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Shabbat Parshat Matot July 23rd, 2011 21 Tamuz 5771

The Rabbis Corner We find ourselves, once again, in the period of beyn hameitzarim which is the period of the three weeks between the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha BAv. The words beyn hameitzarim literally mean between the straights and are taken from a verse in Megillat Eicha which we will read on Tisha Bav which says kol rodfeha hisiguha beyn hamtezarim all her enemies (of Jerusalem/Jewish people) overtook her in the narrow straights (1:3). As the name connotes, this is a period of sadness and mourning during which indeed many of our enemies did pursue, overtake, and harm us over the ages. Historically, this period commemorates the sequence of events that began with the breaching of the walls of Jerusalem and concluded with the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash. Unfortunately it remained, for so many generations, a period of calamity for the Jewish people and this is reflected in our behaviors during this period which I would like to outline in just a moment. Before doing so, I must say that as much as this is a period of destruction it is also a period of hope and consolation. As much as it is tragic, we also believe that this is the time period in which the messiah will be born: The time period that will lead to our redemption. It is a period in which we pray and fast and try to improve ourselves with the understanding that at some point things will change and our lot will improve. We have seen the slow process of that improvement unfold in our own times and we hope it shall continue. It is always important to review some of the laws of this period of time from year to year. There are three distinct periods of mourning which parallel the three stages experienced by an individual mourner, but in reverse order: Three Weeks (Yud Bet Chodesh, Year-long mourning for parents), Nine Days (Shloshim, 30 Days) and Tisha BAv (Shiva). During the initial period of the three weeks
Editor: Judie Patel E-mail: bulletin Editors Emeritus: Sam Leichtberg & Moish Trencher


Hessing Family Sendoff Shabbat In honor of their making Aliyah Sponsored by Judith & Bruce Hessing & YIWH
SEUDAH SHLISHIT Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Arie Shteyntsayg & Inna Stein in honor of Aries graduation From LPN program & passing CT Nursing Boards exam!! MEMBERSHIP MEETING The next membership meeting about the proposed changes to the Bylaws will be held on Sunday, July 31st 2011 Mincha at 7:00 PM Followed by the meeting. Please try to read it on the website before the Meeting. (see below)
Advanced notice of proposed amendments (

BASEMENT RENOVATION We are excited to announce that we are beginning the first phase of a renovation of our basement. The fundraising effort for this part of the project was jumpstarted when each of our board members decided to contribute Yasher Koach on your leadership! This was followed by a number of very generous gifts from other families in our shul which are making this part of the project possible. Thanks to their generosity we will be able to refurbish the ceiling which is in bad shape with a cleaner more modern set of grids and ceiling tiles. In addition, the shul received an energy grant to replace all of our lights (starting with downstairs) with energy efficient fixtures. This will save us money every month on our electric bill, will help the environment, and most of all, it will help to better illuminate our poorly lit basement. These lights will be housed in our newly renovated ceiling. This work will take place over this coming week. (Daily services will be held upstairs this week) This improvement will help give a whole new look to the place in which we daven daily and gather in weekly for Kiddush. Thanks to all. THE HOUSE COMMITTEE Continued on page 3
Rabbi Brahm Weinberg 860-233-3084 or Judith Hessing, Coordinator 860-233-6042 or

Affiliate of the National Council of Young Israel Synagogues, Member of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, Sponsor of West Hartford NCSY, National Conference of Synagogue Youth, Kashrut Commission of Greater Hartford, Mikveh Bess Israel of Greater Hartford, Eruv of West Hartford

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UPCOMING YIWH & COMMUNITY EVENTS Young Singles and Couples Weekend Thank you all for your enthusiasm regarding the upcoming Young Couples and Singles Shabbaton taking place August 12th - 13th! The organizers of the program were kind enough to supply some more details about our guests. They are members of a group called Boston Jewish Observant Twenties and Thirties (BJOTT). Their mission is to provide social opportunity for young observant Jewish professionals (aged 22-35) in the Greater Boston community. Most of their programs also have a religious, educational, or social action aspect to them. In addition to enjoying each other's company, they get to see an Orthodox community that many had not been exposed to previously. The itinerary is as follows: Friday night davening at YIWH, with meals provided by YIWH host families, Saturday davening at Beth David, with lunch held at Beth David, seudah shlishit sponsored by B-JOTT at YIWH. If anyone would like more information, please contact Helen Loew, Shayne Kesler

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Acknowledgment donations should be sent to Debbie Luger at 37 Miamis Road

Best of luck to Judith on her trip to Central America as a nursing volunteer! Refuah Shleimah to Rabbi Mordechai Weiss!

