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Parts of the Foot Bone: Tarsus the posterior half of the foot composed of seven tarsal bones: 1.

. Medial cuneiform 2. Intermediate cuneiform 3. Lateral cuneiform 4. Cuboid 5. Navicular 6. Talus 7. Calcaneus Metatarsals form the sole and are composed of 5 bones. Phalanges form the toes and are composed of 14 bones. Each toe has 3 phalanges with the exception of the great toe having only 2. Ligaments connects bones. Tendons attaches bone to a muscle allowing movements or a specific amount of elasticity

Pathophysiology Etiology The exact cause of this deformity is unknown. But suggestions or hypotheses of its disease process are the following: Genetic factor Abnormal tendon insertion Anomalous tendons may affect the alignment of the foot. Retracting fibrosis (myofibrosis) Collagen found in all ligaments and tendons are coiled and could be stretched with the exception of Achilles tendon (made up of tightly coiled collagen and cannot be stretched). Thickening and scarring of fibrous tissue could cause the twisted foot appearance. Neurogenic factors Innervation changes during the prenatal period could be due to the presence of neurologic events or disorder such as, spina bifida. Studies show that 35% of children with clubfoot have neurologicimpairment. Oligohydramnios Fluid leak during the prenatal period could cause restriction of fetal movements thereby, predisposing to a deformed foot. Developmental arrest of fetal development Disruption of the medial rotation of the fetal foot could result to a clubfoot condition. Diminished Vascular Circulation Disruption of the branches of the vascular supply of the lower extremity could contribute to misalignment of the foot.

In hip dislocation, the ball at the top of the thighbone (femoral head) does not sit securely in the socket (acetabulum) of the hip joint. Surrounding ligaments may also be loose and stretched. The ball may be loose in the socket or completely outside of it.

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