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New Words to learn
 Noun1.mineshaft - excavation
consisting of a vertical or sloping
passageway for finding or mining ore
or for ventilating a mine
 excavation - a hole in the ground
made by excavating
 mine - excavation in the earth from
which ores and minerals are
 sep·ul·cher  (s p l-k r)
 n.
 1. A burial vault.
 2. A receptacle for sacred relics,
especially in an altar.
 tr.v. sep·ul·chered, sep·ul·cher·ing
, sep·ul·chers
 To place into a sepulcher; inter.
 hud·dle  (h d l)
 n.
 1. A densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals.
 2. Football A brief gathering of a team's players behind the
line of scrimmage to receive instructions for the next play.
 3. A small private conference or meeting.
 v. hud·dled, hud·dling, hud·dles
 v.intr.
 1. To crowd together, as from cold or fear.
 2. To draw or curl one's limbs close to one's body; crouch.
 3. Football To gather in a huddle.
 4. Informal To gather together for conference or
consultation: During the crisis the President's national
security advisers huddled.
 1. To cause to crowd together.
 2. To draw (oneself) together in a crouch.
 3. Chiefly British To arrange, do, or make hastily or
 ex·ult  ( g-z lt )
 intr.v. ex·ult·ed, ex·ult·ing, ex·ults
 1. To rejoice greatly; be jubilant or
 2. Obsolete To leap upward, especially
for joy.

 a·chieve·ment  ( -ch v m nt)
 n.
 1. The act of accomplishing or
 2. Something accomplished
successfully, especially by means of
exertion, skill, practice, or
perseverance. See Synonyms at feat
 o·ver·shad·ow  ( v r-sh d )
 tr.v. o·ver·shad·owed, o·ver·shad·
ow·ing, o·ver·shad·ows
 1. To cast a shadow over; darken or
 2. To make insignificant by
comparison; dominate.
 a·byss  ( -b s )
 n.
 1. An immeasurably deep chasm, depth, or void: "lost
in the vast abysses of space and time" (Loren Eiseley).
 2.
 a. The primeval chaos out of which it was believed that
the earth and sky were formed.
 b. The abode of evil spirits; hell.

 Noun1. abyss - a bottomless gulf or pit; any

unfathomable (or apparently unfathomable) cavity or
chasm or void extending below (often used figuratively)
 abysm
 chasm - a deep opening in the earth's surface
 Verb1. unleash - release or vent;
"unleash one's anger"
 let go, let go of, release, relinquish -
release, as from one's grip; "Let go of
the door handle, please!"; "relinquish
your grip on the rope--you won't fall"
 uncork - release; "uncork his anger"
 Adj.1.deafening - loud enough to
cause (temporary) hearing loss

 earsplitting, thunderous
, thunderyloud - characterized by or
producing sound of great volume or
intensity; "a group of loud children";
"loud thunder"; "her voice was too
loud"; "loud trombones"
 chill·y  (ch l )
 adj. chill·i·er, chill·i·est
 1. Cool or cold enough to cause
shivering. See Synonyms at cold.
 2. Seized with or feeling cold;
 3. Distant and cool; unfriendly: a chilly
 bear·ing  (bâr ng)
 n.
 1. The manner in which one carries or conducts
oneself: the poise and bearing of a champion.
 2.
 a. A machine or structural part that supports another
 b. A device that supports, guides, and reduces the
friction of motion between fixed and moving machine
 3. Something that supports weight.
 4. The part of an arch or beam that rests on a support.
 5.
 a. The act, power, or period of producing fruit or
 b. The quantity produced; yield.
 6. Direction, especially angular direction
measured from one position to another using
geographical or celestial reference lines.
 7. Awareness of one's position or situation
relative to one's surroundings. Often used in
the plural: lost my bearings after taking the
wrong exit.
 8. Relevant relationship or
interconnection: Those issues have no
bearing on our situation.
 9. Heraldry A charge or device on a field.
 adj.
 Architecture Designed to support structural
weight: a bearing wall.
 squat  (skw t)
 v. squat·ted, squat·ting, squats
 v.intr.
 1. To sit in a crouching position with knees
bent and the buttocks on or near the heels.
 2. To crouch down, as an animal does.
 3. To settle on unoccupied land without legal
 4. To occupy a given piece of public land in
order to acquire title to it.
2nd Text
 ear
apart somebody/something also tear somebody/
something apart1. to severely criticize someone or
something The critics tore apart his first novel, but he
never gave up and finally achieved great success. His
teachers tore him apart for cheating on the test.
 2. also tear somebody/something up to hurt
someone or something badly The college was torn
apart by antiwar protests. The families of the victims
were torn apart with grief and anger and
sorrow. Success has a way of tearing up relationships.
 live·stock  (l v st k )
 n.
 Domestic animals, such as cattle or
horses, raised for home use or for
profit, especially on a farm.

 sur·plus  (sûr pl s, -pl s )
 adj.
 Being more than or in excess of what is
needed or required: surplus grain. See
Synonyms at superfluous.
 n.
 1. An amount or a quantity in excess of what
is needed.
 2. Accounting
 a. Total assets minus the sum of all
 b. Excess of a corporation's net assets over
the face value of its capital stock.
 c. Excess of receipts over expenditures.
 bi·o·mass  (b -m s )
 n.
 1. The total mass of living matter
within a given unit of environmental
 2. Plant material, vegetation, or
agricultural waste used as a fuel or
energy source.

 fend someone or something off

 to hold someone or something off; to

fight someone or something off. We
knew we could fend them off only a
little while longer. They could not fend
off the attackers.
 veg·an  (v g n, v j n)
 n.
 A vegetarian who eats plant products
only, especially one who uses no
products derived from animals, as fur
or leather.
 ranch  (r nch)
 n.
 1. An extensive farm, especially in the
western United States, on which large herds
of cattle, sheep, or horses are raised.
 2. A large farm on which a particular crop or
kind of animal is raised: a mink ranch.
 3. A house in which the owner of an
extensive farm lives.
 intr.v. ranched, ranch·ing, ranch·es
 To manage or work on a ranch.
 log·ging  (lô g ng, l g ng)
 n.
 The work or business of felling and
trimming trees and transporting the
logs to a mill.
 Noun1. logging - the work of cutting
down trees for timber
 work - activity directed toward making
or doing something; "she checked
several points needing further work"
 muddle something up

 to mix something up; to make

something confusing. You really
muddled the language of this contract
up.Who muddled up the wording?
 ongoing [ˈɒnˌgəʊɪŋ]
 Adj

 1. actually in progress ongoing
 2. continually moving forward;
 3. remaining in existence; continuing

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