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1. a. West African Language b. religious movement c. New England preacher d. an English minister e. a movement that believes in human reasons f. an Enlightenment thinker that is very famous and you would be very lucky to find a dollar bill with his face on it g. man who caused freedom of the press 2. of the social class b. social class neither rich or poor c.slaves who worked four to seven year terms without wage d. school supported by taxes e. private teachers f. boys who learned trades and crafts from masters g. private school for girls ran by women h.the act of publishing a statement that may unjustly damage a person's reputation 3. The gentry, the middle class, and the indentured servant. 4. Preachers preached about the Bible and that sinners should repent. 5. Public schools allowed both rich and poor children to receive an education.

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