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Freshers Guide

UEA Medical School 2011/12

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Welcome to UEA...

Welcome to UEA

UEA Medics of 2011, primarily, congratulations for getting into medical school; you are where so many want to be. After 6 months of top quality hoop jumping, you are no doubt ready to reap the beneDits, and it is the job of MedSoc to lay them on thick. Medicine is not a course; its a lifestyle, and best approached headDirst. Submerge yourself in the societies, the socials and the sports teams; their camaraderie and support will be invaluable over the years to come. Whether its OSCE practice or past papers, youll always have somewhere to go. Medical school is the epitome of you get out what you put in and we hope you will make the most of all the opportunities presented to you. We have therefore prepared this booklet for you to introduce to the MedSoc committee, teams and societies, what we do and the events we are running in Freshers week. We hope you Dind it useful and that it whets your appetite for ! September. See you then! x

Lucy Webb President

Ed Frew President

The MedSoc Committee...

Jack Webb Social Secretary

Aoibh Foley Social Secretary

Garrett Hess Secretary

Rebecca McKinney Charities

Yasmin Rahman Charities

James OBrien Treasurer

Tom Murray Education


Jenny Bolton Education

Nick Clarke Publicity


Ed Frew President, 3rd Year

Like any self respecting tinpot dictatorship Medsoc is traditionally ruled with an iron Dist...but I like to think of myself as the velvet glove on that Dist - available for mid thunderstorm barbecue duties, biscuit provision and light comic relief - as anyone who witnessed my heroic guitar saving leap of faith/horrendously embarrassing diving headbutt into a wall at this years talent show would already know. In all seriousness it is an absolute pleasure to be working with Luce as president this year - really looking forward to meeting you all and giving you the best freshers week of your lives ...and no doubt some unsolicited academic/life advice of dubious utility, provided at about 3am in Havanas under the guise of pastoral care... The wisdom that comes with age etc (ahem) Specialist Skills - Whistling, Cooking/Eating, Football (Enthusiasm), Punctuality, Scuba, Interpretive dance Weaknesses - Eczema, Ankles with the durability of balsa wood, Looking after pets (sorry Mr Tubbs)

Lucy Webb President, 3rd Year

Your presidency this year is a post-grad tag team duo from Brighton. Ed and I have indulged in 10 years of student living between us and we like to think we have eventually honed it to a Dinely tuned machine of frivolity, Dinancial despair and sub-par academia. We were social secretaries for the medical school last year and have begrudgingly handed over the reins to the beauty and brawn package that is Aoibh and Jack. A combination of vicious Irish and pre-pubescent shrill means you probably wont understand either of them; but they are quite pretty to look at. Just nod. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at UEA and have always felt privileged to be here. The committee this year are going to all lengths to ensure you feel the same; we have some great events, fantastic support systems and Tom even wants to buy you a gazebo (?!) .. now thats love. Please feel free to email, call or abduct any one of us with problems or queries; even if they exceed our murky pool of knowledge well likely be able to point you in the right direction. Superpowers and specialist areas: Contagious enthusiasm, Edward Frew, poorly perceived wit, kickball, skateboarding on snow with no wheels, Dish (preferably live ones), gymnastics, squash, Difa, clearing the dance Dloor, bar billiards, Kris Bowles, supersonic squealing, poor pool playing.
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Garrett Hess Secretary, 3rd Year

Hello! I'm Garrett and I will be serving as your MedSoc Secretary this year. My main role will be to make sure all the e-mails are read, notes are taken, and questions are answered. However, I really endeavor to help make your Freshers Week unforgettable. I'm a work-hard play-hard 3rd year having come straight from school, and I'm glad to say that I have loved my last two years at UEA. You really have some great times ahead of you, with lots of interesting things to learn, incredible experiences to be had, and plenty of fun along the way. You will engage in a VK-fueled love affair with the LCR, Dind your wardrobe full of more fancy-dress than actual clothes, and even come to dread the word 'logbooks' with a passion... GET EXCITED!! Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have, and I promise I'll do my best to answer them. Enjoy the rest of your summer and get ready to embark on your journey into the wonderful world of Medicine and UEA! x

Nick Clarke Publicity, 3rd Year

Hello! Welcome! Congratulations! So glad you've decided to come. My role as Publicity OfDicer, as I understand it, is to be the face of MedSoc, churning out rhetoric through annoying Facebook messages, glossy posters & self-indulgent introductory Fresher booklets, do Webbwards bidding, tap your voicemail, censor Jack Webb, and above all, network with you, dear Dirst years. I hope I can be of some help. Looking forward to meeting you, x Feathers in my cap: Greengrocing experience Vegetarianism A Psychology degree Forming my beloved football club (Scarborough Athletic FC) Being rather tall Blackeyes: Golf Vegetarianism A Psychology degree Destroying my beloved football club (Scarborough FC) Cruel Marfanoid playground taunts
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Aoibh Foley Social Secretary, 2nd Year