Having company this summer? We encourage you to let us know if you have guests coming who would like more information about Young Israel and our wonderful community. Please feel free to contact: Helen Loew, Shayne Kesler, Aviva Braunschweiger or Ann Pava. YIWH End-of-Summer BBQ While summer will be coming to an end, many families are beginning new chapters in their lives by moving to West Hartford. Please come to greet these new arrivals, and make that last night before school starts one to be remembered! Date: Sunday, August 28th ~ Time: 4:00 PM Location: The Keslers - 57 Pilgrim Rd. Evite to follow shortly.
Please RSVP timely so that we may plan appropriately.

Break out your mixers, blenders, and kitchen aids Announcing the first annual YIWH Rosh Hashanah BAKE SALE! We are asking for participants to donate their delicious baked goods, which will then be purchased by other members to enjoy on Rosh Hashanah. Simply e-mail the item, or multiple items, you will bake for the bake sale to Debbie Freund, Please notify us by Tuesday, July 26th (extended for those of you who have been away!) what you will be baking. This is a great way to donate to the shul while also preparing a delicious dessert for fellow shul members!
Sponsored by: Debbie Freund, Fran Wittenberg, Joan Kadish & Judie Patel

BUY SCRIP! BUY SCRIP! SHOP RITE & BIG Y SCRIP AVAILABLE NOW! Dont forget Crown & Stop & Shop too! You can buy scrip for so many more stores with your scrip at any of these venues! Let's support our Shul by buying scrip! Every dollar counts! Contact: Judith Hessing (860-233-6042) at 18 Grenhart Street

SODA BOTTLE COLLECTION Eliza Katz is collecting bottles, cans, and glass to raise money for the Rabbis Fund. Please bring empties to her address: 24 Miamis Road; 860-680-9847

Page 3

Rabbi David Silverberg - In Parashat Matot, the Torah makes its first explicit reference to Bilam's culpability for the incident of Ba'al Pe'or. As God had commanded, Benei Yisrael wage a vengeful war against Midyan in retaliation for its having plotted against them by seducing them to the idolatrous worship of Pe'or. As the soldiers returned home, Moshe noticed that they brought with them the women who had participated in the Pe'or debacle. He angrily responds, "They are the very ones who, at the bidding of Bilam, induced Benei Yisrael to trespass against God in the matter of Pe'or " (31:16). Here Moshe clearly attributes the wicked plot to Bilam himself. In truth, a clear reference to this effect, albeit more subtle, appears earlier, in the Torah's brief description of the battle against Midyan, where we are told that Benei Yisrael made a point of assassinating Bilam (31:8). The question, of course, arises, why did the Torah not inform us immediately, when initially presenting the incident of Ba'al Pe'or, of Bilam's having instigated it? Why do we hear of his involvement only later, in Parashat Matot? Perhaps even more troubling is the Torah's formulation of the sin of Ba'al Pe'or in Parashat Balak: "Yisrael was staying in Shittim, and the people began committing harlotry with the Moavite women " (25:1). Whereas in Parashat Matot Moshe explicitly casts the blame squarely on Bilam, the Torah's narrative seems to accuse Benei Yisrael themselves of initiating the prohibited relations! Professor Nechama Leibowitz z"l offers an insightful answer with a critical lesson. Bilam's having masterminded and orchestrated the incident in no way absolved Benei Yisrael of their own guilt. The Torah specifically describes Benei Yisrael as "beginning" - meaning, initiating - the encounter, in order to emphasize their guilt in spite of the plot devised against them. True, Bilam thought of the idea and set it into motion, a crime for which he paid with his life in our parasha. However, the seductive tactics employed by the women of Moav and Midyan does not excuse Benei Yisrael's consent to temptation and idolatry that ensued. Therefore, in its initial account, the Torah portrays Benei Yisrael as the instigators, rather than Bilam, Moav or Midyan. How convenient it is to find a guilty party on whom to blame all of one's own shortcomings! A person can ever so easily clear his conscience by attributing his wrongdoing to others, by pointing a finger somewhere other than at his own faults. Forensic psychologists can identify any number of factors that contributed to the making of a criminal, but this dare not lead us - at least in most instances - to excuse crime. Life presents us with many challenges, including moral, ethical and religious tests. And we are expected to pass each and every one. When we don't, we must blame first and foremost ourselves, no matter what external circumstances may have contributed to the failure.
Rabbis Corner Continued from page 1 from 17th of Tammuz until Rosh Chodesh Av there are four main restrictions for ASHKENAZIM (Sefardim have a different set of rules and dates see me for more details): Taking haircuts, festive gatherings and parties, listening to music, and wearing new clothing. I would like to elaborate a bit on the issue of haircuts. This restriction applies to both men and women. For men, however, there is an additional aspect to the restriction which is daily shaving of the face (women are allowed to shave or wax until the week of Tisha BAv if need be). Many men refrain from shaving during this period in keeping with the basic understanding of the restriction as stated in Shulchan Aruch. However, there are varying customs regarding that and each one has a basis in halacha. Rabbi Soloveitchik advanced the ideas that since this period of national mourning parallels the period of year long mourning for parents many of the same halchot apply. Just like a man in the year long mourning for a parent can shave (after shloshim) when he is deemed to be unkempt by those around him (i.e. when social norms deem ones appearance to be unacceptable) the same applies during this time. Since usually after a day or so a man who shaves daily would look unkempt that would permit him to shave daily during this time period. Others choose not to shave daily but to shave on Erev Shabbat during this time. The reason for this is that since the restriction of shaving is only a custom whereas preparing for and honoring Shabbat is a mitzvah, the mitzvah would override the custom of not shaving. Next week will discuss more about the 9 days and then the following week we will discuss Tisha BAv itself.

