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Spelling Bee

Grade 7

1. accede verb [ak-seed]

:to give consent, approval, or adherence; agree; assent
Management was not willing to accede to labor's initial demands.
2. accomplish verb [uh-kom-plish]
:to bring about (a result) by effort; to bring to completion
We can accomplish the job in an hour.
3. entourage noun [ahn-too-rahzh]
:a group of attendants, associates or followers
The football team’s entourage included several trainers and a medical doctor.
4. inconvenience noun [in-kuh n-veen-yuh ns]
: the quality or state of being inconvenient
It was an inconvenience to go to the store.
5. guarantee noun [gar-uhn-tee]
:a warranty, pledge or promise given by way of security
The watch manufacturer offers a 2-year guarantee against defects


1. hydraulic adjective [hahy-draw-lik, -drol-ik]

:Operated, moved or effected by means of water
A hydraulic lift was used to raise the car so that the mechanic could change the tires.
2. immobilize verb [ih-moh-buh-lahyz]
: to prevent the use, activity, or movement of
He used a cast to immobilize the broken arm.
3. gregarious adjective [gri-gair-ee-uhs]
:sociable; liking to be with other people
The gregarious child made friends easily.
4. euphemism noun [ˈyü-fə-ˌmi-zəm]
: the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something
unpleasant; also : the expression so substituted The word "passing" is a euphemism for death.
5. commencement noun [kuh-mens-muhnt]
:a graduation ceremony
The speeches at the commencement were very inspiring to the graduates.


1. chrysanthemum noun [kri-ˈsan(t)-thə-məm]

:any cultivated variety of the plant C. morifolium, native to China, and of other species of Chrysanthemum,
notable for the diversity of color and size of their autumnal flowers.
Yellow or white Chrysanthemum flowers are boiled to make a sweet drink in some parts of Asia.
2. pamphlet noun [pam-flit]
:a brief essay, usually on a subject of current interest; a thin booklet with a paper cover.
The doctor gave the patient a pamphlet which provided an overview of different treatments
3. miscellaneous adjective [mi-sə-ˈlā-nē-əs, -nyəs]
:consisting of members or elements of different kinds; of mixed character:
He checked out a book from the library of miscellaneous essays on American history.
4. kaleidoscope noun [khu-lahy-duh-skohp]
:an optical instrument in which bits of glass, held loosely at the end of a rotating tube, are shown in
continually changing symmetrical forms by reflection in two or more mirrors set at angles to each other.
The landing was a kaleidoscope of changing colors.
5. grotesque adjective [groh-tesk]
:odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre.
The statues had been carved to represent evil spirits and had the most grotesque
faces, complete with horns and bulging eyes
Spelling Bee
Grade 8

1. catastrophe [kuh-tas-truh-fee] n. -- a disastrous event of great significance

The collapse of the World Trade Center was a major U.S. catastrophe.
2. franchise [fran-chayz] n.—right or license granted to an individual or group
The company was given a franchise to operate a recycling system for the city.
3. loophole [loop-hohl] n.—small opening or aperture
There was a loophole through to the building next door.
4. obsolete [ob-suh-leet] adj.—no longer in use or no longer useful
The computer my mom used in college is definitely obsolete
5. numerator [noo-muh-rey-ter] n.—part of a fraction that is above the line, to be divided
Which number is the numerator and which is the denominator?

1. mnemonic [ni-mon-ik] adj.—intending to assist the memory
I like to use acronyms or a mnemonic device.
2. blaspheme [blas- fem] v. to spead of or address with irreverence
He did not curse or blaspheme.
3. magnanimous [mag-nan-uh-muh s] adj. – generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free fro petty
resentfulness or vindictiveness
It’s sometimes not easy to be magnanimous toward one’s enemies.
4. oblique [oh-bleek] adj.—neither perpendicular nor parallel
Measure the angle to see if the triangle is a right triangle or oblique.
5. vengeance [ven-juhnts] n.—act or instance of paying back an injury with an injury
After the toddler hit her brother, he sought vengeance by pulling her hair.


1. utilitarian [yoo-til-uh-ter-ee-uhn] n.—having regard for usefulness rather than beauty

The barn is a rather utilitarian building set just beyond a group of trees.
2. pseudonym [sood-n-im] n. – a fictitious name used by an author to conceal his or her identity; pen name
Mark Twain was a pseudonym for the writer Samuel Clemens.
3. soliloquy [suh-li-luh-kwee] n.—the act of talking to oneself
The main character had a soliloquy after the other characters had left the stage.
4. synchronous [ˈsiŋ-k ə-nəs] a .— happening, existing, or arising at precisely the same time
The synchronous arrival of a baby sister and loss of a beloved grandmother strongly affected the child.
5. nonchalance [non-shuh-lahns] n. – the state or quality of being nonchalant; cool indifference or lack of
concern; casualness
Spelling Bee
Grade 9
1. onomatopoeia [on-uh-mat-uh-pee-uh] n. – the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk or boom, by
imitation of a sound made by or associated with its referent
Onomatopoeia was used in discussion for new names for children’s books.
2. ventilate [ven-tuh-layt] v.—to expose to fresh air for purifying, curing or refreshing
It is important to ventilate grain stored in a grain elevator so it doesn’t rot.
3. ancient adjective [eyn-shuhnt]
:Very old, or lasting a long time.
We found some ancient dinosaur bones on our trip to the desert.
4. chronicle noun [kron-i-kuhl]
:a chronological record of events; a history.
We read a chronicle of the American Civil War.
5. conscientious adjective [kon-shee-en-shuhs]
:Always attempting to do the right thing.
Joe is a very conscientious person who always double-checks his work to ensure it is complete


1. clandestine adjective [klan-ˈdes-tən also -ˌtīn or -ˌtēn or ˈklan-dəs-]

:characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, esp. for purposes of subversion or
deception; private or surreptitious
Their clandestine meetings went undiscovered for two years.
2. enthusiasm noun [en-thoo-zee-az-uhm]
:great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause
Her enthusiasm for Harry Potter books was evident after she read the entire series in one week!
3. incandescent adjective [in-kuhn-des-uhnt]
:intensely bright; brilliant; emitting light as a result of being heated to a high temperature; redhot or white-
The tunnel was lit by three rows of incandescent electric lamps on the roof.
4. plateau noun [pla-toh]
:a land area having a relatively level surface considerably raised above adjoining land on at least one side,
and often cut by deep canyons.
The red cliffs of the Colorado Plateau tower over the Mojave desert.
5. scheme noun [skeem]
: a plan, design or program of action to be followed
The bank also operates a small unfunded pension scheme.


1. tertiary
2. denouement
3. unanimous
4. didactic
5. epilogue
Spelling Bee
Graede 10
1. Adapt
2. Emphatic
3. Credential
4. Aerial
5. homogenous

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