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( z l) An upright frame for displaying or supporting something, such as an artist's canvas.


( lb )

1. a. The joint or bend of the arm between the forearm and the upper arm. b. The bony outer projection of this joint. 2. A joint, as of a bird or quadruped, corresponding to the human elbow. 3. Something having a bend or angle similar to an elbow, especially: a. A length of pipe with a sharp bend in it. b. A sharp bend in a river or road. v. elbowed, elbowing, elbows 1. To push, jostle, or shove with the elbow: elbowed me in the ribs to

get me

to stop laughing.

2. To open up (a means of passage, for example) by or as if by use of the elbow: elbowed her way through the crowd. v.intr. 1. To make one's way by pushing with the elbow. 2. To turn at an angle; bend: The lane elbows to the left. Idioms: at (one's) elbow Close at hand; nearby. out at the elbows 1. Poorly dressed. 2. Lacking money.


( l f n)

1. a. Relating to or suggestive of an elf. b. Made, done, or produced by an elf. 2. Small and sprightly or mischievous. 3. Having a magical quality or charm; fairylike


( -v d ) 1. To escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit: evade arrest. 2. a. To avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing: evade responsibility. See Synonyms at escape. b. To fail to make payment of (taxes). 3. To avoid giving a direct answer to. 4. To baffle or elude: The accident evades explanation. v.intr. 1. To practice evasion. 2. To use cleverness or deceit in avoiding or escaping.

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