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Test My School

Answer according to what you do. a) 10 points b) 5 points c)0 points 1.- I go to the school. a) Always B) Sometimes 2.- I make my homework. a) Always B) Sometimes 3.- I go to the school in bus. a) Always B) Sometimes

C) Never

C) Never

C) Never

4.- I arrive acheive to the school. a) Always B) Sometimes C) Never 5.- I work in the classroom. a) Always B) Sometimes 6.- I bring my uniform. a) Always B) Sometimes 7.- I talk to my mom. a) Always B) Sometimes 8.- I wash my uniform. a) Always B) Sometimes 9.- I come to my class. a) Always B) Sometimes

C) Never

C) Never

C) Never

C) Never

C) Never

10.- I speak with somebody in the classroom. a) Never B) Sometimes C) Always

Check your answers and your score to see what kind of student you are. 0 - 30 points: Buuuu, you sucks! 30-70 points: You can better :) 70-100 points: Yeah!! You rules :D

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