Hey guys my names Aoibh (real name Aoibhinn for any of you incumbent Irish, you'll soon learn that foreign languages aren't often one of the skills of your fellow medics!!) aaaand I am one of your Social Secs along with the fantastic yet dangerous Jack Webb!! We are both massively excited about taking over the reigns of what everyone agreed was a fantastic social year organised by none other than your current medsoc presidents, and strangely turned on by the power we have been awarded!! And you guys get to be the lab rats!! Yaaaay :) So a little bit about me, as you may have guessed I am Irish, from Carlow for those of you are nosy enough, and as Lucy has mentioned that charming Irish lilt of mine is going nowhere. Being a school leaver last year I came to UEA as a rural Irish convent girl and that was quickly beaten out of me I assure you to ensure so that now I can boat-race with the best of them!! As a Social Sec/Ents committee we are a sports double whammie, jacks a soccer guy and Im a hockey gal, so there is no escape from our endless recruiting. You have been warned. Buuuut there's more to life than sport Im told (really though?!) So apart from that I'm Irish of course I'm up for many a night out, which MedSoc and Norwich combined always offer, mad for chat (which will be inDlicted on you guys, whether you understand me or not) and am super excited about meeting you guys in September!! See you then!! :D X

Jack Webb Social Secretary, 2nd Year

Hi, my name is Jack and Im a Necrophiliac I jest, of course, but I thought I should start this year as I began my last, note the picture from my freshers week. I am one of the social secs/ENTS for you lovely people and therefore your social lives are in mine and Aoibhs (pronunciation unknown) hands somewhat but you will NOT be disappointed. I am the younger, better looking, more fun and generally superior sibling to one Lucy-Anne Webb, Medsoc president (dont let the title fool you). Im a second year from near Brighton and my justiDication for 90% of my actions in life is You only live once unless youre James Bond. My hobbies are football, snowboarding, sports generally, microwave meals (not so much of a hobby but Im throwing it out there) and procrastinating at this present moment Im meant to be revising for my end of year OSCE. Feel free to come ask me about anything throughout the year, event input is always welcomed and if its anything brilliantly frivolous Ill be all over it like bees on honey. See you all soon for what promises to be a truly incredible year, full to the brim of supreme and truly outrageous socials, the craic will be mighty.

Tom Murray Education, 3rd Year

Education, education, education, three very similar words, three very different meanings. In the first instance you have education, an enlightening experience whereby it soon dawns upon you that there is more to med school than the mere irritations of ACS, CML and of course PMR. That cant be so I hear you cry, but alas, given time, all freshers are, in fact, more concerned about focusing their attentions upon ziggurat challenges, negotiating a Stephen Hawkins (a drink before you ask), and attempting to understand why James OBrien is STILL talking. Secondly of course you have education. Again, more of an unofficial approach to med school that will inevitably involve you attempting to latch on to a member of the older years in a manner not too dissimilar to that of a limpet. Henceforth you will ride (/flounder) in the slip stream of the older and wiser student in a parasitic manner until all useful (or otherwise) knowledge has been exhausted. Thirdly, and according to some most importantly, is education. Turn up to stuff and you generally pass. Do EXTRA stuff and you get to experience some of the aspects of medicine you wouldnt normally in the classroom or library. That is our goal to supply the opportunities to do these things and hopefully enhance your time here. In conclusion, education is important, but you cant do it alone so ENJOY freshers- and make the most of your time! Good luck,

Jenny Bolton Education, 4th Year

Hi, my names Jenny and by the time you read this I shall hopefully be one of the 4th year medical students here at UEA! Having spent the past year as the treasurer of MedSoc, this year I am joining forces with Thomas Murray (another MedSoc committee member who you shall meet very shortly) as Ive decided to do something a little different together, Tom and myself are going to be your Educational OfDicers for the year ahead. Our role in MedSoc is mainly to work together with the med school, organising educational events throughout the year the Dirst of which is MedMart, which will take place during your Freshers Week, so we look forward to seeing you then!! You will also see us around and about at all the MedSoc events, so if you have any questions when you get here then feel free to come and ask Ive absolutely loved the past 3 years here at UEA and to say time has gone quickly would be an understatement!! The best advice I could give you sounds cheesy but you really should work hard, play hard! knuckle down and work hard, but at the same time have fun and make the most of all the great things UEA has to offer! There are so many clubs and societies, just like MedSoc, and they will all be present at our MedMart event so whatever youre interested in, come along and sign up on the day. One Dinal thing congratulations on getting into medical school!! I hope you enjoy your time here at Norwich Medical School and we look forward to meeting you when you arrive. I hope you enjoy all the events we are arranging for you and if you have any questions when you get here, we will all have our MedSoc t-shirts on and will be easy to spot, so come and Dind us! See you soon
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Rebecca McKinney Charities Officer, 4th Year

Hello everyone, Im Rebecca McKinney and along with Yasmin Im your Medsocs charities ofDicer! Ive just completed my 3rd year at UEA & I can assure you, youre going to have a fantastic time here! Bit of background: Im a school leaver & am originally from the city of dreams- Belfast. As charities ofDicer I am involved in raising money for our chosen charity of 2011/2012 and were planning some fun events with the aim of raising lots of money for charity & having a bit of craic along the way. I look forward to meeting you and hope to see you at the fun charity events weve got planned for next year!

