Abfindung 4

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By Aarika Walter What are transitional aids and compensations?

? These are the help or aid given to individuals who are affected by the wars and after that. Transitional aids deal with providing proper shelters to the ones who need them anyway. The wars include all the borders areas especially and ones which adjoin the nearer areas to those with the enemies. These places are attacked and under constant tensions. The people residing here are shifted and under the scanner of the government provided temporary or even permanent residence in the way of the transitional aids. All these come as the effective responsibility of the government as they are messing up with the common mans property and post wars the same people also have the right to question for their part of compensations too.

Not only the lay men but also the participating soldiers and navy men

get huge amount of compensations in way for fighting for the nation. War compensation (in german Abfindung ) is greater than those which are provided due to natural calamities. The considerations given are both equal but as the responsibility on the shoulders of the administration of the country when the war concerned is heavier than when the country is hit by any calamity. The transitional aid (in german bergangsbeihilfe ) to soldiers should be always given its importance as they are the true saviors of the nation and if these people are served well in the country then the nation can have more such people coming forward to risk their lives for the nation. The government should pay well to such individuals as their lives are priceless. There are even many soldiers and their families till date who have not yet received the war compensation and other transitional aid and living a live of a nomad in the countries post wars. The members handling the compensation part should bring it to effect that they do reach up to such people and aid them well in return for their role in the fight. A check should be put upon such war crimes that are committed by the government personnel itself who gulp up the compensation money!! They should try to track down such people and help the out, as they may not have any idea regarding such offers or they might have tried a lot from their side but all was vain!! However compensation is different from reparation which is caused due to illegal actions. The compensations are given by the system where the government is to blame the disarray.

Bravery revered! The professions which served mankind, were supposed to be noble professions like doctors, teachers and soldiers. The earlier two may have lost the sheen off late (that is what the scholars blame) but soldiers or army is still counted as the noblest profession among the rest. They are truly working for a noblest cause, without even fearing of losing their life. Their countrymen are safe, because they are working hard to maintain peace within the country by keeping the enemies at bay. They dont even blink once before laying their life for their beloved nation. These brave hearts perform truly noble cause for the society and country. What do they get in return? Nations pride, reverence and trust! All of this is not sufficient to get a soldiers life going. After all a soldier is also a human being with similar needs those of a normal human being, but the only difference is that he has trained his mind to sacrifice his life any day and his familys mind to carry on with their lives without him as well. But one needs support in form of funds to carry on normal life. Every nation takes good care of its soldiers. There are many concessions, facilities granted to these true sons of soil. Apart from this there are many types of war compensation (in german Abfindung ) granted to them or their family. This includes monetary help, free education for kids, job offers to retired army personnel or the family members, in case of death of the soldier, in their skilled field. War compensation is a mandatory aspect the nation has to follow to streamline the life of soldiers or their families.

A soldier and his family play a very important role in safeguarding the country. So they deserve to get all the benefits from the countrys government. During war or after the government can offer transit shelters or transitional aids to (in german bergangsbeihilfe ) the soldiers for re-structuring their lives. Different countries have different policies towards war compensation (in german Abfindung ) . They adhere to those policies respectively. Following these policies is a way of the nation to display their acknowledgment of the bravery of the soldiers and their courageous act for safeguarding the country. In our life it is very important to display the feeling of gratitude towards those who help us, and by giving these soldiers their due respect and facilities every countrys government displays their gratitude.

Though war is a similar word and act in almost all of the countries, war compensation (in german Abfindung ) differ in each of them. Internal

compensation or external one depends well on the policies adopted by that particular country. Government of a country is liable to offer compensation against damage to its people; this is offered after a comprehensive assessment. Due amount of compensation is offered after this assessment. It is not just the countrymen asking for the war compensation, but also nations asking other countries for compensation against damage caused by the war broken by them. War is normally occurred due to conflict between two countries, but there are other countries which unnecessarily suffer damage or loss in various forms. In recent history we can see many countries demanding war compensation (in german Abfindung ) from other countries, who initiated war. In doing so, many human right associations come into picture which make the people aware of their basic rights and rightful compensation. Good example of this case is Israel rejecting the Gaza war compensation , where the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, consisting of more than 1,000 residents of the Gaza Strip, claimed that due to prolonged delay Israel refused to hear their case and claim for compensation. The war initiated by Israel before end of 2009 saw massive loss of lives in Palestine. But the claims should have been made right in time and not so late, was the stand of Israel. In other case where the residents of Pyela village in Amuru district have asked the Government to compensate them for their 27 sons who were killed by the NRA soldiers. People can claim for their loss from the respective government. It is morally accepted by the war- initiating country to accept the responsibility and pay compensation to other countries.

However different the policies may be for the other countries, but for their own soldiers who sacrificed their lives to save the countrys pride, it is a mandatory policy for the government to pay transitional aid (in german bergangsbeihilfe ) to soldiers as compensation either to them or to their families, if the soldier has laid his life in any war. It is a token of gratefulness of the government and countrymen to the brave heart who, without thinking of self, has put the safety of his country before anything else. So, this kind of facilitation or compensation is deserved.

Soldiers are also the citizens of their countries but they are different from the normal citizens as they get distinct in the form of their job. These soldiers who vow themselves into the cover of protectors have the biggest responsibility ever. They take up this occupation of fighting for their nation not because they are paid the most or they get benefited in any ways. Think again, how is he benefited if he is the one who is always be in a higher affinity to get killed or is at par with

the enemies in a war? He does all this as a respect and value that he shows to the country he is serving for.

They can belong to army, air force, navy or any other internally secret missions when it comes to dole out for the nation with his utmost pride and keeping the heritage intact. Wars have always been there only because of the yearning for higher power and are the best and prove it anyhow!! So was the Second World War which created the maximum devastation and sabotage in the human history. Since then Germany has enacted a number of laws that held war compensation (in german Abfindung ) to the people who suffered from the persecutions at the hands of the Nazis. These compensations were given away in the way of millions and millions of rupees. There were many laws introduced at those times as well which are followed still today. The Federal Republic of Germany first undertook the initiatives for the compensation system in the country. The German law that compiles of these systems where known under the acronym of BEG. Under this law the individuals who had lost their properties physically (parts of body, minor and major injuries due to wars etc.) and socially (persecuted politically, racially etc) got well

compensated. A large number of people were aided as compensation. There were also many transitional aids (in german bergangsbeihilfe ) to soldiers given for their effective sacrifices and even to the families of the deceased. People who still have claims regarding the Second World War should know that the period of effectiveness of the BEG law is expired since 1960 and there are other laws that have come to action by the German government which can be helpful for such people. Any government will only be good towards the people who fought for the country and brought back its respect and legacy safely. Apart from compensations, national respect and rewards are also given away so as to make their importance a bit more essential.

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