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Ways to Practice Spelling/Vocabulary Words

Hangman: Play Hangman with a partner using only your spelling words.

Charades: Play a game of Charades with a partner by acting out your spelling
words. Spell the word out loud to win.

Rainbow Words: Write all your spelling words on a sheet of paper in pencil. Only
write one word per line. Then choose 2 different colored pencils and write
each word two more times, each time with a different color.

Silly Sentences: Write 10 silly sentences that use all of your spelling words. Underline the words when
youre finished.

Crosswords: Use a sheet of graph paper to write all your spelling words so they share letters, like in a
crossword. Use one letter per box.

Body Language: Use your body to take turns with a partner spelling out all the spelling words. You can use
capital or lower case letters and must say each letter as youre making its shape.

Pictionary: Using a whiteboard or piece of paper, choose a spelling word. Do not tell your partner what
youve chosen. Without talking or using any letters, you must get your partner to guess your word by
drawing clues. If they arent able to figure it out after one minute, tell them what the word was and switch

Spelling Bee: Read a spelling word to your partner and listen as he/she spells the word from memory.
Correct their spelling if necessary. Take turns being the speller.

Scramble: Scramble each of your spelling words. Have someone at home unscramble them.

Syllables: Write each word and then write it again separated into syllables.

Draw It: Draw a simple picture to illustrate each of your spelling words. Be sure to write the word too.

Clue: Give three clues that describe each word. Ask someone at home to guess the word.

Typing: Type your words on the computer. Make each word a different color, size or font.

Length: Write your words in a list from shortest to longest, then longest to shortest.

Magazines: Cut individual letters from newspapers or magazines to spell out your words.

Switch Hands: Write your words twice with your right hand and twice with your left hand.

Word Train: Write each word end to end like one long word, but use a different color for each new word.

Scrabble: Use Scrabble tiles to add up the value of each spelling word.

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