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Little Valley United Methodist Church 109 Court Street, PO Box 221 Little Valley, NY 14755 (716) 938-6150 Joseph Pascoe, Pastor Office Hours: Monday Friday 9:00-12:00 Monthly Newsletter August 2011
Greetings to all of you in the name of Jesus Christ! Today is a beautiful day! The rain has finally come, several times actually. There is by no means any complaining on my part for that either. It means for me that I didnt have to water the garden, or wash the dust off the car, God just continues to provide. It does mean however that the grass will probably be growing again and I will have the privilege of mowing it. Today was also the first time I got to meet and visit with our new district superintendent Rev. Sherry Rood. We talked about a lot of things within our: local, district, regional, and global church. We talked about how God is doing such amazing things that we cant even begin to count them all. The psalmist urges us however to count our blessings and to name them one by one. As Sherri and I were walking and talking about what God is doing here in Little Valley, it became even more evident to me that we are the hands and feet of Christ. The church is an institution we come and worship in. But the real church is all of you, doing your little things every day to minister to Gods people all around you. As we were having lunch at Hughes Hotel we had the opportunity to offer the peace of Christ to a couple of brothers who needed a smile from Jesus. Sometimes, and I think more often than not, it is those small little glances that really touch the hearts and lives of Gods children who need Him. We are called to be going for Christ all the time. That doesnt necessarily mean we have to be talking or doing. Over the next month see if you can reach out and touch somebody with Christ. Start counting your blessings slowly one by one, so that you dont miss any of them and then start sharing those blessings with others. God is all around you at all times. Are you seeing Him? Until next month remember to lighten up and live the gospel of peace with others. Together we can change the world one life at a time!! Selah, Pastor Joe

Transforming Lives By Knowing Christ And Making Christ Known

Worship and Celebration Ministry Team News

Worship! We look forward to coming together before God and hearing His word. We encourage you to get involved in worshipbe an assisting minister or greeterlead a Childrens Momentvolunteer to share your gift of music or greeting others as they enter worship. Call any of the team members below to find out how you can serve. If anyone has any feedback or comments regarding worship, please contact anyone on the Worship and Celebration Ministry Team (Annette Andrew, Al Ormond, Glenda Campbell, Laurie Peters and Pastor Joe). See you in worship

Sunday Prayer Time Sunday time and place varies from week to week. See Annette Andrew or Becky Cable for details. We are prayer walking again on Wednesday evenings as weather permits. All those interested meet at the church at 7:20 p.m. and well start walking at 7:30 p.m. Well walk for about an hour and meet back at the church. Those able to stay will continue with prayer in the sanctuary. We also have a prayer box in the back of the sanctuary for prayers/concerns to be prayed over on Wednesday nights. Outside we have a mailbox for prayers also if you forget on Sunday or the church isnt open. Anyone in the community is welcomed to use it so please tell others about it. God tells us where two or more are gathered in His name. The prayer chain may be utilized at any time the need arises. To get a prayer started, simply call Bonnie at 801-6197 or the church office at 938-6150. We will be meeting in the sanctuary before the service on Sunday morning and everyone is welcome to join us. We will be praying for Pastor Joe and the worship service.

Trinity House Healing Ministry

Trinity House will be open for prayer the first Thursday of each month. The prayer team will meet at 6:00 p.m. for prayer/worship/training. Those seeking healing will be ministered to from 7-9 p.m. Appointments are not necessary. If prayer requests are received between times of operation, appointments will be made accordingly. We are also available to pray following Sunday worship services. If you have a heart for intercessory prayer, a desire to see the sick receive healing or are just plain curious about healing, please talk with me. In Christ, Becky Cable 543-5050

LATCH is held the first Sunday of the month and stands for Lunch After The Church Hour. Please feel free to join us even if you didnt come prepared. We all need to eat. Sometimes you may not have time or may have forgotten and thats ok. He always provides. If you wont stay because you didnt bring something, you can always run to Brooks Market (or give one of our youth a few bucks and have them run over) and pick up some milk, punch, rolls, crackers, cookies or something, but dont feel like you have to. There always seems to be more than enough and we just want everyone to enjoy the fellowship. LATCH dates are August 7 and September 4.

We are blessed to have some new shrubbery to replace others that were taken out because they got too big. The work was done by Roberts Nursery and paid for with memorial money given in memory of Pete Newhouse. Please check it out.

