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Spelling Menu
Across and Down
Write each word across and down.

when h e n

four o u r

First, write each word in pencil. Second, write each word crayon. Third, write each word in marker.

Three Times!

Squiggly Spelling
Write your words two times. First, in regular letters, then again in squiggly letters!

Rhyming Words
Write your words in any order. Next to each word, write a rhyming word. It can be a nonsense word, if needed.

Write each of your words using fancy letters.

Fancy Letters
Or Make Up Your Own Way!

UPPER and lower

Write your words one time in all UPPERCASE letters and one time in lower case letters.

WHEN when

Pyramid Writing

Superman Letter
Write a letter to a superhero and use all of your spelling words. Remember to underline each word.

Connect the Dots

Write your words in dots. Then, connect the dots with colored pencils.

w wh whe when

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