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The space matrix has four quadrants CA (Competitive advantage) and IS (Industry Strength) measured over x-axis, while FS (Financial Strength) and ES (Environmental Stability) scored over y-axis. The position of company/organization in space matrix is plotted by sketching line from origin to the summated/ intersection of the new xy points. The sketching points are mathematically denoted as (x,y) pair. The points of this function may rotate the line across the all four quadrants to position an organization in SPACE MATRIX. As the sum of x, y points increases or decreases with respect to its limited ranging values, so the sketched line may happen in any of the four quadrants of SPACE MATRIX; Aggressive (Between FS & IS), Conservative (Between FS & CA), Competitive (Between IS & ES) and Defensive (Between CA & ES). Aggressive: Backward, Forward, Horizontal Integration Market Penetration Market Development Product Development Diversification (Related or Unrelated)

Conservative Market Penetration Market Development Product Development Related Diversification

Competitive Backward, Forward, Horizontal Integration Market Penetration Market Development

Product Development

Defensive Retrenchment Divestiture Liquidation

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