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Until When?

Lesson 1

Until when it will there be conflicts and discord in the family, between parents and children,
husbands and wives?
For how long will we live under the fear of separation, illnesses and death?
As we contemplate the terrible world, in which we live, we must remember that it wasnt
always like this...
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and it was very good. (Genesis
1:1, 31)
Why did these things change? According to the Bible, a being called Lucifer rebelled against
God and he was cast out of heaven. (Ezekiel 28:14-15; Isaiah 14:12-14; Revelation 12:7-9)
The story of sin and suffering in this world started when at the Garden of Eden, our first
parents were deceived by the serpent and they violated Gods law. (Genesis 3) Every human
being is born in sin, and all of us are sinners (Romans 3:23) condemned to die. Fortunately,
our Creator had a plan to put an end to our suffering, by offering to everyone eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Savior. (Romans 6:23)
(1) What precious promise did Christ offer us? (John 14:3)
(2) When Jesus went to heaven, what did the angels affirm? (Acts 1:9-11
(3) When Christ returns, how many shall see Him? (Revelation 1:7)
(4) When is the exact day of His coming? (Matthew 24:36, 42)
(5) What is the purpose of Christs second coming? (Revelation 22:12)
(6) How many groups will there be on that day, and what will be their reward?
(Matthew 25:31-34, 41)
At the end, what group would you like to be a part of?

Pillars of Faith
Greater New York Conference Personal Ministries Department - 2004

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