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UFO Abduction

Good, Evil or Something Else?

Area 61 UFO Convention Duluth, MN 21 Oct, 2006 Craig R. Lang Certified Hypnotherapist Researcher/Investigator Minnesota MUFON

Who in audience has seen something unexplained in the sky? Who has either had an encounter with the unexplained, or knows someone who has? I usually find:


Approx 10% sighting rate Approx % to 1% encounter rate

UFO Abduction

Some Examples Generalizations: signs and scale Wonder and Trauma What are They Doing? Are they good, evil or something else?

Jade 1990 Abduction in Plymouth, MN


High school age at that time (Jan 1990) Was walking late at night through streets in Plymouth during a light snowstorm Suddenly found himself walking opposite direction,

no visible tracks but about 1 of snow Completely different feeling instantaneous change


Subsequent recall of abduction events Long term depression had vanished, health improved, Life-long sense of mystery...

Recalled beings and interior of object


Memories emerged over years following event Sketched these during interview in 1997 Initial fear, accompanied by healing

Evelyn: Encounters in NW WI


1996: observed object from back window of farmhouse Distant object UFO moves toward/over house Lights in yard Entities at door Amnesia from that point Left only with Sense of something strange

NW Wisconsin Case - Event #2: The Pulled out of Bed CE4


Awoke to sense of entity along side of bed Felt touch on shoulder Suddenly flipped over onto front, floating over bed Felt self being pulled out of bed by feet Memory drops out at time when body about half way off of foot of bed Next memory is of light ascending from over east side of house, above kitchen window some time later

Physical traces found after event

Close up of trace
Found a day later while doing winter prep work on yard Had not been there before (both trace and trails) Left a legacy of fear
Larger view of trace and north side of yard

Abduction Generalities

More than you think:

Estimate: about 1/3% to 1% of population 1% X 6Billion = 60 Million experiencers in the world


3 Million in USA 30 Thousand in Twin Cities (pop = 3 Million) 900 in Duluth (pop = 90,000) Twin Cities: approx 100 per 24 hrs Duluth: approx 3 per 24 hrs

For each: average rate of 1 event/year results in:



A real phenomenon affecting a lot of people Need a lot of UFO flights to do this...

Signs of an abduction event


Mysterious/Puzzling event Close UFO sighting Discontinuity/Paradox in memory or narration of event Missing Time Sighting/Encounter with strange animal, religious figure, paranormal being Sense of mystery associated with event

Other signs of being an experiencer


More than one close UFO sighting in the last few years Sustained thread of mystery/strange events in life Dreams of operations, hospitals, lights, UFOs/aliens Fear/compulsion about a place, the sky, topics such as space/ETs/etc... Sudden/Abrupt change in spiritual/mental/physical health Fear reactions to otherwise normal events:

Airplane lights, seeing star/planes in unusual way...

Evil: Fear Reactions to the UFO Experience


Post Contact Syndrome (UFO equivalent of PTSD) This is serious stuff Contact: Be careful what you wish for

Evelyn: Strong Fear Reaction


Began to do regression work on her abductions As we began she Locked up from fear Using hypnotherapy able to find source of fear reaction Found it was from early childhood learned during religious schooling to fear the unexplained Able to resolve fear issue thus to do regression work...

A Frightening Night Drive


Two teenagers driving through W. Minnesota Spooked by light in the sky seemed to hover near their car Floored it eventually lost the object as they neared city UFO actually matched descrip of approaching aircraft (?) an IFO? I Interviewed the family

Family members had had close encounters (abductions) Learned that knew of UFOs from conservative minister UFOs are demonic was the Devil was after them?

Too good to be true?


Jim described childhood playmate (cartoon character) Described positive contact experiences

But also had strong emotional responses indicating otherwise Full range of abduction experiences emerged Experiences were not positive, but had positive elements Able to come to terms with experiences: level the playing field

During regression

Often find that there is both good and bad a mixed bag

Contactees- Positive Encounters?

Events more under control of the experiencer

Not abduction at least not apparently... May even be initiated by experiencer Thus, they dont seek hypnosis No need since no pain

Report positive experiences


Result: I seldom do work with contactees Apparently positive the good side of encounters

Good the positive side


Psychic/spiritual awakening Amy: awoke in morning following encounter

Suddenly very psychic Aware of thoughts of people around her PSI and paranormal effects causing issues in life


Challenge to integrate gifts into life Conducted hypnotherapy not very successful Solution is often to embrace the gift go with it...

