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APA- Tips on citations

1. DO IT NOW. Don’t plan to do it later. Collect the

Information for your citation as you go along while we are
here to help you find it.
2. Give your reader very specific instructions on how to find the
information, idea or intellectual property you used or borrowed
3. APA is used for Science and Social Sciences. Our Social Studies,
Science and Health/PE/Practical Living teachers use this style.
MLA is used for English and Arts/Humanities.
4. Why? It is only fair that you “give credit, where credit is due”.
We expect it. It can actually make your work stronger by citing
facts and research done by authorities. If you don’t, there can be
severe penalties both at school and in the workplace for plagiarism
(using someone else’s work without giving credit).
Places to go for help

A complete (APA or MLA) web site to help you create your citations by
filling in blanks with your source information.

Use the free part of this site, NoodleBib Express, to create
bibliographies in MLA or APA style by filling in the blanks.

A color–coded site to help you create a citation (Note this lists
several other styles like Chicago and Turabian, too. Just look at MLA
and APA!)

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