acte. *'t"i.g, (l""*i'e), ."d {.itL L"comeg H-", ["liJ b*"*" The spi'it J ' J thi" '"t""1 teacL a state wLeretl'ev 'b.4"ch'o,': TI'.v &" to tL"i' "g"i Leein to eo "" th. th*"L"ld "I (-."t") .;J ".. tt *.1"*, *Juog tL"t tL"v .'. tLe &oplet rejoi "{ Tf. dL At tLi" I""J tLere is no long* if. et"r.. "."*ligi"'" L*"'"" the apparent .li*a'1* 1.t".di$.*.". $'1 in tleir {orfre. E""t.;" i"'-g, Jisappearat tLese higl noticeaLle

1"""L "i .*-'*".

TL. E'"t"'i"

stJ"'tg "{ li{" "'lv t'"*

in wl'icL you fi.d diffe*"c"g ..t".alL e*emal aspects "{ -kg;"'", o{ u-. sent out at df{*eot ioflu"o*" b.".""" tt.". -hgioo"-*'" according to ..J Ji#erent nentalitiee, .Mliz.ti"'" 'l-"s. o.'tic'L' '" """d" t" L" Lli-J"d ""J tLeir eapacities to unJentand, it'" "*"t


to tJi"{ -J f"itt. A11..tigi""' Lavea tendencv emp}raa;

tL. t-tL" tL.t ,""y L. pa+icularly essential. As a certain medicine l tle prope'ty to a certa;a Je{iciency only- ao a particuLr reLgion

"'t" "*ti ; .- '*' -eet Jl tL" n*d. "{ tL" L"-." """1 G ;" ".i" {"' tL. e""d *L" L.h.* * I }Jie* ".ln "'J t" "1"" t"'

p.opL ."J .g. or nce Ag tLe Jewr, vLat is L*t {o' " p.*i""L' chose tLem in tleii tongue in tLeir part o{ tLe eart}r, so it was onlv LL"-. A s",LL.- p.Lt', . "ortL*' parl', and a lar eastem patl' e

";ei"J. "'d '"J"fihd do"u". of L. claimire L. LL.""1y, of rhem

B"ddL", *Li"L *""U l-* "ll "{ 1-o"' -up"'"$;hties and go eit and "L.rt. TL" *-. *itL otL.r {"rrJ*", on a man desertingLis parente at age 13 and then ending q L-g "" . "'"*, Lill"d, 't"pp.J =L-g *- "f tle;' {-;ly t" {ollow k-. vL.t abo't {i"1"'-". t"tLeir wireg aad kJ" L[ t" ""ff.'? TL.t; tL" b;'tl' o{ CLristianitv. St"p .11 y"". *".k, L""i.g your jols in C""L"r, Eeypt, -"k" . '*U*" *"d"" to .o-Lae, tL.t! i"dais-. D*"'t yo"' i"-dy ..d steJ {aon caavang , kll p""pL, L"-"t"* {."- M"tL" t" M*"", tLen go Lome ."4 b:ll -"- p""pl", t"k" tLeiz viwe anJ tLat's tLe h*L "{ I"L-. N"* l""t at tLem aeain. So tL" Ck'ti"ng "'d tL" No tra&tional rJieion is the only M'"li* -. {""l;.g tL.-*l*". t-tL "' tk. only s"l'u"' {"' th" "'"..d tL" fut"re. Do"'t L" {ooled
into existence, and Ve !."L"- t}'e Clitutian '.1i4"" "*" 'L", it waB cenainly not Jsus, Mo*s Isla-i" .'d l"d.;-





is t osn x

tLe religions

CL;:uan;ty, J"d"is- ".d I"L-, L"t go-" L*"d

utl,er, BuddLa *ti'eJ L"Jl "{ yo.. -"p"'*t;lities, tLe vorld, sat J"-

"..1 *'y L* *".

put tLen Leads t"getLe' -d L"ilt tL"- 'p into tLe religions seem dune i. tL" way in wL;cL tLey functioa ."-. TL.- w.s ."thi.g

i' m""',

di"co*'.J " *y "ot of "-dJy ""ff";"g '"J;"".y.