This worked(!)

Spiritual Awakening

Evelyn: also describes paranormal events,

shift in spiritual perspective increase in ESP abilities


Many other abductees describe nearly identical effects Similar effect to that of NDE, other traumas

an increase in awareness

Is this a goal or a side-effect

Other: both good and bad


Sense of mission:

Many have a job to do when the time is right Technology Spiritual/metaphysical truths Trauma Sense of wonder at contact with the extraordinary Resolve trauma Bring discernment to view of wonder Level the playing field

Knowledge/Wisdom imparted by Them

Mixed Bag:

Challenge is to integrate these into life

What are the Visitors Doing?


Why would they want to intervene? Many theories

Enlightened federation? Exploitive Empire? Scientific Study?


Concern over potential human ventures to the stars? What are some possible models of contact?

Deardorff: ET Strategy for Earth

(The Prime Directive: A multistage contact effort) Quarantine and embargo of Earth Monitoring and Research Isolated contact abduction Gradual grass-roots contact Expanding to species-wide awareness and acceptance of contact Open contact


(from Deardorff: A Possible Extraterrestrial Strategy for Earth)

The Nature Preserve Metaphor:


Model of UFO Abduction Analogous to relationship between ranger and animal ? Rangers swoop in with airplane and abduct animals Conduct scientific experiments Implant animals with radio collars, bands, etc... Are the rangers good or evil?

Evil: event is traumatic for the animal Good: they are trying to preserve/manage animal population

PSI/Spiritual Awakening

An awakening described by UFO/NDE experiencers, meditators, trauma victims, etc... Experiencers undergoing accelerated effect (?) Barbara Marx Hubbard: Conscious Evolution

Each person is awakening a movement within society Reaching a critical mass the 100th Monkey effect


Interconnectedness linking experiencers with others Is it goal of Visitors to foster a humanity-wide awakening?

A Bridge Between Worlds


Long term UFO/NDE effects similar

Spiritual awakening and emotional side-effects

UFO Experiencer spends < 1% of time in alien realm 99% of time in this world Experiencer is a bridge between worlds All of life is affected by alien experiences Challenge

To integrate these two worlds Form a bridge between worlds

At the individual, then at the world level

Why Intervene?

A quick look at the state of the world:

1. 2. 3.

War is our largest economic activity WMDs becoming common (nuclear, etc...):

We can destroy a whole planet (ours, theirs?) star drive in a few hundred years May happen well before we become civilized

Humans also developing space travel


Prospect of warlike humanity MUST be a concern to Them A possible purpose behind UFO/abduction phenomenon?

Some more thoughts...


UFO reports increased dramatically after WW2 Abductions have accelerated rapidly since 1950s Coincides with:

Rapid advance in human technology Nuclear weapons and space travel Global wars during the 20th century


Are humans becoming a potential threat to the cosmos? Spiritual Awakening:

Is this deliberate or merely a side effect of abduction? Perhaps they are here to civilize us

Here for our benefit and theirs?


To prevent us from destroying ourselves?

Why? - Good question...

Does humanity/Earth have some qualities that they need?

Human vitality? (Abductees describe a dull realm) Earths resources? Warlike humanity spilling into the galaxy Missionary work in our world


Self preservation to prevent cosmic-scale disaster

Or is reason more altruistic?

Are They Good, Evil or Other?


Answer 1) All of the above(?) Answer 2) We dont know/understand

Aliens are alien It is what it is A mixed bag of wonder and trauma


Answer 3) To the wolf, are rangers evil or good? Answer 4) Here for their own purposes?

Self preservation? Need humanity/Earth for some reason?

Answer 5) Here for altruistic reasons?


Examined abduction Looked at the scope and impact Asked what a possible agenda might be What are the implications? Are they good/evil/something else?

Concluding Notes

Vast scope: Affects vast number of us Phenomenon is little understood Whether for good or for ill is ambiguous

Alien agenda is not understood Depends upon perspective I suggest that it is both and neither (hows that for decisiveness... ) We need to better understand whats going on... How and why are They intervening? What is our relationship to Them? What is their message to us?

The Cosmic Imperative:

Contact Info
Craig R. Lang, MS CHt 763-257-7334 MUFON: MN MUFON:

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