James OBrien Treasurer, 3rd Year

Hi, Im James, im 23 and a 3rd year Medic. Originally from Hertfordshire I have spent much of the last 5 years in Norwich. Its hard to sum a person up in a couple of lines but heres the key facts - I am friendly, approachable and outgoing, I have a lot to say, im sure some would say too much! I enjoy playing rugby and socialising with the team and friends. I have always wanted to study Medicine and my Dirst degree in Bio-Med was a great stepping stone. I hope you all enjoy your time at UEA as much as I have so far, but remember if you do have any problems I am here as an ear or a giver of sound advice!

Yasmin Rahman Charities Officer, 4th Year

Hello everyone! Congratulations and welcome to the the wonderful Medic Family at UEA. I hope you have a fantastic time whilst you're here. I'm Yasmin and will be your charity co-pilot along with the beloved Rebecca Mckinney. Together we hope to help keep you entertained and having a good time all in the name of chariteee. We will be entering our 4th year (yes we are getting old, but we still know how to have fun! zimmer frames included) and therefore not only hope to be your portal to charity and that feeling of doing good but also hope to be the fountain or should I say puddle of little knowledge to help you out through the year. As Becca has mentioned we have lots of plans for raising money this year but if you feel theres something we should try out please let us know. As medsoc charity ofDicers we represent the greater student body so want to do things that get YOU interested and we promise we won't bite! Can't wait to see you all and hope you're ready for what lies ahead. Good luck!
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Arriving at UEA...

Friday, 16th September If youre living on campus...

Visit the LCR on campus (see the map at the back) to pick up your room key Armed with a passport photo, visit your friendly MedSoc committee, stationed on the grass besides the LCR between 12-6pm, to pick up your tickets, membership cards & T-shirt for tonights event and for a very warm welcome to UEA. We like meeting parents. Tear yourself away from that delightful bunch, and locate your new home Say a fond farewell to Mother. She will miss you. Shake Fathers hand, but avoid eye contact. Breathe Knock on the door of your neighbour, and offer him/her a token of friendship Find something in common. Anything. Not A-Levels... Suggest to new found friend that a drink is in order, and head to the Blue Bar (below the LCR) for your Dirst evening of Medicine orientated fun

If youre living off campus

Come say hello to committee during the day anyway and collect your stuff. Present yourself to the Blue Bar at 6.30pm, sharp. For late arrivals, there will be a MedSoc stand on Saturday, 17th September, 12-4pm, outside the LCR.
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Freshers Week 2011

Friday, September 16 White T-Shirt Night
6.30pm - late, Blue Bar, UEA Union
Wearing your snazzy T-shirt picked up earlier in the day from the MedSoc stand outside the LCR, proceed to the campus Blue Bar for some introductions and the start of our infamous bar crawl. After helping yourself to some reasonably priced dutch courage, follow the age old UEA custom of scribbling your name, something interesting about yourself and some cringe worthy dutch courage fueled innuendo, all over your new gift in Gluorescent pen. Make sure its witty or pretty, as thats all anyone will remember about you for the next term. Once youre all suitably assembled and attired, we will hop on a bus into town & stumble round some of Norwichs best-loved jaunts, The Earlham Arms, Temple Bar and Henrys, taking advantage of some fantastic drinks offers, before Ginishing the evening off in one of our favourite clubs, Karma Kafe. At 4am, you may Gind yourself on the street, sweaty, exhausted and exhilarated, with new BFFs who you cannot tell apart and pen artfully drawn all over your face. Struggle manfully to read the phone number on your back without assistance, and theyll take you home safe. Good work tonight, trooper. Dont drink? Too mature for this sort of thing? We insist you come anyway. There will be plenty others in the same situation, and its a great opportunity to meet your friends for the next Give years. Running late? Follow us on twitter @UeaMedSoc for the latest crawl location.

Saturday, September 17 Scavenger Hunt & Fight Night

1pm sharp = 4pm, meet Blue Bar, UEA Union 6-11pm, meet Blue Bar, UEA Union
This Gine Saturday is divided into two. The Girst part will be a scavenger hunt and team building furore around campus, which will both leave you closer to your team, and, with any luck, a little more familiar with your surroundings. Trust me, when you miss your alarm and wake up with 10 minutes to get to your Girst PBL session of the year youll thank us. A series of clues will guide you around and at each checkpoint you reach, a member of MedSoc (or simply a student that craves power) will play with you a simple game testing your logic, persistence and general enthusiasm, but as you know, a team is only a strong as its weakest link so get together and nail it. After your orientation..., we reach the pinnacle of the evening, our famous Fight Night. As the Beastie Boys once said Youve got to Gight for your right to party. If there is ever a night to do such a thing, it is this one. Whether youre a fan of UFC, WWE, naked mud wrestling or the game of slaps weve got something for you. Sumo suits, gladiator stick wrestling, pillow wars all the classics, will be at your disposal for the true gladiator in you, unfortunately without the commentary of Craig Charles. If youre more wallGlower than warrior dont fear, if it is anything like last year then it will still make for fantastic viewing.

