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Bad Habits,

Addictions Breaking

To eliminate an unwanted habit, make a poppet of yourself out of cloth, straw, or a carved
candle. Make symbols or words on it to indicate what you want to release forever,
allowing anger to build within you that you have practiced this unwanted behavior. Call
upon Pluto or Hecate to assist your resolve to fully carry out change in you life.

Then, using a safe container such as an iron cauldron or metal bowl, anoint the poppet
with a few drops of oil of myrrh, pennyroyal, rosemary, or rue, and then carefully set it
on fire, visualizing the release of your unwanted habit or trait forever.

Burn the poppet to ashes, and then take the ashes to a place where you have no need to be
at any time soon. Bury it, turn firmly, and walk away. Don't look Back.


Items needed: wooden clothespin, black felt-tipped marker, small piece or pieces of paper
on which you have written the bad habit (s) or trait (s) you wish to dispel, some black
thread, a pin, black pepper.

Shield, ground and center, cast circle, charge of the Goddess. Sit quietly and meditate on
changes you wish to occur. Raise power by chanting the following:

"This spell I do, within my rights to be free

Darken my house no more! Begone! Begone from me!"

Color clothespin with black pen and tie pieces of paper (mentioned above) around the
clothespin and secure with black thread. Sprinkle clothespin with pepper, and then stick
pin into clothespin while repeating the same chant. Raise energy with chant and send off.
Ground, cakes and wine, thank the Goddess, open the circle. Bury the clothespin near
your front door.


With water colors or chalk, draw or write the bad habit on a piece of paper. Immediately
take it out into the rain. Let the rain dissolve and disperse the water colors or chalk. So
shall your habit dissolve, cleansed by the sanctifying rain.

For getting rid of bad habits, overcoming obstacles, riding yourself of unwanted energy.
Take a black candle which has been ritually cleansed and some anointing oil which has
also been ritually blessed.

Do not use anything for this which has not been cleansed or blessed already. Depending
on the desired result, you should choose an oil which corresponds to this end. At the time
of the new moon, or when it first begins to wane, cast a circle or use your 9' cord to
create a sacred space. Place the black candle (preferable a taper) on the altar with the oil.
Have no unblessed/uncleansed tools in this ritual. Cast the circle. Call the Goddess and
her consort. Use a burin to engrave the candle with the spell you wish to cast. Now,
anoint the candle using the oil. While you anoint the candle with the oil, speak these
words out loud or silently:

"Tonight no moon, tomorrow the first one.

Let this be eroded till my will be done.
Candle burn down to remove all ill.
Let this spell be cast by the power of my will."

And once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place to it can burn down


There are many aspects of our lives which we would like to improve, but we just can't
muster up the willpower. In your time of need, a crystal can come to your aid. You can
program a crystal to help you lose weight stop smoking or overcome any negative
attitudes about yourself. For example, you want to stop eating chocolate but just can't.
You know you should stop for health reasons but you don't have the will power. Try
programming a crystal by telling it something like,

"I have completely lost any desire for chocolate."

Wear the crystal around your neck or keep it in a pocket. Whenever you want chocolate,
touch your crystal and feel the urge dissipate. To get the most out of your crystal, you
need to get the right crystal in the first place. Pick a crystal by attraction, by being drawn
to touch it, and then hold it loosely in your left hand. Notice the impressions, colors,
sounds, and feelings you pick up. No two crystals are the same. Each crystal has its own
unique vibration, and each will resonate differently. It should feel alive in your hand,
vibrate, or radiate. In other words, it should feel good. Before you use your crystals
cleanse it. The easiest way to clean your crystal is to hold it in the bright sunlight and
order it to be completely cleansed. when, program it with your desired goal. Now, you're
ready to enjoy your crystal!

It can also be used to quit drinking and/or using drugs. On the night of a full moon
(preferably) or during the Waning Moon, make a quit-smoking gemstone candle.
Empower three or more small pieces of amethyst and three or more large pieces of
amethyst with the power to remove your addiction to cigarettes. Now make a black
candle (this can be done easily by melting those cute little black six-inch household
candles over low heat, and then pouring the melted wax into a glass container (which you
have prepared with metal tab and wick). Now add the three or more small pieces of
amethyst to the melted wax in the glass container. You may also wish to add an
appropriate oil, such as Patchouli, to the melted wax, to give it added power. Allow the
candle to cool. You may wish to reserve a small amount of wax to "top off" the candle in
case it caves in while cooling. Once the candle is ready, you may begin the spell. Place
the candle on your altar and ring it with the three large pieces of amethyst. Light the
candle and gaze into its flame. Visualize yourself being free from the addiction to
cigarettes. Visualize your cravings dissipating. Visualize the toxins in your body being
removed. Hold this visualization for as long as possible.