out o{.11 "{ t}'i' ilL*",

TL.t.""lJ d'"p
d".tl', "i., -,

h""r"' -"'.d

k'", L"t L" J"" I"{t k" {"-ily, "d" "'d "LilJ-', t"

did L" *ll *L"t h. &d to gettLere,'". E*" bJo'" h" l'.d di.J, k
t"""Li'gs L.d J-"dy t"g* to Le twisted u"J di.t"'t"d. H. g*"t, a G"d. It *" ""ly a$.' k" Ji".pp"u'u""" tL.t B"ddLb-

tull-fl"dg.d '"ligi"' tL.t *".L.d its entlery, {"."d"d "p"' -L"t B'J&" -..';"g 2*"L.1 ",i -* ""pposedt" 1."" *iJ "d
supposeJ eignifica.ce "{ tL*" -p"'t"d sayings,tLat's rehgion's

you. But tecauseth" d;.ipL" -J tL. d;.ipL" Jis"ipL" """1J ."t Ly Li" fully .g*" ". -h"t B'ddL' L.J *;d "' -Lut I'e -.."t
utterances, tLere grew up a }'os+ J "."t" ""d '"1*e"ts i. tL" b"dy tl'e parent religion. V".ld 'eligi"." is iite tLe gunnit (LigLest point) "{ u ppu-id; it is one ad unique, truly standing J""e tL" -.t Tle Esoteric dimension in"ol""s tL. spiftual senses, so it is impoesille to eonweyan orestandi.g o{ tLat -Jty to tL"* -h. }', T-. E' not yet amLened tLeir spiritual/myetical .--""egs


*t" t"". .l."Jy {"ElLd, ."dl teacLingsare **oilL -o".J L.y"'J tL. E*oteric s,t""l "{ li{e and put into pmctice one o{l tLe religions "{ tL. {"'.di.g propL"t" : Judais'tr, Hhduism, ,ainisn,l
,, CLnstiaaity, Zooastrian;sn,J (Deities) ne1r alow anyone to anJ enter a new one vitlout ," *ill cL""* to act accorJ;ng erovrl. CLoics Jlow you to to yoqr giowtL. I{ y"" cannot pase tle Exotetic school, your progressl ",;ll L. ut"ppd, {". y"r' all L., {"".d at y"" L*1. N. -- *ll [" Jli to go {u*L* th- tL" atre.5tL anJ vl sion tLat Lis om soJ permital k- t" go. TL" A.E.o. As I L J . . :ntioned ealier is tLe Eeote;!


I"l.- ". T;bal *14;'". TL" Neteru 1""". "'. *t GcLo"l"{ rl'"'cl't)

**l 1'pi;t"J; l.*" tL't *" "{ initiates E'Lo li* .."".di'g t< / the Ancient Egiptiao O'd..,r "".'d ;gLt reasoning.Ve, ' a gatellit" io . ontact vitL tL" ""t"ide w"'ld are epiritual teaoro,

L"* .d"."""J b.y"'d tL" ft*t "*"iti.g lit"--;J"J *"1""d "'d tL. *-" {"t. *, ,t""t rLet.".h;g" o{ jes"" CL';"t. TL.t ""L""1
', Ji"idi'g it'"I{ into sectgand too, cameto L" -J. t tL" o'g-iz.J '.ligions. It i" "{t- , uJ tlar i{ j"a." ca'neL*t t" ea'tL, L" *"'ld not [. JL t" *cog'r ,. -L.t L" ta.rgLt, d"" to tLe {orns tLat L."" Leen i-p*.d "' it by { ,lLlL -" ". Th" "-" i{ BuddL., M"ges, -d *" *l'at L* b*n -.J. "{ '.J M"],*.d wde to cor *Jy -" lack di""".'ug"J t" tLeir teachings, they *""1d .e story to tell. TL" "ccasio. {"r ,All '"Lgi"'" *"L L". its Geligious)Li.tL, r tL. "" ning o{ a. greatt *L* ol tL. -"Jd. He "{ Ji"i". t*tL. But men seize upp"ur" u.J **J" u" u' io, Lnost politicJ organization ou{ upon it, trade upon it, and r poli.y, .nd "{ it. TL. *hgio' ;s .q.ipp"d Ly tL"- utL a g"*--"ntal ;tes ""d -d d"g'""s (.J*, 'eguki""", Lws, r.itL it" ..eed c-e-o.i.s), Jl Li"d;.g .p"" it" .dL- "'*, Jl .b""Lt" ""d ;""i"lJL o-J" t" tk" loyJ, "'d assig', L&e tLe state, it too admn g, .st".y, {"r tL" L.*tL, a"d tL, {". tl""e -L" " '""1t ". > p'"tL-e.ts renegade. TLe ** pnnciple aaucleo{ tLee *t.LlisLeJ -.d", .eligi"" , b&*" u"J proclaimtlat yor """1J ..t L"* existed. # y J".. p"*o" the o'. "' tL " LigLot trutl, you vill not Le aLle t< tt "* fl-L to you. TLis ie natural to tLt imp'ess people ".d -"t