Afterwards, well go get our jig on at top club, Lo La Los. FANCY DRESS THEME: Hi, my name is... - costume based on the Dirst letter of your name, e.g. Neil the Nurse.
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Sunday, September 18 Norwich Tour & Pub Quiz

1-5pm, meet UEA Union Square 7pm, Blue Bar, UEA Union Those up for an adventure and a chance to get out of the campus should swing by the Square at lunchtime, and accompany us on a tour of the Medieval town of Norwich. We will show you all the sights, the best places to eat, drink and shop, and hopefully run into Norwich celebrities Delia Smith, Stephen Fry and the Puppet Guy. Remember to bring money for the bus fare. Tonight will be a slow paced affair. You might even meet for the Dirst time, some of the older members of your year who are still pretending their University experience will be a more mature affair this time around, and theyre not gonna get involved in all this nonsense. There will be some spectacular prizes, so competitive quizzers would be wise to spend the previous two days hanging on my every word, swotting up on current affairs, practicing their Playdough sculptures, or pretending to really like a frizzy haired Rugby boy called Rory. Not got a team yet? Pop on down anyway, and we will introduce you to some smarter looking new friends, or if youre looking particularly dorky yourself, you might even Dind yourself on the MedSoc team.

Monday, September 19 Mentor-Mentee Evening

8pm, Blue Bar, UEA Union You will have met many second years in the previous few days and I bet youre wondering how they became quite so wise, particularly if youve met Fran Bowerman, the wisest of the wise Vice Chancellor Scholar dont you know? Well we picked up our know-how from the know-how of those above us, who picked it up from those above them.. etc. etc, it is the med school equivalent of the circle of life. Tonight will be your opportunity to meet the mentor we have hand-picked for you, the tweedle dee to your tweedle dumb, the Ron to your Hermione, the Harry to your Hedwig (RIP), the Dobby to your sock (is it obvious I just watched Harry Potter?) This is the theme upon which we will run the evening (famous pairs, not socially retarded wizards). Get down to the bar and pick up your word or object and Dloating around the room somewhere will be the corresponding pair that will match you with your mentor for the remainder of your time in med school. They will become your safety net, your security blanket, your zimmerframe, your holy grail. Whenever you have a problem, want some past papers or simply feel like a good old moan (interpret that as you wish) just go to your battle hardened veteran of the UEA Medical scene and they will help you out.. How are we pairing you up? Turn to page 15 for details of how to apply. If you forget to Dill in your form then dont worry, there are always some similarly disorganised mentors wandering about so come along anyway and well sort you out!
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Tuesday, September 20 OSCE Olympics

6pm - late, UEA Union Square A fast paced assault on your athleticism and endurance, at this event we throw down the gauntlet to see who among you most truly represents the Olympic spirit of 2011/12. This will be an inestimably educational occasion introducing you to the OSCE format that all your future clinical exams will employ. At regular intervals you will move from station to station, at each of which you will be subjected to a different mission impossible, benevolently designed by your good friends on the MedSoc committee. The more eagle eyed of you will have noticed that such an event might involve assorted beverages....and still more of you might have thought that it might not be for you due to personal preferences, fear of the colour and caloriDic content of neon blue alcopops, religious beliefs or complete lack of faith in your committees ability to mix a cocktail that wont send your tastebuds running home for a good cry and a palate cleansing bleach gargle. I say to you, fear not, for we are a caring bunch at MedSoc, welcoming of all groups and sects, even vegetarians. Accordingly if for whatever reason you would prefer a non-alcoholic challenge at each station your wish shall be our command. FANCY DRESS THEME: Sports kit. Latex encouraged.

Wednesday, September 21 Med Mart

1-3pm, Constable Terrace A UEA Medicines very own Grand Bazaar, where you will be cajoled by our various sports teams and societies into joining their numbers. Come down for a casual chat with captains, committee members and legal defence advisors, pick up some freebies, including the invaluable Oxford Clinical Medicine handbook, and other free textbooks. Tonight we throw you onto the tender mercies of the Medics football team(s). Rest assured that it will be an evening not to be missed, a perfect chance to be introduced to some of the living greats of the medical school. It should also provide you with ample opportunity to Dind out about the many ways to get involved with football at medical school, as well as hearing some of the more palatable war stories about the annual trip to NAMS the National Association of Medical Schools tournament.


Weve given over the onerous responsibility of preparing you for your Dirst LCR to our brand new hockey club. Join them and your fellow freshers in confectionary games and drinks by Norfolk Terrace from 7, followed by Refreshers LCR, where they will give you your Dirst glimpse into the Pandoras Box of the LCR dance Dloor. Some say that no two people see the same thing when they step into that room, that their innermost fears or desires can be revealed to them in a Dlash, propelling them to a higher plane of enlightenment...but if Im honest youre more likely to end up dancing around with a group of body painted smurfs, wander through crowds of Wheres Wallys and spend half an hour outside chatting to a pirate who seems to have transferred their predilection for grog onto something rather more sickly sweet and virulently coloured. Alternatively, make your way to the Med building on campus at 6.45pm for a lift to your Dirst Rugby training session and welcome drinks afterwards with those mild mannered boys and girls, before they join in with the Hockey social.