Now allow the candle to burn down completely. You may wish to repeat this spell for
added strength. You may make more candles, or simply use a black candle, ringed with
amethyst stones. When the Waxing Moon period begins, this spell may be reinforced by
empowering your amethyst stones with the power to keep you free from cigarettes and
using them to circle a white candle. You may also wish to carry one of your amethyst
stones with you to strengthen your magical intention. When a craving starts, simply take
the stone out of your pocket and rub it until the craving stops. Remember that magic
tends to build upon grows stronger with repetition... don't be discouraged if you
have to repeat this spell several CAN and WILL work…


Make an image that represents the disease, injury, condition or problem. This could be a
poppet, an ugly thing labeled cancer, lupus, diabetes, or whatever. It could also be a piece
of paper with alcoholism, HIV, asthma or drug abuse written on it. Make the image
something that represents the problem, something that will burn. Burn this image inside a
circle of white candles, invoking any who appeal to you. If you are making this spell on
behalf of someone else, place their photograph or something else that evokes them inside
the circle. Say:

"By __________ I destroy you. By __________ I am healed." .


Take a black candle which has been ritually cleansed and some anointing oil which has
also been ritually blessed. Do not use anything for this which has not been cleansed or
blessed already. Depending on the desired result, you should choose an oil which
corresponds to this end. At the time of the new moon, or when it first begins to wane, cast
a circle or use your 9' cord to create a sacred space. Place the black candle (preferable a
taper) on the altar with the oil. Have no unblessed/uncleansed tools in this ritual. Cast the
circle. Call the Goddess and her consort. Use a burin to engrave the candle with the spell
you wish to cast. Now, anoint the candle using the oil. While you anoint the candle with
the oil, speak these words out loud or silently

"Tonight no moon, tomorrow the first one. Let this be eroded till my will be done.
Candle burn down to remove all ill.
Let this spell be cast by the power of my will."

And once you have anointed the candle, place it in a safe place to it can burn down


Here is the part of the spell to banish negative habits e.g. smoking, During a waning
moon, add 3 drops of green food coloring to a bottle of ginger ale. Recap it securely, put
the bottle beneath the lunar beams and say

"_______, is not a part of me, when the moon is dark, I will be freed."

Fill in the blank with negative habit being banished. From that night, until the new moon,
drink a little of the ginger ale every day, focusing on your intention to change. Remember
that breaking bad habits is not just a magickal endeavor, but also a function of your own
will and honest desire.

Heavy smokers need this one...For a portable amulet that provides extra strength in
overcoming a negative habit, begin by finding a breakable representation of it.
Completely crush the token beneath your feet. As you do, Shout

"______ Has no dominion over me."

Feel yourself stomping that pattern out of your life. Continue until you feel drained, calm
and centered. Gather the remnants and mix them with pine needles and lemon rind.
Cautiously place this blend in a portable container. Choose a sturdy container (not cloth)
so you do not accidentally cut yourself. Each time you feel tempted to slip back into old
tendencies, (like smoking) carefully sprinkle a pinch of the mixture on the ground behind
you and walk firmly away, repeat your power phrase to reactivate the Magic.

A spiritual illness can be felt in a variety of ways. There may be a feeling of being totally
drained, usually a result of depression (which is an illness of the spirit as well as of the
mind), there may be addictions, there may be a string of bad luck, poor social
relationships etc. Spiritual illness can also produce physical illness. If it is you that is
suffering from this illness, cast a circle and then visualize white light streaming from
above into you. You should be able to feel this light like a warm wave of love. It is the
love of The Goddess and of the spirits of your ancestors and guardians that you carry
with you always.

Concentrate on realizing that you are a Star of God sent into this world for spiritual
experience and that the difficulties you are experiencing are only temporary and are a
necessary part of your journey to spiritual enlightenment.

Great Goddess and all you spirits of love that surround me, bring me blessings. Be with
me now and forever.

If this healing is for someone else, you will of course have to persuade them to be
involved in this-if the person is a big cynic, this can be a difficult task, so perhaps one of
the other healing spells would be a better choice. But if the person is into it, cast a circle,
then, as before, visualize white light streaming from above, into your head, and through
your body. Then lay your hands (which will probably have a slight to moderate tingling
feeling) on the person and send the energy flowing into them.

You are filled with the white light of The God/dess.
You are a Star of God.
You are surrounded by loving spirits.
Great God/dess and all you spirits of love that surround (person's name), bring him/her
blessings. Be with him/her, now and forever.