YIWH Schedule of Services July 22nd - 29th, 2011 Shabbat Parshat Matot Friday, July 8th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting Shabbat, July 9th Rabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class Shacharit Sof Zman Kriat Shma Rabbis Shabbat Afternoon Class Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv Shabbat Ends Sunday, July 10th - Thursday, July 14th Earliest Tallit & Tefillin Shacharit... Sunday Followed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiur on Masechet Makot ShacharitMonday - Thursday Mincha/Maariv Friday, July 15th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:02 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:16 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 9:01 p.m. 4:35 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 8:00 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:56 p.m.

It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush Or Seudah Shlishit! Shul handles set up & Clean up! Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178 or to check the availability of the date you need & call Fran Wittenberg 860-232-2320 to make the arrangements for the type of Kiddush you want to sponsor. Checks need to be received the Sunday prior to your Kiddush date. Send to David Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue. There are three types of Kiddushim: Standard for $150, Semi-Deluxe for $250 & Deluxe for $350 With supplements available. For Seudah Shlishit contact Stan Rutstein at 232-3369 KIDDUSH SCHEDULE

Check out the weekly Schedule on the YIWH Website from: For Eruv Information: or
(Hotline - 860-232-6417)

Ner LaMaor Lights Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischer in memory of their parents and grandparents, Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg Yayin l Kiddush Ve'Havdalah Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah Betty & Irving Wizenfeld in memory of Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira
Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

Pat LaOrchim Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Fran & Gene Wittenberg in memory of Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

& Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe

Seudah Shlishit Supplement In Memory of Al Weisel 5771 Candy Man: Gil Fried

Want to join the Listserve? If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail to and he will add your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to .

YIWH Schedule of Services July 29th - August 5th, 2011 Shabbat Mevorchim Parshat Masei Friday, July 29th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting Shabbat, July 30th Rabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class Shacharit Sof Zman Kriat Shma Rabbis Shabbat Afternoon Class Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv Shabbat Ends Sunday, July 31st - Thursday, August 4th Earliest Tallit & Tefillin Shacharit... Sunday Followed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiur on Masechet Makot ShacharitMonday - Rosh Chodesh Av ShacharitTuesday - Thursday Mincha/Maariv Friday, August 5th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:56 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:19 a.m. 6:55 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 8:55 p.m. 4:44 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:55 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:48 p.m.