Thursday, September 22

Friday, September 23 Freshers Ba%

7pm, Top of the Terrace, Carrow Road, Norwich City FC The culmination of your weeks festivities, the freshers ball, held at the ground of Premier League side Norwich City, is an opportunity to see exactly what your peers look like scrubbed up and smartened. We wont make you scribble on your t-shirts, smash each other in the face with pillows, tie each other together, or wrestle each other to the Dloor (by now you should have got the hang of that yourselves)... this evening is about a certain class, where deportment supersedes deranged dancing and headlocks are put aside in favour of high fashion. Let MedSoc be your guides for a black tie evening of music, dance and celebration a whole week completed, new friends made, facebook pictures to detag, and a lingering fear that surely the rest of the year cant possibly be as much fun. So take this opportunity to sip a glass of chilled champagne, perhaps nibble on a canap or two and congratulate yourself on the best decision you ever made signing up for medicine at UEA. ...after the ball those who wish shall head into town where any former guarantees of delicately reDined behaviour are declared null and void.


Merchandise & Tickets

Complete your transition to Medical Student with a personalised embroidered Medicine Hoodie or Polo shirt, available in seven colours. Colours: Royal Blue, Navy, Sports Grey, Ash Grey Maroon, Red, Forest Sizes: S (34-36), M (38-40), L (42-44), XL (46-48), XXL (50-52) Price: 25.00

Polo Shirts
Colours: Royal Blue, Navy, Sports Grey, Ash Grey Maroon, Red, Forest Sizes: XS (36), S (38), M (40), L (42-44), XL (46), XXL (48) Price: 18.00

To purchase visit our soon to be launched online box ofJice. We will email you its address at the start of September.

Membership & Tickets

Life Membership: 50
Includes MedSoc membership card required for VIP entry to Medic nights out and discounted event tickets, including our Super Saver Freshers week ticket.

Individual event prices (all events included in the Super Saver Ticket):
White T-Shirt Night - 5 members, 10 non-members Scavenger Hunt: Free Fight Night: 5 members, 10 non-members Norwich Tour: Free OSCE Olympics: 10 members, 15 non-members MedMart: Free Freshers Ball: 15 members, 25 non-members

Super Saver Freshers week ticket - 15

Includes tickets for the White T-shirt Night, Scavenger Hunt, Fight Night, Medmart, OSCE Olympics and Freshers Ball. Only available to new MedSoc members and those moving on to year 1 from the foundation year.


Bits and Bobs

Taxis ABC - 01603 666 333 Beeline - 01603 767 676 Goldstar - 01603 700 700 Buses 25 to town (via Unthank Rd) 35 to town (via Earlham Rd) From the main bus stop next to the car park, until the wee wee hours Buses passes available for approx 180 from the Travel Shop Bicycles Recommended for all UEA students

Mentor Application
Simply answer the following questions in this booklet, email them to and well put you with your corresponding, hand picked mentor. Due to the gruelling hours that will be spent riDling through your deepest darkest secrets, the deadline for these is the 12th of September. THE SERIOUS STUFF


7. Favourite pass time? 8. Prized possession? 9. Favourite place in the 10. Thing you talk about the
most? COMPLETELY RANDOM NONSENSE (the important stuff) 11. Cartoon character that best represents you? 12. Scariest thing you have ever done? 13. You have one super power, what is it? 14. You have one week to live, what are your top 5 priorities? 15. One interesting fact about you that no one would guess by meeting you? world?

MedSoc Facebook - h/ps:// 2242230037/ Twi/er - @UeaMedSoc Email -

1. 2. 3. 4.

Name? Age? Gender? Do you want to be a Mentor or a Mentee? 5. What do you think you would like to specialise in? 6. What are you looking for in a mentor/mentee?

To do list...

er Fresher tickets on our ase MedSoc membership & Super Sav - Purch rly September (link to follow) w online box office, to be launched ea ne th September) - Order merchandise (deadline = 30 ership card - Acquire passport photo for memb naire - Complete Mentor-Mentee question & OSCE Olympics Purchase fancy dress for Fight Night - Join MedSoc Facebook group er 12-6pm, on the grass MedSoc stall on Friday, 16th Septemb - Visit the g outside the LCR to collect everythin

Medics Hockey
Get involved. On Sunday 18th September we are hosting a very relaxed training session followed by a lakeside BBQ. This is a great chance to run off that hang over, eat some proper food and get to meet people. Come along and bring some food for the barbie! Join the family Were a very close team and all help each other out, by joining us, youll make friends (both guys and girls!) in all years, have fun, get exercise and get help with exams! You dont need to have played hockey before joining us as we take both complete beginners, and seasoned professionals. Who? This is an invitation to all freshers. Norwich Medics Mixed Hockey invites people of any (or no) ability to come, train, meet new people and most importantly ... have F.U.N Tour! NMHC is part of the National Association of Medical Schools league offering a very competitive standard of hockey but perhaps more importantly... TOUR! There is a real festival atmosphere which involve a lot of dressing up, shufGling, funnels, food and great chances to get to know medics from other Unis whatever standard you are. We look forward to seeing you in Freshers Week! NMMH is a really friendly atmosphere which has given me the opportunity to get to know so many new people. I was a bit worried as Id never played hockey before but the split training gave me the chance to play with players of similar ability and really develop conAidence on and off the Aield. Dannie Britt Ive been playing hockey for years and really enjoy the competitive standard that NMMH offers.. I was shocked that girls could actually play hockey, let alone be better than me! Tour = Amazing..nuff said. Training? If youve played before, brilliant! If not? No worries, each session is normally split in two so you can choose which ability group you want to join and we always get together at the end for relaxed game before going down to the bar. Thomas Swan


Medics Football

as the infamous National Association of Medical Students (NAMS) tournament in March. Training is at 2pm on Wednesday afternoons in Eaton Park, a 5 minute walk from campus. If you are interested well be running an introductory session on 21st September, meeting outside the LCR at 1:45. Games are Saturday afternoons across Norfolk. Young players are a bit like melons. Only when you open the melon and taste the melon are you 100% sure the melon is good Jose Mourinho All abilities (technical, tacticians through to wildly enthusiastic newcomers) are welcome and we rotate squads to ensure that everyone gets a decent run out. Were all going on a European Tour We also compete in the NAMS tournament at the end of March the highlight of any season. The weekend involves 2 nights and one football tournament taking place over a Saturday morning. This year we will stamping our mark on the European scene. Dundee 2012 promises much and will be well worth the trip.