If you wish to be free from a habit, thought, idea; if you wish to be rid of past
associations, guilt or blockages; take the symbols of that problem - whatever they may be
- & throw them onto a raging fire. The fire will consume the symbols & so shall it
consume the power they had over you. For the symbols think a moment - if you overeat,
take a portion of your favorite food & throw it onto the fire. Smoking, drinking the same.
For problems which utilize no concrete objects, draw a symbol or image & burn.

With water colors or chalk, draw or write the bad habit on a piece of paper. Immediately
take it out into the rain. Let the rain dissolve and disperse the water colors or chalk. So
shall your habit dissolve, cleansed by the sanctifying rain. To Free Yourself From Habits
Etc. If you wish to be free from a habit, thought, idea; if you wish to be rid of past
associations, guilt or blockages; take the symbols of that problem - whatever they may be
- & throw them onto a raging fire. The fire will consume the symbols & so shall it
consume the power they had over you. For the symbols think a moment - if you overeat,
take a portion of your favorite food & throw it onto the fire. Smoking, drinking the same.
For problems which utilize no concrete objects, draw a symbol or image & burn. For
getting rid of things (like habits, houseguests, etc.), I always like to add a bath element.
After your ritual, take a bath in the appropriate herbs/oil. During the bath, relax and focus
on how your life will be without X. Wash X away from you. When you pull the plug, stay
in the tub until the water has completely drained out, watching X go down the drain.


You must take a white egg, and through small holes made in each end, blow forth the
contents from the shell. Plug up one end with a little softened beeswax, then fill the shell,
using a fine funnel, with sour red wine. Carefully seal the second hole with more wax,
and in red ink write upon the surface of the shell the name of that plaguing compulsion
you would be rid of. Take this egg in secret to a place where great rocks cover the
ground. Stand there and say these words:

"Hall of blood where life has fled

Walls of bone that close me round
I break thy reign, thy yolk I shed
I cast thy powers to the ground."

Hurl the egg against a rock so that it shall burst into fragments and the contents be spilt
upon the earth. Then gather up the broken bits of shell, take them home, and grind them
into a powder in a mortar. This charmed dust should be kept within a small jar, a pinch of
it to be placed on the tongue and swallowed whenever further treacherous temptations
may appear.

If you wish to be free from a habit, thought, idea; if you wish to be rid of past
associations, guilt or blockages; take the symbols of that problem - whatever they may be
- & throw them onto a raging fire. The fire will consume the symbols & so shall it
consume the power they had over you. For the symbols think a moment - if you overeat,
take a portion of your favorite food & throw it onto the fire. Smoking, drinking the same.
For problems which utilize no concrete objects, draw a symbol or image & burn.

For getting rid of things (like habits, houseguests, etc.), add a bath element. After your
ritual, take a bath in the appropriate herbs/oil. During the bath, relax and focus on how
your life will be without X. Wash X away from you. When you pull the plug, stay in the
tub until the water has completely drained out, watching X go down the drain.


If you need to banish something from your life, prepare a pot of soup. Draw a banishing
pentagram in the soup, then stir nine times counterclockwise, saying:

"Blessed Lord, gracious Lady, hear my plea.

Remove (insert what needs removal) from me.
For the good of all, with harm to none;
once this is eaten, the spell is done!"

Eat the soup.


Ingredients needed:
wide-tipped black marker
green candle
orange calcite or quartz
fireproof dish or small cauldron
cloth bag (optional)

Write your addiction on a piece of paper, then mark through it with a heavy black liner.
Put it aside. Inscribe the candle with your name. Light the candle and say:

Healing Ancients, I ask of Thee

Take this pain away from me.
Remove any trace of this addiction,
And heal me of all related afflictions.

Hold the hematite to your forehead and say:

Grand courage now and healing power

Strengthen my will hour by hour.

Place this stone on the night side of the candle. Lift the chrysoprase to your forehead and

Stone of joy and happiness

Put my urges now to rest.

Place the stone on the left side of the candle. Hold the orange calcite or quartz to your
forehead and say:

Amplifier of energies
Magnify their powers, please.

Place this stone in front of the candle. Stand in front of the altar and turn your hands
palms up. Say:

Powers of the Earth unite

Bind the powers of this addiction tight
So it will have no hold on me
As I will, so mote it be!
Take the paper in your hands and say:

Chains that bind me, now break free

I am power, strength, and resiliency I
have the courage to overcome
This addiction - go now - run!
Be gone from me!
Do not return!
Your power over me, I burn!

Light the paper with a match or lighter, then burn it in the fireproof dish, saying:

By flame of Fire, I'm purified

Of your delusionary lies.
I'm free of you and all the strife
That you once cast upon my life.
I am healed now, I am free.
As I will, so mote it be!

When the candle has completely burned out, carry the stones with you either loose or in a
cloth pouch. Repeat the ritual as often as necessary to get control of the problem.

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