It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush Or Seudah Shlishit! Shul handles set up & Clean up! Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178 or to check the availability of the date you need & call Fran Wittenberg 860-232-2320 to make the arrangements for the type of Kiddush you want to sponsor. Checks need to be received the Sunday prior to your Kiddush date. Send to David Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue. There are three types of Kiddushim: Standard for $150, Semi-Deluxe for $250 & Deluxe for $350 With supplements available. For Seudah Shlishit contact Stan Rutstein at 232-3369 KIDDUSH SCHEDULE

Check out the weekly Schedule on the YIWH Website from: For Eruv Information: or
(Hotline - 860-232-6417)

Ner LaMaor Lights Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischer in memory of their parents and grandparents, Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg Yayin l Kiddush Ve'Havdalah Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah Betty & Irving Wizenfeld in memory of Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira
Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

Pat LaOrchim Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Fran & Gene Wittenberg in memory of Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

& Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe

Seudah Shlishit Supplement In Memory of Al Weisel 5771 Candy Man: Gil Fried

Want to join the Listserve? If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail to and he will add your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to .

YIWH Schedule of Services August 5th - 12th, 2011 Shabbat Chazon Parshat Devarim Friday, August 5th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting Shabbat, August 6th Rabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class Shacharit Sof Zman Kriat Shma Rabbis Shabbat Afternoon Class Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv Shabbat Ends Sunday, August 7th - Thursday, August 11th Earliest Tallit & Tefillin Shacharit... Sunday Followed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiur on Masechet Makot ShacharitMonday - Erev Tisha BAv Mincha Fast Begins Maariv Reading of Megillat Eicha & Kinot Alot Hashachar - Tuesday - Tisha BAv Shacharit...1st Minyan with Kinot Shacharit...2nd Minyan with Kinot Chatzot Mincha/Maariv Fast Ends ShacharitWednesday & Thursday Mincha/Maariv Friday, August 12th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting Ner LaMaor Lights Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischer in memory of their parents and grandparents, Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg Yayin l Kiddush Ve'Havdalah Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah Betty & Irving Wizenfeld in memory of Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira
Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush Or Seudah Shlishit! 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:48p.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:23 a.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:47 p.m. 4:52 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:50 p.m. 8:03 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 4:41 a.m. 6:15 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 12:56 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 8:43 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:50 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:39 p.m. Shul handles set up & Clean up! Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178 or to check the availability of the date you need & call Fran Wittenberg 860-232-2320 to make the arrangements for the type of Kiddush you want to sponsor. Checks need to be received the Sunday prior to your Kiddush date. Send to David Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue. There are three types of Kiddushim: Standard for $150, Semi-Deluxe for $250 & Deluxe for $350 With supplements available. For Seudah Shlishit contact Stan Rutstein at 232-3369 KIDDUSH SCHEDULE

Pat LaOrchim Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Fran & Gene Wittenberg in memory of Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

& Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe

Seudah Shlishit Supplement In Memory of Al Weisel 5771 Candy Man: Gil Fried

YIWH Schedule of Services August 12th - 19th, 2011 Shabbat Nachamu Parshat Vaetchanan Friday, August 12th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting Shabbat, August 13th Rabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class Shacharit Sof Zman Kriat Shma Rabbis Shabbat Afternoon Class Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv Shabbat Ends Sunday, August 14th - Thursday, August 18th Earliest Tallit & Tefillin Shacharit... Sunday Followed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiur on Masechet Makot ShacharitMonday - Thursday Mincha/Maariv Friday, August 19th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:39 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:26 a.m. 6:40 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 8:38 p.m. 5:01 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:40 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:29p.m.

It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush Or Seudah Shlishit! Shul handles set up & Clean up! Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178 or to check the availability of the date you need & call Fran Wittenberg 860-232-2320 to make the arrangements for the type of Kiddush you want to sponsor. Checks need to be received the Sunday prior to your Kiddush date. Send to David Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue. There are three types of Kiddushim: Standard for $150, Semi-Deluxe for $250 & Deluxe for $350 With supplements available. For Seudah Shlishit contact Stan Rutstein at 232-3369 KIDDUSH SCHEDULE

Check out the weekly Schedule on the YIWH Website from: For Eruv Information: or
(Hotline - 860-232-6417)

Ner LaMaor Lights Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischer in memory of their parents and grandparents, Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg Yayin l Kiddush Ve'Havdalah Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah Betty & Irving Wizenfeld in memory of Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira
Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

Pat LaOrchim Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Fran & Gene Wittenberg in memory of Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

& Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe

Seudah Shlishit Supplement In Memory of Al Weisel 5771 Candy Man: Gil Fried

Want to join the Listserve? If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail to and he will add your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to .