Norwich Medics Womens Footba% Club

Famous for Alan Partridge, mustard and Delia Smith, Norwich Medics WFC is Norwich's best kept secret!

the inter-med school tournament is happening in Dundee (yes Scotland!), and will be bigger and better than ever! New for this year: We have joined the 5-a-side league based in Bowthorpe, so we will have matches most weeks for those of you with a competitive streak. We train at 6pm on Wednesday evenings either at Eaton Park or the Sportspark (weather and daylight dependent!), and anyone of any ability is welcome! For more info, come Dind us at MedMart and/ or on Facebook! In the words of our previous president Dr. Katie Sellens: We're sexier than Alan, hotter than mustard and could drink Delia under the table!

Whether youre the next Karen Carney, or have never touched a football in your life, if you want to meet new people, get/keep Dit and experience the joys of the beautiful game; NMWFC is the club for you. Joining NMWFC also allows you to attend the most EPIC weekend of your life NAMS 2012! This year

Norwich Medics Mens Footba% Club

If all of that sounds like your cup of tea, then head over to the Norwich Medics FC has been introductory session. In the exporting total agricultural football meantime youll Dind Norwich across Norfolk for the last 8 years. Medics FC on Facebook, and well We run an 11 a side team that be setting up a stall at Medmart. trains and plays once a week; competing in a local league as well See you soon.

Medics Rugby
showed me that the main point of rugby was to have as much fun as possible, both on and off the pitch. One of the best parts of the club is that it puts you into contact with students in other years, who are always ready to lend a hand, be it academically or on the pitch. Joining the club was easily the best decision I made when I came to Medical School. Rory Clarke, Club Secretary, Year 3

Norwich Medics RFC was founded in 2007 by 5 medical students who wanted to play in a local 7's tournament. Since that fateful day the club has grown beyond all recognition into 3 sides, the Mens 1st and 2nd XV, and the Womens 1st XV. As a club we pride ourselves at being open to all abilities. Many of our players had never picked up a rugby ball before they came to Norwich Medical School; and now they play weekly games against teams in Norfolk, as well as other medical schools across the country. We welcome medical students,

doctors and other health professionals to play with us. We provide a friendly environment, not only for training, but for academic support and socializing. We boast that we have the best socials of any team at UEA, with notable events such as Pub Scrubs, Skin tight night and the Chairman's dinner to name but a few. So, if you are a seasoned player, wanting to get Dit in a fun way, or just looking to have a great time whilst at uni, why not get involved? We will be running a few taster sessions on campus throughout freshers week, so keep an eye out for us. If you have any questions or would like to know more, please email us at, or join us on Facebook- search for Norwich Medics RFC. Before I came to university I had only played a little rugby at school, and spent more time on the sub bench than the pitch! When I came to UEA I was taken a back at how friendly and welcoming NMRFC were towards the freshers. They

Ladies Most of our ladies have never played before joining and our friendly coaches will explain the game and provide full training. We welcome women of all shapes and sizes and Ditness level. Were a very friendly ladies team with plenty of socials with both the boys team and our own girly nights. We play both local teams and other medicals schools and all our matches are on a weekend. We welcome newcomers to come try a session or two, no obligation, to get a feel of the club and the sport.


Medics Netball

Dearest Freshers, You are hereby cordially invited to join the UEA Medics Netball club for a vast array of exciting sporting and social events. The club has been active since 2003 and has been Dlourishing ever since. We train on Tuesday evenings from 7-8.30 at the UEA Sportspark and play matches against a number of colourful Norfolk teams on Monday evenings. Weve got big plans for next year, which include plans for a cheeky tour and various exciting socials currently being devised by our delightful social secretaries. Just to be clear, here are the best things about playing netball with us: We dont care if youve never played before We dont care if you have played before but youre not very good We know that when exams/ OSCEs/a really good LCR theme come up you might not be able to come and play with us Were ever so friendly

So come and play this Dine game the last bastion of ladylike behaviour in sport and well wear skirts and play nicely and eat sandwiches with the crusts cut off. Or we might be dressed as superheroes with our pants over our tights, being beaten at our own game in a charity tournament against the other medics teams and employing some very unladylike tactics to try and turn things around. Could go either way. See you in September!


