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Types of Attitudes

The Attitude Behavior Cognition (ABC) Model of Attitude

Stimuli Work Related Factors Managerial Style Technology Noise Peers Reward System Career opportunities
My supervisor is unfair

Cognition Affecting Stage Behavior

Beliefs & values

Having a fair supervisor Is important to me

Feelings & emotions

I dont like my supervisor

Intended Behavior

I am going to request for a transfer

Attitude Formation
Experience with The object Mass Communication Attitudes Economic Status Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning


Family & Peer Groups

Social Learning

Functions of Attitudes
Ego Defensive




Value Expression

Difficulties in Changing Attitudes

Escalation of Commitment Cognitive Dissonance Insufficient Information

Escalation of Commitment
It refers to the prior commitment of people to a particular cause & their unwillingness to change. Extension of groupthink could lead to escalation of commitment.

The Theory of Cognitive Dissonance

Desire to reduce dissonance

Importance of elements creating dissonance Degree of individual influence over elements Rewards involved in dissonance

Cognitive Dissonance
The discomfort experienced by people feeling cognitive dissonance leads to efforts to reduce the tension by:
Changing the attitudes Changing the behavior Rationalizing the inconsistency

Measuring the A-B Relationship

Recent research indicates that the attitudes (A) significantly predict behaviors (B) when moderating variables are taken into account.

Moderating Variables
Importance of the attitude Specificity of the attitude Accessibility of the attitude Social pressures on the individual Direct experience with the attitude

Ways of Changing Attitudes

Changing attitudes of the self: Be aware of ones own attitudes Think for self Realize that there are few, if any, benefits from harboring negative attitudes Keep an open mind Get into continuous education & development programs Build a positive self-esteem Stay away from negative influences.

Ways of Changing Attitudes

Changing attitudes of the Employees: Give feedback on a regular basis. Accentuate positive attitude. Be the role model Provide new information Use fear & coercion Use rewards Influence of friends/peers Applying co-opting approaches

Work Related Attitudes

Job Satisfaction Organizational Commitment Involvement & Participation Psychological Ownership

Job Satisfaction
It refers to the general attitude of the employees towards their jobs & the organization.

A Model of Job Satisfaction

Low Turnover

Organizational Factors Outcomes Expected/valued Group Factors Outcomes Received Individual Factors

Job Satisfaction

Low Absenteeism

Job Dissatisfaction

High Turnover

High Absenteeism

Performance & Job Satisfaction

Perceived Equity of rewards

Extrinsic Rewards Job Satisfaction


Intrinsic Rewards

Lawler-Porter Model of Performance & Job Satisfaction

Responses to Job Dissatisfaction

Organizational Commitment
It is the relative strength of an individuals identification with and involvement in a particular organization.

Affective Component

Normative Component
It is based on the Belief that Commitment is the right thing to do

Continuance Component

Emotional Attachment to the organization

It is based on the Costs an employee Associates with Leaving the orgn.

Causes of Organizational Commitment

Personal Traits


Job/Role Expectations

Organizational Commitment Propensity Experienced meaningfulness

Organizational Commitment

Job Choice factors

Initial Work Experience

Experienced responsibility Psychological Ownership

Psychological Ownership
It is the state in which an individual feels as though the target of ownership (or a piece of ownership) is their own. It develops through empowerment, selfmanagement opportunities, expanded roles, and participation in organizational problem solving.

Causes & Consequences of Psychological Ownership

Antecedent Conditions Consequent Conditions

Involvement Opportunities

Information (intimate Knowledge) Influence Investing of Oneself

Organizational Citizenship Behavior Psychological Ownership Assumption of Responsibility Satisfaction Organizational Commitment Assumption of Personal Risk for The target of Ownership

Management of Employee Attitudes

Organizational Structure Organizational Climate Organizational Culture Working Conditions Job Design Impact of Technology Security Organizational Policies Pay & Rewards Co-workers

Employee attitudes, beliefs, feelings & intentions

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