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Formal Imitation Instructions

You are responsible for producing a detailed three paragraph imitation of the natural observation Henry David Thoreau performs in his chapter The Battle of the Ants in Walden. In order to produce an imitation you need to address the following considerations. Structure Purpose Level of descriptive detail. Analogy to both literary and historical references

Checklist of required items Paragraph One o Anecdotal introduction of the scene (describe where you observed animals and how you came to be there). Given that we are not going on a field trip, you can fictionalize the account, so long as the details are realistic. Detailed description of the animal(s) involved which includes their physical and abstract qualities (personality) Allusion to literature (what character would you compare them to and brief explanation as to why) Explanation of what you believe their motive is and a comparison to historical figure (historical allusion)

Paragraph Two o o Detailed description of the outcome or the termination of your observation. Description of your lasting impression of those animal(s) success or failure in achieving their end goal (whatever that may have been).

Paragraph Three

Your speculation on what type of human historical figures and (more importantly) what current historical, political, or cultural issue or conflict your observations of animal life remind you of.

Reminder: You are spending the first day researching imagery and details about the animal(s) you will choose for realism in both appearance and behavioryou do not need to choose ANTS as did Thoreau, nor do you need to choose a situation in the animal kingdom that is violent or goryunless that floats your boat.

Timeline: Your rough draft is due on Monday, January 31st. Peer review will occur on Monday and final draft is due on February 3rd.

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