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1. The Patient should keep on washing his eyes with plain tap water as
many times as possible.
2. After every eye-wash, both hands should be well washed with soap
(preferably Dettol / Savlon) & water.
3. Since the disease is highly contagious & spreads by direct/indirect
contact, shaking of hands or other such contacts & even exchange of
articles( e.g. Notebooks/pen etc.) with the patient by others may
transfer the disease to healthy people. n fact that is how it spreads to
a large number of people in a community. Therefore such contacts
must be minimized.
4. The patient N NO CASE share his towel/Hanki/bed etc. with any
other person.
5. n Acute phase putting Eye-Drops (prescribed by your Doctor) can be
done even every one-two hourly. The frequency of putting Eye Drops
may be reduced with progress in the Recovery from the Disease.
6. t must be understood that like any Viral infection, this problem also
takes a course (although short 3/4/5 days) of time. Treating yourseIf
is Important but it is more important to be responsibIe enough to
save others from catching your infection. In fact such an action is
more than a community service.
7. This Disease does NOT spread by looking into the eyes of patient.
This is just a Misnomer.


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