.ehgt"s -i'J, Lut it is juet tlat, *k"t -.t " '"hgioo st.od ;o tL" way o{ epirituJ li{e. tu1i4"' d"g.'*"tes ",'Le" t"gLt Ly se[ ndLt""'" men, it tu no g""d *lyi"g ". . d.e*" at a tLeologicJ ""lLee; b""1"
alone cdnot gire tle t"t"lr'"tL. y"' muet te a part "{;t Oo" -.

h."e stuJieJ -ligi"'" ecriptures,kstor,', pL;lo'opLy; "o" -uy b" *i".d ;' tLeology,d"g-"", d".t ;."", -d gi* *""d"J"l *-"'",
y.t L. . tJy -h.' it comes to a sfntuJ liG In ordet to trang{o p""pL'" li*" ".. -""t fi*t {i.d "..'" ""- -"y.

tLi'g The a*id* -J d.e** J . -Lglo" a'e -i' J""ig'.J {"' y"' to "li'g to ad eLut youroel{up i. . coJeJ li{. *ad know tLe trutL o{ tLe spirit t}ra out {or you. Y"r J" rot ".d .-r"t

1i." b.y"'d Jl ""d"" ".J -lis;"." d"g-*, *iJ", 1..9. a.d {'." vLe'
).otr stop at a religious c'*J ""d ti. yo*""1{ i' it, t"k"g i{ {"' tL" ""1y t-tL t th. -orld, you stop tle almcement and wiJening oI ."*J.J

our inner soul. St"Je.ts "i tLe Eeotenc ""t""1 "{ lif" 1""".
-d odLoJox interpretationa, j".t ht tl'e JotLi.g -hgio"" J"g-* TL.y "- ""t Lo*J t" .oy r.lig;"', tLey are udrers a past season.

pli extracLirg tnowleJge"'J *;"d"- L"- "JJ*hgi""'."d *ligi""" dog-*, ** Ly lit"-lis-, witLout Leing ;'flu"'*J ;t'-L, * tL.;' Iollow.n t"d.y. Unde-..tL tLe .'d -t"".*d .i g.d, th"* ;" only G"d. oae must not ""o{"* .eLgi"o" t""cLi uth spirituJ teacLings.reLgiousteeh;ngs Let.g t" tLe p""t ."d LJ p'"g-*. TL"y L"* 1".'."ubL t" p'ud" o'e -itL tL" noutisLmen '*d"d {o' o.i" "pi;t'J g'owtL. Spi'lt""l teacli.g. n'" tl'e t"."Li "{ tL. p..s"n+, i.-L*Jdi.g t}re ftture.

Th.y ."141't"' tL. ."'*;"."'"""

..d p-pu'" ;t {"' fu

realization. AutLenuc spirtuJ (mysticJ) te'"L;"g" .* alov" -L (be;ne univercJ) anJ striw {or totJ trut}r' TLey teacL us to enter int conscioueneea).H diret contact vitl tLe &"i.. G"'" "'t"'"hJle

*. J" ."t L"* b;.di'g .Jigi"'",

*" '"pL." ."ligi"" Ly tLe spiri

1i{", *k"L i" t-.., d..p*, .'d },;gL"', at tLe same time, cloger to Ji"i." -h"L is in ere+Ling, Lut we ae not co"soi"os "{ ;t. T}'ig i tlat men must attain. Students o{ tLe Eaoten tL" ";"**l p'"g-*

""t."1 "{ ld. rt"Jy oJy ".. 1""k, tt" L""L "{ LI". Th"i' -."ti"
place is tLe t -pL "{ th. divine spirit "{ t-tL, -L;"L p.*d"" *1"1" o{ .atu.e. Fo. tL*. *ho are cLoeen, tLe Esoteric