July 16, 2011 Dear Friends and Family, I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your continued support of Gods calling on my life. Your prayers and financial contributions have enabled me to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the many people of India. A few years ago God called me into the mission field to be a missionary to the people of India. I had to really pray about this because it wasnt something I ever desired to do. After much prayer, the call became my hope and desire to serve my God in this way. HE showed me where I would be going, how long, and even the time of year. It all came together exactly like HE told me. HE put together the people I needed to know because I didnt have a clue how to go about putting together or joining a team. I met someone from Camp Findley who knew someone from Georgia who was looking for four other people to go with her to India. So I connected with her and she agreed to take me even without previous experience in the missions field! I didnt actually meet her until we reached India, but we felt like sisters immediately and had a great trip together. Out of five who signed up to go, only two of us went. Another of Gods plans in action! God has put on my heart, the need to sell my house and serve HIM full time as a missionary to India. I believed I had to sell my house first to go, but a door has opened for me to go now for 5 weeks. I will be returning to Coimbatore where God had shown me was the place for my ministry while on my first stay in India. HE then gave me confirmation to that when I returned back home. I will not be able to stay at the Childrens Home as I had before, because of a shortage of space, so I will have to stay at a hotel nearby for $25 a day. My airfare for this mission is around $1500. I figure the total trip will cost around $3,000-$3500 dollars. The most humbling part in following Gods call on my life is requesting financial help to take these trips, it does not come easy for me, but to serve God in the way HE is asking me to, I need to do it. As mentioned earlier I figure I will need approximately $3000-$3500 and I am asking if God puts it on your heart to help support me financially in this ministry of taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of India, please send a check to Little Valley United Methodist Church with India in the memo space. The other area that I will be needing all of your support is prayer. I cannot do this alone, and I know that God and I will be taking this trip together and I am very excited about that. Your prayers and petitions make this possible. For with Jesus Christ all things are possible. Thank you in advance for your support, however that may be! We have an awesome God, of who I am always in awe, and I know everything will come together for HIS purpose in this trip. I praise my God for this opportunity to serve HIM and to show HIS people the love HE has for them, and desires for them to receive. May HE richly bless each of you in your daily walk with HIM. In Christ Jesus, Bonnie Hurley

Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. 1 Chronicles 23-26 NIV


Office hours will be 9-12 Mon-Thurs. unless conflicting appointments, Fri.-day off, Saturday-Sabbath Tuesdays Mens Breakfast at the VFW 8am Wednesday evenings 8-? Prayer 7/31-8/4 Kingdom Bound 8/6-8/7 Campfire for Christ 8/12-8/13 Community Youth Campout 8/15 Trinity House work day 8/18 10am worship meeting 8/18 Ad Board 7pm 8/23-9/3 Pastor Joe on vacation


Our youth are gearing up for a spirit led and filled week at Kingdom bound. We have great expectations at meeting Jesus face to face and also sharing Him with others as times arise. We would like to thank all of you for your prayers and patience with us as we move forward into the future with Christ, also a big thank you for all your donations of food, money and leadership that enabled us to attend this wonderful event. We continue to sponsor a young girl with Compassion International and your gifts of bottles and other donations enables us to continue that relationship with her. We look forward to regular meetings and mission opportunities that will begin again in September. If we can be of any assistance in any way please just ask us, we love to help out whenever and wherever we can!! Peace

Special music is still NEEDED for the summer. If anyone is interested, please contact Annette at 628-3077. Choir will take a seasonal break through the summer and begin again in September. Thanks, Annette

We have been discussing replacing the roof over the preschool room for about a year now & as soon as the bids come in that work will start. Sam will be looking for a work crew to tear the old roof off. By us doing the tear off we will be saving thousands on the project. Pastor Joe will also be finishing the painting of Trinity House in August. Thank you to all that have worked on Trinity House. The next trustees meeting will be August 11th at 7:00pm.

The men of LVUMC and other area churches meet for breakfast and study the fourth Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM in the fellowship hall. Join us for Man Food and uncommon discussion. The next dates are August 27 and September 24.

