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1) Fortnight - 14 days " It took less than a fortnight for the committee to dis solve " 2) ineffectuality - uneffective

" the govt made an ineffectual effort to fight g raft 3)concerted - an activity where ppl cm together, it is a planned activity . " it was a concerted effort by the govt to defame lokpal members " 4)rift - split or break "despite rift in the band, pink floyd finally performed in london" 5)pounded - crush or grind, strike repetedly "the us airfaorce pounded the iraqi city" 6)Amid - surroundd by "He cancelled hif foreing trip amid a big financial crisi s" in the middle of " a big bungalow amid trees " 7)exasperation - angry,irritated annoyed , to increase the intensity of smthin" court asked the gove in exasperation to investigate the case" " the roses exaspe rated his alergy and he started sneezing " 8)Stash- noun - a place where things are kept in secret " they found a stash of drungs " verb - keeping smthin in secret " a lot of money is stashed abroad thes e days 9)evasion - to avoid smthin by cleverness , to avoid giving direct answers " the money stashed abroad was treated as tax evasion" " the mobile giant evaded all the questions about the 2g scam " 10)culminate - to reach the highest point,climax , to cm to an end - " the party reached its culmination at midnight " " all the excitement culminated in a worl d cup in" 11)scuffled- to fight in close quarters " the two of them scuffled outside the c lass room" 12)estranged( friends)- to alienate,disruption of a bond " they were estranged f or quite smtime" 13)altercation (leads to scuffle) - a heated discussion or argument " i dont wan t any altercations outside the shop " 14) hitting sm1 in a fit of rage - suddenly ,out of abger " he hit him with a kn ife in a fit of rage" 15)Honcho-top leaders ,in charge " the infy honchos decided to shuffle the units " 16)procure - to obtain or to acquire " she managed to procure a liscence " 17)despairing - lose hope,depressed "all those depairing about the neglect of ho ckey can take heart now" 18)apathy - lack of interested "the condition of ganga has worsened because of g ovt apathy "

19)Take Heart - To be confident " congress can take heart as sharad pawar has ag reed to step down " 20)Prepare the ground - is to keep things ready for the main event - " a spl env oy prepared the ground for india pa talk" 21)endorse - " the govt endorsed the appointment of new chiefminister " " srk i s endorsing 3 more brands 22)dastardly - mean,cowardly, ghinauna " only aarushis parents could have commit ted this crime " 23)quashing - (khatam karna ) - to put an end to, to make null or void - " the t alwar wanted the court to quash their summons by the cbi " 24)Damning - " to show that sm1 is bad " they provided damning evidence " " that was a damning verdict " " the critic damned the movie" 25)tripartiet - three party " india has a tripartite govt " 26)accrued ( jama karna) - to accumulate gradually "he accrued a lot of money th rough interest " " knowledge is accrued by experience 27)ambient - immediate surrounding,pleasing surrounding -- " ambient music(circi ling) " " ambientair(surrounding " " 28) conciliatory - reconsiling " pranabs conciliatory efforts brought every1 tog ether " to bring something together 29)rever - To honour,worship,respect,deference " sri sathya sai was the most rev ered spiritual leader " 30)renounce - is to give up, disown " he renounced the title of best music direc tor " " she renounced her husband " 31) renunciation - " the act of renouncing " " the act of quitting or giving up " " a lot of ppl are expected to arrive in sai babas renunciation " 32)don - to put on,wear " she donned her best clothes for the wedding " " ppl a re expcted to don saffron clothes in the renunciation of sai baba " 33)robe - a lose gown like outfit worn by judges, priests ,bath robe " ppl are expected to be donned in saffron colour robes to pay tribute to saibaba " 34)discourse - a speech or a conversation " baba use2 gv discourse at his house every evening " " he likes to be engaged in lively discourse with friends " 35)congregate -( jama hona) to come together, assemble, gather " a million pplp are expected to conregate for babas renunciation " 36)flock - come together,congregate,gather,crowd " birds of same feathrs flock t ogehther " " a large no pf devotees flocked to asharam to catch a glimpse" 37)ardent - zealous , excited,passionate,shining " he is an ardent fan of man u " " her ardent( shining) eyes " 38)tryst - meeting or meeting place, a fixed aapointment " the sai babas famoily s tryst hv not been good in the past " " i have a trist with the doctor, they hv never been good "

39)grief - sadness , trouble , anguish " i was filled with grief when i heard ab out his death " "following his direction was just grief( annoying') " " their le ave application just gave me frief(trouble ) " 40)staunch - strongly built , devoted, committed , loyal " he is a staunch beli ever of god " " she is a staunch advocate of womens rights " 41)

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