"{ t*tL "uy", this te-ple is eaeyto I;.d, ['t {"' tL" "y"' "{ tL"" dimension is esseoti it renains atle to receiwetL.-. TL. E*"td" supentition, {asung ""-p;*d o{ *uJe, extonJ {o.-" J -"-hip, l'"ly J.y", iJ"Lt.y, ttaJitions, {anaticiem a.J otLer ";"iJ -Lti""", u11"*. tL" -J t" Exoteric aspects. TLis is tLe stage wLose 6'lAll-".t to tle Esoteric 1e".1/*L""1. k {"'-" adw.ce spidtuJly peJecLion for ou spinr"al adwncement Lowards prepardtorysLaEe phyri".l/ to some extent, Ly ""r o'Ji"".y it *' t" "**t."J, "J Ly th. intelleVemotiong. But tLe Esoteiic Jimension '"*"" are awaiting *.tL, and insttuctions/assistance int" tte .""t *L""1 level



o{ tLe Ancient Egipti." O"d*

only puppets ln tL. L".& "{ tL" L'g* {"-., tL" Jl, participating i t settind spidtual e*amples ."d "itv tL" "."t"r "{ t-.."{"-ation, is an aLButdity. Unity mlst L( tk"'g}' "'d"^lty tLe woJd: uniry


th-"gL tL. *i"'

o+-..y, th" E""t"'i" b'otL*k""d o{ t-tL

EacL uemler is a pa* of tLe unitv; eacLone is in indispensJle to wL"L. Y". Lu* t" p*" tLe t}- " 'cLoJ.. Ve suggest that tLe
.ry yoo -i11 overcome Exotetism ie tLat you magts tLere

scL""L, by -"di. $. d.g'". "{ Ch'i"ti"-, M,rL.--.dis'n J"a"i3m. Srepl, ReJ rhi" p-.g'uph ufL".y", fi.i'L rl" Meuge Gomtl'e
nasrers "EeoLeric or Exoteric' gacred documenL F"' El Y"',-

(11,. I";a"t"). Tu!". tL. p"p"' "lip "."1"*J ;" yo"' puctag", .'d place on LLe cmter of rt'" f"rr p"g* it 3t.p 2, PL." y"". P.opbleton a. ,1t"."' d**". rf,,i l" "v" l.'J
to your eyes {acing yours. Step 3: PLce a cLair 3 let

You eay these Deities names 8 yo"r L{t ".1"g : timee, I-om ;gLt t" L{t *"'ly, "" t}'. 9+L ti^e y"" ""y"'O-" Lolding it on a viLrat;o. tone. St.p 5, VL;le L'e"tL;.g in and out 9 tines. On tLe last count oi 9 "A" K"l".n", wLd" l""ti"g y""' eyes d;'-tly on tL" t"" """, p"i. "{ "y* tLal are looli4 at you. You *ill Gd tl'" P'"."'"" "{
someone watcLing you i{ you really concentrate.

"A-",-R.' $"., t" st;4, T.t ' cL.* f'"- tL" ;gLt ""i-e, 'Ha-Hotep".

away {rom tLe Jte'..d

t.te . *.t.

Vby Exoteric?
The Vod Exotcric Coocr Froo Thr L.tin .5;ohtic1It,Ert',rad, Frcnr Grtc& l*;oa'alllr, Ftom cl;ohro, Conparativc Of .ro, 'Ot6id.', Frlo U,'O*'. Vhcn A Pcrlo! Ir Rcttrict d By Bclicfs Ard Feith Tbzr Pct lotr I! Ir A Statc Of Exotcric. Atl Ousidc Inllucncq Aad B.|ids. No Relirbility On Thc llacr You, Thc Crcetivc yorq Thc cod you Thc Divinc You. It'r Thc Outsidc laflucacc And Not Evcn Out Of Thc Udvers Inf,rrocc Ia Tbc Doeio Of Dividty, But Ou6idc llc EovirooDcog Ybd Yqr flavc ncea Convinccd Of, Or Mdc To Bcticvc Or Acce?r,Block Your Divility. Vtet you,vc Bccn M& To Bclicvc Ard Acccpt About Yourcclf. GO BACK TO BTGINNING REA"DING OF THE BOOK AND START


* P . O . B o r5 5 7 9* A t h e n s , a 3 0 6 0 4 - 5 5 7 9 * G E-l\tAlL To: EGIPTSX3(ar AOL.COM, Or Visit O u r W E B S I T L IA t $ ' \ \ ' W . E G I P T I A N I I Y S T L R t E S . C O M

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