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Speaking Usa la descripcin anterior para hablar de tu deportista favorito. Compralo con los dems deportistas que practican el mismo deporte o con los dems miembros de su equipo. Luego compralo con el deportista que ocupa el Segundo lugar despus de tu favorito. Graba tu prrafo siguiendo el siguiente modelo: ____________________ is my favorite ______________ player. He is _________________ who inspires me. He is better than the rest!!!! I like him because he is __________________ than _______________________ in his team/category/sport. Other players _____________________, but he ________________ than __________________________ . He is also ________________________ than ________________________. My favorite player has one rival (rival). That other person is good, but not as good as my favorite player is. Besides, in my heart, he s always the best. He is __ ________________ deserves all the praise!!!!!!

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