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Ephesians 5:1-2 NKJV

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Building a Heart of Faith

We had an amazing, hot, fun filled week of VBS last month. We had an average of 66 children with 45 youth and adults helping out each night! What a faithful God we serve and how thankful I am for all of you. You gave of your time, resources and prayers. I see that God has gifted us uniquely and what a beautiful testimony to our community when we work together to glorify His name and to share His love to His children. We will be meeting as a Christian Education team on Monday, August 29th at 7:00 p.m. to distribute Sunday school materials and set our schedule for the year that begins Sunday, September 18, 2011. There are openings for leaders and helpers. Please consider sharing the love of Christ by helping out in Sunday school. Childrens worship continues to meet for those age 4 thru 2nd grade. This month the children will experience Paul & Barnabas, Pauls Helpers, and Paul & Lydia. In Christs love, Becky Cable CE Coordinator 543-5050

From the VBS "Shake It Up Cafe"

The children seemed to enjoy the snacks each night as they ventured into the Cafe'. The favorite snacks were the fruit kabobs with the fruit dip, oatmeal cookies and the Shake It Up Smoothies on Friday. Everyone liked the smoothies so we felt that we should share it with everyone. Shake It Up Smoothie 2 cups frozen or fresh unsweetened strawberries 1 banana 1/2 cup cranberry-raspberry juice 1/4 cup orange juice 3/4 cup vanilla yogurt fresh strawberries and whipped cream for garnish (optional) Put the strawberries at the bottom of the blender. Add the banana, juices and yogurt. Blend until the mixture is smooth. Pour into cups. If desired, garnish with fresh strawberries and a dollop of whipped cream. YIELD: 10 SERVINGS USING A 3.5 INCH CUPS. The DC young adult small group members have been meeting sporadically to hang out and have been enjoying the summer break so far. We plan to officially start back up in the fall with the other small groups. If you are interested in joining or may know someone who is interested, or you are looking for information on the DC small group, please contact Sean Andrew. The Eagle's small group will not be meeting formally during the summer. We will be having a dessert fellowship later in the summer to discuss ideas for our fall time together. We have appreciated all of their participation and willingness to learn with us about the end times. We hope all have a great summer! Contact Jon or Becky if you are interested in joining us. Navigator's 2:7 Discipleship Class meets every Thursday in the Adult S.S. room. The class consists of 6 people who have committed the next 8 months of training in particular spiritual disciplines which will allow them to "know Christ and make Christ known". The class is led by Jon Cable. While we can't take new-comers to the class at this time, we ask for your prayers as these students learn, grow, and become trained in Bible memorization, Bible study, preparing personal testimonies, learning to share the gospel in a clear, and understandable way, becoming regular in Bible reading, and other spiritual practices which will lead towards spiritual transformation. Unfortunately, this class is closed, but once we are done next February, I will begin planning for the next class which will begin fall of 2012. Maybe you will want to be in that class when it happens. Pray about it and talk with Jon if you have any questions about what we are doing or about information regarding being in the next class.

ACOLYTE TRAINING If your children have not gone through the refresher for this important job, please see Bobbie Jo to set up a date and time this can be done. There are some things that need to be reviewed with all interested children in grades 2nd through 5th. We can do these sessions on an evening; a Saturday afternoon or a Sunday morning at 9:30 prior to church. We would like to have everyone go through this before Sunday School resumes in the fall.

With one more month of summer ahead and children and parents looking forward to going back to school in September, keep in mind when you are switching your closets and dressers around to bring your good clean clothes to church for reuse. If you would like to spend some time on a regular basis or even once in a while, ask Bill what you can do to help. We accept clothes Mon-Fri 9am-12pm when staff are in the office. They can direct you where clothes donations can be put. Please when you bring your clothes in have them clean with no rips or holes. If you have toys, furniture, or any other non clothes items please contact Bill Perkins @ 716-560-5973 for a drop off time & place. DO NOT leave anything that is broken, has parts missing or without consent. Please, do not drop off any junk; we have to pay to have it disposed of!!!!! Thank you, Deposit Bottles and Cans Dont forget, if you hate the messy job of taking back your returnable cans and bottles, donate them to the youth and let them do it. Every little bit will help and they add up fast. It will help them raise money for their activities. Did you know water and juice bottles now have a deposit on them?


If you have not yet turned in your worksheets for the calendar orders for 2012, please do so as soon as possible or let Bobbie Jo know what the status is. You can still contact Bobbie Jo in church or at 9386247 to get your dates listed and/or to order a calendar if you are not on the current calendar. Write your dates (birthdays, anniversaries, memorials) down and get them to me as soon as possible. For $5.00 you can get 5 dates put on and you will receive a calendar. For more listings it is only 50 cents each. If you just want a calendar, they are only $3.50.