Medics Societies
UEA Surgical Society
The UEA Surgical Society gives medical students the chance to get up-close and personal with surgery! From information sessions, gowning and gloving, competitions and theatre shadowing (sometimes assisting!), to helping you prepare for your exams, the Surgical Society is open for anybody who is interested or curious about surgery. Make sure you dont miss the Sell your Specialty night, where you can enjoy drinks and hors doerves while consultants from different specialties try to interest you in their area! Also our Anatomy and Radiology revision sessions will help you feel conDident in the exams and are a good way to meet other people who are also interested in surgery! Finally, make sure you sign up for one of our suturing sessions where you can try your hand at suturing just like a real surgeon! For more information and lots of cool stuff visit our website at or email us at See you soon!

We are a UEA society interested in Neurology and Psychiatry. We offer: Provide insight into the Dields of neurology and psychiatry including how to break into the Dield, career progression and what the job is all about! Interactive anatomy tutorials from different lecturers to learn about the intriguing brain and nervous system! Radiology tutorials that will satiate your thirst to understand what those black,grey,white and whatever coloured things mean! OSCE practice with a low student-teacher ratio! Exposure to knowing different kind of therapies used and their application in the exciting Dield of psychiatry! Up-to-date research in the Dield of Alzheimer's to Stem cell Research and much more!

We also have training sessions at the beginning and mid-way through the year so you know how the sessions run. We are a dynamic and evolving society always developing new workshops and ideas to engage the kids and we always have a great time doing it! For more information, please contact: or Dind us on Facebook: Teddy Bear Hospital UEA

Organise is a new society which works in partnership with several other Universities around the country in order to raise awareness amongst students about the importance of blood and organ donation. Our hope as a society is to gain the support of enthusiastic members who want to help us with this aim. We also hope to host events throughout the year to raise funds for the society and to establish 'Organise' as a well known society at UEA. This is our Dirst year so there is lots of room for growth and passionate members to make their mark. Anyone with interest in joining, we will be at MedMart this year, we look forward to speaking to you.

Teddy Bear Hospital

We at TBH are part of a nationwide initiative to help children be less afraid of visiting the doctor. During a TBH session, children are invited to bring an ill teddy bear to see one of the teddy bear doctors (us) who will give the bear a consultation and provide basic and non-invasive treatment. There are also a number of small workshops the children can participate in- such as simulating surgery on their teddy bear and a station to teach them about body parts and healthy eating. Doing TBH gives you a unique opportunity to gain paediatric experience and the sessions are enjoyable for both teddy bear doctors and the children! Sessions usually run at least once a month.

Christian Medical Fe%owship

"UEA CMF is a group for Christian medical students. It exists to support students both in their medical degree and in their faith. We do a range of activities including having talks on medical ethics, medical mission and socials. We meet once a month, normally on a Thursday evening. Come see us at Med Mart if you're interested in signing up."


Medics Societies
STREPUK UEA UEA Paediatric Society
A Paediatric careers evening Paediatric clinics at the N&N We hope youre as excited as we are about our upcoming events and we look forward to seeing you at Med Mart this September and throughout the year! Society of Trauma, Emergency Medicine/Nursing & Pre-Hospital Care (STEPUK) is a national society that has branches in more than 15 Medical and Nursing schools in the UK. The main aim of our society is to increase medical, nursing and paramedic student access to the principles of trauma, emergency medicine/nursing and pre-hospital care as well as increase interprofessional activities for students to maximise their learning potential. We offer teaching, training, and placements Decided on a career in Paediatrics? Or just want to Dind out more about in the Dield of pre-hospital care. this exciting and varied medical speciality? UEAs Paediatric Society has lots to offer over the coming year with many social and educational events to support you through your medical degree and help develop the CVs of aspiring AIMS Paediatricians. We have a range of events for students of all levels To increase medical, nursing and including: paramedic student access to the principles of trauma, emergency A trip to Great Ormond Street medicine/nursing and pre- Hospital hospital care To increase inter-professional activities for students to maximize their learning potential To develop links with leading organizations and specialists To increase opportunities for potential healthcare educationalists to support education at a university and community level Website: http:// Find us on facebook: STEPUK UEA Multiple charity events taking place throughout the year supporting our most important charities including the East Anglian Childrens Hospice, the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the N&N (Cots for Tots campaign) and Children in Need

KAOS - Kids Action Overseas

A charity initially set up by medics which is now university wide. The charity aims to raise money for children in the developing world. KAOS also organises projects around the world to allow students volunteering opportunities at a reasonable price, this way the money raised is taken directly to those who need it. Last year our main events included African Party and Fashion Show in the universities LCR collectively raising around 2000 Our main projects have included a shoe box appeal for an orphanage in Romania as well as 14 students heading out to Kenya this summer to volunteer in 2 orphanages with hospital and clinic opportunities available.

If you are interested in getting involved in the charity either helping out with fundraising, being a model at the fashion show or going on a project abroad have a look on our Facebook page- KAOS Exam events to help you UEA or email through those dreaded OSCEs with exam tips from students and Thanks and look forward to seeing clinicians as well as supportive you in September:) lectures to help you with those hard-to-grasp subjects. Paediatric Basic Life support why wait until Year 4 to learn these essential skills?!


