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IQ Quiz!
Directions: Its simple! Fill in the answers to the questions. Lets see if you can get all

questions correct! Muahahaha!!

1. Write your name in the square provided. What is the last letter in alphabet? 3. Change just one word to make the words in alphabetical

laptop pizza antelope bear estimate tiger audio
4. I am a table, but I have no legs. What am I? 5. I sleep with my shoes on. What am I? 6. You are running in a street marathon. You just overtook the person

in last place. What place are you in?

7. I have a bouquet of flowers. All but two are pansies, all but two are

roses, and all but two are daisies. How many flowers do I have?
8. There is a barrel with water that weighs 150 pounds. What do you

need to add to make it lighter?

9. There are twelve seconds in a year. How?

10. What belongs to you that people use more?

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