YIWH Schedule of Services August 19th - 26th, 2011 Shabbat Parshat Eikev Friday, August 19th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting Shabbat, August 20th Rabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class Shacharit Sof Zman Kriat Shma Rabbis Shabbat Afternoon Class Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv Shabbat Ends Sunday, August 21st - Thursday, August 25th Earliest Tallit & Tefillin Shacharit... Sunday Followed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiur on Masechet Makot ShacharitMonday - Thursday Mincha/Maariv Friday, August 26th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:29 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:28 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 8:27 p.m. 5:09 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:18p.m.

It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush Or Seudah Shlishit! Shul handles set up & Clean up! Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178 or to check the availability of the date you need & call Fran Wittenberg 860-232-2320 to make the arrangements for the type of Kiddush you want to sponsor. Checks need to be received the Sunday prior to your Kiddush date. Send to David Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue. There are three types of Kiddushim: Standard for $150, Semi-Deluxe for $250 & Deluxe for $350 With supplements available. For Seudah Shlishit contact Stan Rutstein at 232-3369 KIDDUSH SCHEDULE

Check out the weekly Schedule on the YIWH Website from: For Eruv Information: or
(Hotline - 860-232-6417)

Ner LaMaor Lights Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischer in memory of their parents and grandparents, Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg Yayin l Kiddush Ve'Havdalah Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah Betty & Irving Wizenfeld in memory of Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira
Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

Pat LaOrchim Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Fran & Gene Wittenberg in memory of Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

& Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe

Seudah Shlishit Supplement In Memory of Al Weisel 5771 Candy Man: Gil Fried

Want to join the Listserve? If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail to and he will add your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to .

YIWH Schedule of Services August 26th - September 2nd, 2011 Shabbat Mevorchim Parshat Reeh Friday, August 26th Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting Shabbat, August 27th Rabbi Sheinkopfs Mishna Brurah Class Shacharit Sof Zman Kriat Shma Rabbis Shabbat Afternoon Class Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishit & Maariv Shabbat Ends Sunday, August 28th - Thursday, September 1st Earliest Tallit & Tefillin Shacharit... Sunday Followed by Rabbi Weinbergs Gemara Shiur on Masechet Makot ShacharitMonday & Thursday ShacharitTuesday & Wednesday - RC Elul Mincha/Maariv Friday, September 2nd Shacharit Mincha/Maariv Candle Lighting 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:18 p.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:31 a.m. 6:20 p.m. 7:05 p.m. 8:17 p.m. 5:18 a.m. 8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 7:15 p.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:07p.m.

It is easy to sponsor a Kiddush Or Seudah Shlishit! Shul handles set up & Clean up! Contact Judie Patel at 236-4178 or to check the availability of the date you need & call Fran Wittenberg 860-232-2320 to make the arrangements for the type of Kiddush you want to sponsor. Checks need to be received the Sunday prior to your Kiddush date. Send to David Cohen at 19 Mansfield Avenue. There are three types of Kiddushim: Standard for $150, Semi-Deluxe for $250 & Deluxe for $350 With supplements available. For Seudah Shlishit contact Stan Rutstein at 232-3369 KIDDUSH SCHEDULE

Check out the weekly Schedule on the YIWH Website from: For Eruv Information: or
(Hotline - 860-232-6417)

Ner LaMaor Lights Judy & Sam Leichtberg and Batsheva Goldfischer in memory of their parents and grandparents, Israel Weiss Frida Weiss Abraham Leichtberg Yayin l Kiddush Ve'Havdalah Wine for Kiddush & Havdallah Betty & Irving Wizenfeld in memory of Bettys Parents, Tobias & Esther Spira
Irv s father, Sam Wizenfeld

Pat LaOrchim Challah rolls for Seudah Shlishit Fran & Gene Wittenberg in memory of Frans father, Tzvi ben Yitzchak Meir HaCohen

& Genes father, Binyamin ben Moshe

Seudah Shlishit Supplement In Memory of Al Weisel 5771 Candy Man: Gil Fried

Want to join the Listserve? If you are interested in subscribing to the yiwhevents listserve, send an e-mail to and he will add your name. If you are a member of the group, you can send an e-mail to the entire group by addressing your e-mail to .

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