Medics Societies
Sexpression is a national program run by medical students which aims to educate young people in sex and relationship issues and to empower them to make informed choices about their reproductive health. As healthcare students we believe that we can deliver a unique, informal and interactive service which would enhance sex and relationship education in local schools. We are a recently reformed branch of Sexpression at UEA and along with a newly elected committee our members underwent training and began teaching in schools. We would like to continue the success of last year along with additional promotion of sexual health advice on campus. We have joined forces with the Sexual Health Promotion Unit in Norwich and this year we will be offering a new PIP (pee in a pot) service on campus to encourage and give advice on Chlamydia screening. We will also be organising regular social events and charity fundraisers!


General Emergency Medicine Society

Hello. Membership of this society allows access to talks and practical sessions on general hospital emergencies. In the past these have included the collapsed patient, breathless patient, the patient in labour and the patient off legs- i.e.what happens when you cant query a UTI in an elderly patient. These scenarios are there to develop your ability to think on your feet and feel comfortable when dealing with emergencies on wards i.e emergency ECGs, oxygen, Dluids, x-rays. Next year we are hoping to bring in a septic patient and a burns patient, which will in total cover areas of emergency cardiology, respiratory, obs and gyne, care of the elderly, microbiology and plastics.

UEA Medic-to-Medic has had a year's break, but it will start up again September 2011. We are a branch of the national organisation that fundraises and sponsors medical students in Dinancial hardship in Africa. The World Health Organisation estimates that there is a shortage of 4.3 million health workers. Health workers are an integral part of any health system and a lack of trained doctors obstructs the delivery of basic services and inDluences many health outcomes related to the millennium development goals. Medic to Medic plays an inDluential role in strengthening health systems and increasing access to healthcare. Getting involved is a great way to keep up to date with issues central to global health.

The society also offers advice for people interested in the armed forces and we are trying to set up Sexpression enables you to give back to the community, provide career information evenings for important A&E specialities and working Previous events have included public health messages and abroad for charities. We will be games nights in the LCR, bake sales, develop your communication around at the MedMart to answer running in the city of Norwich half skillssomething you any questions or sign you up. See marathon, sponsored sky dive, will grow to love whilst at UEA!!!!! you then. And these things always look good mobile phone recycling and organising revision lectures. Join on a C.V. the facebook group "UEA Medic to Medic" where you can keep up to If you would like to be involved in date with group activities! If you giving sessions in schools or campus activities then contact us at would like to get involved in committee, please email or dont forget to look out for us at or myself, Tamsin on Freshers week. Thanks for reading this we hope to see you at our events next semester!!
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Medics Societies
Anatomy Drawing Society Medecins Sans Frontieres
Anatomy Drawing Society is a new society at the UEA medical school. This society aims to aid the learning of Anatomy in a relaxed atmosphere by linking art into Anatomy learning. The initial events will include beginner's anatomy drawing sessions at the SCVA led by an experienced Artist with progression to drawing plastic models and real life specimens/ dissections in the dissection room. There will be talks from specialist (Anatomy Department and hospital doctors) focusing on a speciDic area to be drawn before each drawing session. The link with the SCVA will also offer students (who are interested) opportunities to demonstrate anatomy, a chance to practise the application of anatomy. We will be working very close with our medical school's Anatomy Department with sessions that are parallel to our curriculum and extra revision sessions towards exams. This society will also contribute to building up a collection of illustrations for our medical school. Please remember that there is no requirement to be an artist or good at drawing, our aim is to aid the learning process. Beginner Drawing sessions at the SCVA - Evenings Dissection Room drawing sessions - Wednesdays Membership 4 Check out our facebook page "Anatomy Drawing Society" for more details, info on joining, to Dind out about events etc and/or email us on: rewarding but will also look great on your CV! Everyone is welcome to become involved in this rewarding and fun society - look forward to meeting you all soon! If you want any further information, please contact:

GP Society
UEA friends of Mdecins Sans Frontires is a society dedicated to raising money for and awareness about the fantastic work of Mdecins Sans Frontires, a global humanitarian aid organisation aimed at providing healthcare in places of need. This includes places of poverty, natural disasters and infectious disease outbreaks. We bring in speakers who have worked for MSF and in areas of interest related to this Dield of work. We have some great ideas for fundraising events over the coming year, and would love for you to get involved! General Practice Society is vibrant and active, aiming to appeal to all, interested in GP or not! We offer a range of events from reDlecting experiences in working life to practical tips and advice for your time at med-school. We all know how it feels to face your Dirst ever med-school exam and our infamous OSCE Success Evening offers a great introduction on what to expect! GP Soc does what it says on the tin as generalists we offer something for all! Primary care is the frontline in medicine and its future is expanding with the role becoming more diverse. We aim to show you just how varied it can be from how to reach out to the vulnerable in society, to how to engage with patients through novel motivational consultation techniques. UEA is proud to have Professor Amanda Howe, Honorary Secretary of Council for the Royal College of General Practitioners, as our societys Honorary President.

UEA MARROW is the student led group of the Anthony Nolan Trust (ANT) the ANT is a charity that Dinds matches for leukaemia patients who need a lifesaving bone marrow transplant. For someone with leukaemia, a bone marrow transplant can be their only hope of life.

Looking forward to meeting you at UEA MARROW aims to raise money MedMart in September to sign up! and awareness of the Anthony Nolan Trust. We also organise and conduct clinics to recruit new bone marrow donors - training is provided for students who wish to take part in these clinics as counsellors and help us recruit fellow students to join the register - being a counsellor is not only fun and

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