2 9 9 11 20 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 30 BIRTHDAYS Elizabeth Horth Amara Williams Joyce Bedell Robert Blakely Denny Burek Haley Campbell Bob Schauman Debbie Hensel Kevin Andrew Alexis Aldrich Jillian Rowe Phyllis Krug Chelsea Dechow ANNIVERSARIES 8 9 14 16 17 25 26 Cathy & Charlie Lazarowitz Jim & Roxanne Gassman Chris & Desiree Goodenow Lindy & Nate Terhune Jim & Nancy Blakely Denny & Marley Burek Ray & Lisa Brooks

Bumper sticker of the year: 'If you can read this, thank a teacher - and, since it's in English, thank a soldier'

Well its August already and that means its time for our HUGE yard sale at Bonnies house, it will run from Aug. 1st- Aug. 6th 9am-5pm Monday through Friday and 9am 1:00 on Saturday. We need help that week, consider coming down & helping. We still can use good quality donations, furniture, holiday decorations, tools, toys, etc, please no broken items and if they are clean they will sell better. All proceeds will go to our Mission account. On Saturday Aug. 6th starting at 1pm we will start taking down the yard sale, tents need to come down, tables taken back to the church and all leftover stuff needs to be boxed up & be put to the curb or taken to storage, if you can help for a couple of hours that day it would be very helpful Thanks Bill

JOHNNY WANTS TO BE A PASTOR (from the Internet)

Johnny's Mother looked out the window and noticed him "playing church" with their cat. He had the cat sitting quietly and he was preaching to it. She smiled and went about her work. A while later she heard loud meowing and hissing and ran back to the open window to see Johnny baptizing the cat in a tub of water. She called out, "Johnny, stop that! The cat is afraid of water!" Johnny looked up at her and said, "He should have thought about that before he joined my church."

VBS 2011 In case you werent able to come to help with VBS this year, I think we can safely say we were COOKIN. Becky did a wonderful job. Betty and Margaret took some awesome pictures each night. We had lots of help, many of the old cooks and even some new faces were there eager to stir things up with their talents and gifts. The kids loved dancing and singing to the music with Mariel and Lisa, helping with the awesome science experiments with Professor Pascoe and his assistants, listening to the actors in storytelling organized by Becky and didnt seem to mind the heat of the week with all those energetic games Jon and Kevin organized. The snacks prepared by Geniece and Joyce and their helpers of course were appreciated to help replenish our energy. They were so good about trying to make sure all the volunteers had snacks as well. Our mission was to collect non-perishable food items for our local food bank. Children brought canned goods in daily and added to the shelves in the caf. If you would still like to help out with the cost of the VBS budget, you may still do so by including it in your weekly tithing and just make a note for the amount to be used for VBS. Thanks to all who donated needed items on the list prior to the week. Stella was so good to us in preparing delicious meals each evening for the workers and families wishing to come down and share dinner, fellowship and a prayer prior to beginning each night. This is a great way to start out each evening and we thank her from the bottom of our stomachs and hearts. After cleaning up on Friday night, the workers and families enjoyed dinner of Pizza and Ice Cream with all the toppings. What a tasty way to finish out the week. Praise be to God and thanks to all who helped in one way or another.

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. 2 Samuel 31-34 NIV











Keep those toner/ink cartridges coming! Please keep those empty toner cartridges coming but the rule is that they do not want any cartridge larger than you can hold in your hand so just the smaller ones please. Thank you again. Harriet We are still saving Campbell Soup labels. Thank you for your support. mmm mmm good. Included in those labels along with Campbell soups are V-8, Spaghettio's, Pepperidge Farms, Franco American, Swanson, Prego and Market Day products. Looking for 35 mm film containers and powdered laundry scoops as well as used, clean nylons and pantyhose. They can be given to Bobbie Jo. Thank you NEEDED On a regular basis we use the following things for our dinners, latch and coffee hour. If you are so led to get any of these things now or from time to time, we would greatly appreciate it. Maxwell House regular and Folgers decaf coffee, Swiss Miss instant chocolate in the bulk canister Hawaiian Punch Gallon Size, 2 Liter size 7up (or the cheaper equivalent). We also could use about a dozen large heavy dish towels and some dish cloths. Thank you everyone who has donated items in the past!! Bill Perkins Attention! Dont Throw Away That Empty Cartriidge!! Don t Throw Away That Empty Cartr dge Briing iit to church!! Br ng t to church Box Tops for Education The Little Valley and Cattaraugus Elementary schools are collecting Box Tops for Education. You find them on many food, household and personal care products. Laurie has placed a collection box on top of the mailboxes by the glass doors. She will distribute half of those collected to each school. The Cattaraugus Elementary is in need of a playground update and the Playground Committee is using the Box Tops as part of their fundraiser. Little Valley will use theirs when they decide how they will be used. Either way, we appreciate your help. Wanted: Your input for the Pathfinder If you are planning an event for the church, please remember to get the information into the pathfinder. What a better way to get that information out to the many people who receive it. If it is an ongoing event, and it changes, remember to notify us of that change. Send us news of your ministry team, church group, community and personal happenings, upcoming events, original short stories or poems, testimonies, praises and concerns, wantads. Photos may be submitted with articles. The number of photos and clipart that we can handle in each issue is limited. We will try to include these whenever possible. Photos should be bright and close-up. Dark photos and landscapes do not show up well in the black and white printed edition. Copyrighted material must have the permission of the author to be used. Internet material should have the name and permission of the originator. Articles may be submitted electronically by disk or e-mail [preferred method] to, left at the church office or given to Bobbie Jo. Little Valley UMC website CHECK IT OUT! Surf on over to the new and improved We have a feature to help us plan for the events and ministries. We have a centralized, on-line calendar for everyone to view. You can link to the calendar from the church homepage. If anyone would like to add dates/events to the calendar, send an email to the office or to the pastor. If you are a ministry team leader and would like to add events to the calendar, let me know and I will get the login information.

