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Mechanics of speech 1. The respiratory of breathing parts a. The lungs b. The trachea c. The diaphragm d. The abdominal ant rib muscles 2. the phonating and vocalizing parts a. the larynx b. the vocal cords c. laryngeal muscles 3. the resonating parts a. the mouth b. the jaw c. the uvula d. the nasal cavity 4. The articulatory parts a. the tongue b. the lower lip articulators c. the jaw points of articulation a. The upper lip b. The alvular ridge or teethridge c. The palate d. The uvula FUNCTIONS OF THE SPEECH ORGANS PARTS RESPIRATORY = involves two processes: { Inhalation adexhalation} = organs necessary for speech = serve as the motor that starts VOCALIZING PARTS = sets the vocal cords the second important speech organ at the tip of the larynx to vibration sending upward sounds waves w/c produce rather unpleasant muffled sounds ROSANATINGPARTS = tones from the vocal folds and the glottis, w/c at the first were hardly andible, become louder when modified into specific sounds,syllables and words. ARTICULATORY PARTS = make the sounds precise and difficult = speech sounds are made understable STAGE OF SOUNDS PRODUCTION 1. Respiration 2. Phonation 3. Resonation 4. articulation

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