1-6 Mon-Sat 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 7 Sun 10 Wed 11 Thu 14 Sun 15 Mon 16 Tue 17 Wed 18 Thu 21 Sun 23 Tue 23-9/3 Tu-Sa 24 Wed 25 Thu 27 Sat 28 Sun 29 Mon 30 Tue 31 Wed 31-8/4 Su-Th 1 Thu 4 Sun 5 Mon 6 Tue 7 Wed 8 Thu 9-11 Fri-Sun 11 Sun 13 Tue 14 Wed 15 Thu 18 Sun 20 Tue 21 Wed 22 Thu 23 Fri 24 Sat 25 Sun 26 Mon 27 Tue 28 Wed 29 Thu AUGUST Lawn Sale at Bonnies 9:00-5:00 M-F & 9-1:00 Sat. Mens Group @ VFW 8:00am/WIC 9:00-1:00 Praise Band 6:00/Prayer Night 7:15 Healing Prayer @ Trinity House 7:00 Worship 10:30/Communion/Latch/Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Class 6:45 Praise Band 6:00/Prayer Night 7:15 Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Class 6:45/Trustees 7:00 Worship 10:30/2:52 Venture Teen Boys 5:30 Trinity House Painting 4:00 Mens Group @ VFW 8:00am/Senior Luncheon 11:30 Praise Band 6:00/Prayer Night 7:15 10am worship meeting/Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Class 6:45/Ad Council 7:00 Worship 10:30 Mens Group @ VFW @ 8:00am Pastor Joe & family on vacation Praise Band 6:00/Prayer Night 7:15 Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Class 6:45 Mens Breakfast 8:00 Worship 10:30/2:52 Venture Teen Boys 5:30 Christian Education Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 Mens Group @ VFW @ 8:00am Praise Band 6:00/Prayer Night 7:15 Youth Group at Kingdom Bound SEPTEMBER Healing Prayer @ Trinity House 7:00 Worship 10:30/Communion/Latch at Ormonds Pig Roast/Community Youth Event 6:00 Labor Day Celebrated Mens Group @ VFW @ 8:00am/WIC 9:00-1:00 Praise Band 6:00/Prayer Night 7:15 Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Class 6:45 Womens Retreat at Camp Findley Worship 10:30/2:52 Venture Teen Boys 5:30/2:21 Youth Group 6:30 Mens Group @ VFW @ 8:00am Praise Band 6:00/Prayer Night 7:15 Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Class 6:45/Ad Council 7:00 Sunday School Begins 9:15/Worship 10:30/2:21 Youth Group 6:30 Mens Group @ VFW @ 8:00am/Senior Luncheon 11:30 Praise Band 6:00/Prayer Night 7:15 Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Class 6:45 Autumn Begins Mens Breakfast 8:00/Lawn Sale Set up at Bonnies 9:30 Sunday School 9:15/Worship 10:30/2:52 Venture Teen Boys 5:30/2:21 Youth Group 6:30 Trinity House Work Night 6:00 Mens Group @ VFW @ 8:00am Praise Band 5:30/Prayer Night 7:15 Navigators 2:7 Discipleship Class 6:45

Little Valley United Methodist Church 109 Court Street Little Valley, NY 14755


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